《Minecraft power in a strange world》A plot surprisingly.
Rousing awake from the blissful dream, Sen yawn. ” A beautiful dream. ”, he called out. Scurrying out of the King bed, Sen stretched his arm and leg.
Jumping up a few time and doing some push-up, Sen determine that he is sufficiently awakes and is ready for the day.
Sen then climbs up the ladder, going out of the ground area and into the surface floor, where his house is.
Sitting on a chair, elbow resting on the table Sen contemplate. ’ I need a plan, can’t just be stuck here all day. ’, Sen thought.
Sen think until he got enlighten. ” I remember I had a minimap… Open map! ” Sen said.
Success! A full view map is open for Sen to see. Looking through the area Sen notices a weird phenomenon on a nearby city near him.
” Why is the desert connect with a forest? I missed my geography class but I am pretty sure that is not suppose to happen. ” Sen mutter underneath his breath.
Well, let just make a car. Pulling out a crafting table from his inventory he mentally place it on the floor. Accessing the crafting table, Sen was present with a three by three slot that lead to another slot that seem to be the outcome.
Putting in the wood in a plus sign, the middle of the plus sign is empty. Sen got a wooden wheel in return. Holding the wooden wheel that seem to be made for a horse carriage, Sen frown.
” I seem to be missing something about this… Um. Oh! Why am I this stupid! Argg.. How the heck is the car supposed to work with tree everywhere! ” Sen said.
’ I should get rid of the habit to talk to myself. ’ Sen thought.
” Well, never mind i’ll just make a jetpack. ”
Using the crafting table, Sen put the slot on the far left and right with cobblestone. Then put a torch at the bottom of both the cobblestone, getting a jetpack in return.
However it is not safe enough just yet, because the jetpack is missing a very important piece. A seat belt.
To make a seat belt, Sen gather a lot of leaf from the outside and turn it into a Minecraft leaves block.
Leaves block according to Sen seemed to be durable enough to be made into a seatbelt.
Putting the leaves into the middle slot in the crafting table, Sen got a rope of leaves in return.
Adding a stone to the rope, now the leaves seem to gain the hardness property of the rock while maintaining the elasticity it originally have.
Adding the harden leave rope into the jetpack, now Sen have a seatbelt.
To control the jetpack, Sen just made a button ( a single stone in any slot will be made into a button. ) then he put the button into the jetpack, making it now usable just like what its name says.
[ Usable jetpack ]
With the crafting done, Sen push the door and got outside. Selecting the jetpack and mentally telling himself to equip it, the jetpack was then equipped.
Pressing the left button, the engine start and spout out compress air. Ready to head up into the sky, Sen jump and flew higher than what he expected.
Maneuvering his jetpack to now go north, Sen accelerates and was able to go faster than the speed of sound, proven from the breaking of the sound barrier.
Passing the many great fauna and flora, sen marvel at the view. Many trees and animal just interacting in a weird unpredictable way. Many chemical reaction and physiological reaction, every animal have that intersect to each other to create this grand forest, a forest worthy of a place where a legend born and this legend is on his way to the big city named Gon.
Passing the border of the forest and into the desert, Sen search for any sign of life, however, he found none. Not even a scorpion that was fame for living in abundant at any desert.
All Sen saw was death. The area was also completely silent to the point of being eerie.
Continuing on his way north and after a second of traveling at a speed faster than sound, Sen finally saw a wall. A big, tall, great wall that carry some kind of catapult on top of it and a few amount of archer wearing a green hat that look just like link.
Maneuvering to the gate facing east, Sen landed and greet the two guard that were present near the gate. The gate was twenty meter tall and twenty meter wide, with a sign that read GON CITY on top of it in gold plate.
One of the guard on the right side of the gate called out to Sen. ” Halt! Pay a gold coin and we shall let you past if not then you have no business here. ”
Hearing this Sen grimaced but proceed to introduced himself, ” My name is Sen, I been traveling for long and I just wanted to visit this beautiful looking city, no harms done right?”
The guards reply, ” Umm.. Since we don’t want to be rude, we shall introduced ourself. My named is valor and the guy on my left is name lore, we are from the core family, hence the name D.lore core. ”
” With respect, we don’t want people in here, we are facing major crisis and money is not going to cut it for us, that is why the value drop and foreigner are expected to pay a gold coin to enter. ”
Listening and gaining the idea of what is going on, Sen thought, ’ So it is the desert after all huh? Maybe they are suffering from drought. This is not going to do! I can’t just hear this and walk away, but what can I do?...... Got it! ’
While the inner monologue is going inside Sen head, Valor and Lore were just staring at Sen waiting for his reply.
Valor is a petite, small male with muscular body, he was seen to be wearing gold armor and have a military style hat on his head. He also is carrying a large shield and blade that didn’t seem to fit his stature and size at all.
On the other hand, Lore is a… Chubby man that seem to have some accomplish in sumo from the style he carry out and the way he walk. He was seen donning a leather armor with a dagger small for his size firmly clutch in both of his hand.
Finally Sen break the silence, ” How about I will make it rain? Is that enough for me to gain an entry in here? ”, Sen asked in a questionable tone.
Lore squint his cat eye and open his mouth, ” Are you the messenger of God? ”, Lore answer the question with another question.
Thinking of the bizarre portal he made in his last life, the mystery of how it even works make some part of the brain in Sen believe that it may be god doing and hearing this question Sen couldn’t help but reply, ” Probably. Most likely… ”
It seem that the reply was the right call because both Lore and Valor demeanor changed entirely, they began laughing and the small Valor couldn’t help but pat a strong pat on Sen poor back.
” Welcome to our utopia in progress, City of Gon. ”, smiling said Valor while Lore was just behind him smiling the widest smile he could.
Both of the guard lead Sen inside the city and into the platform in front of the gate. Lore reach out to sound the bell, and swinging it once.. Twice... And thrice.
The sound can be hear throughout the city, calling out to people to gather up in front of the wooden platform that seem to be made from a majestic type of tree.
The gather people waited wide eye for the announcement these guard are about to make. People didn’t have to wait long as Valor open his mouth and stately said, ” We have the messenger of God here! All hope is not lost, God had sent help to us believer and practitioner of his art. So start praying and thank the God to the nine heaven for this beautiful opportunity he has given to us! ”
Everyone under the platform kneel down on all four and start praying, some of the more irreligious group start thanking the God instead with the tell of ” Ohhh” and ” Ahh”.
Everyone eye seem to hold hope in it and that hope was directed at Sen, making him giddy and uncomfortable from all the look he was getting.
” sir messenger Sen, could you please do the honor? ” asked Lore, happiness in his voice.
With all of this happening, Sen couldn’t help but think if there is a fake then what will happen to him for getting everyone hopes up but disappointing them in the end? ’ Probably would die without a burial or bone remains. ’ thought Sen, cringing at his own thought.
Doing a dramatic dance that is half kungfu and half non-sense, Sen press the invisible air that have a box only visible by him. The box that controls the weather and was the mod Sen added to prevent weather from annoying him
when he is building his portal to here.
Instantly rain start to fall and hide the tears of the population for being save and being able to see this type of amazing scene in their boring everyday life.
Leaving the crying people alone, Valor and Lore lead Sen to their respective home. After ten minutes of walking, Sen saw a big mansion up ahead and look questionable at the guards, ” Who owns that place if you don’t mind me asking? ” Sen asked.
” Us. ” Valor simply replied.
Sen remain calm after hearing that in the surface but inside he was questioning the world in its entirety, ’ Where am I? What is he? Who is what? What is where? Did I just see a bird? I think I just hear him said he own the place… Not discriminating the guards, but a person this rich and influential take on the role of the city guard? Where they can just enjoy their life and not bother with anything? What has this city comes to? Are they a saint in disguised? ’ Sen thought puzzlingly confuse by the event that transpired.
Getting into the luxurious mansion and onto the living room, Valor ask Sen to seat on the sofa and then he sit facing Sen, with Lore sitting on his own personal chair that he seem to just get it out of the flesh you know.. He had.
The weird scene intrigued yet horrified Sen no small amount but eventually he calms down.
” So here’s your payment for all the goods you did for the village. ” Valor suddenly said, pushing a slab of bag that seems to contain gold coin in front of Sen.
Seeing this Sen frowned and replied matter of factly, ” I help because I wanted to and not because of personal wealth so please don’t degrade my intention by pricing my goodwill. ”
Hearing the reply, Valor pull back the stash of holding, open it and dump some type of rock out of it. ” Sorry sir, please don’t be mad, we just wanted to test to see if there is any faker misusing our God name and didn’t mean to degrade your good, kind intention at all! ”
Valor said respectfully with Lore nodding his head back and forth in the background.
Unclenching his brows, Sen replied, ” Don’t worry about it! I forgive you as the God has forgiven all mankind countless of time. ” However after saying that Sen flinch. ’ I may make a mistake here, because this world religion may be significantly different than us. Oops.
” That’s a new pearl of wisdom! I couldn’t help but agree with what the God says totally! If we couldn’t forgive then there will be countless war and finally the extinction of human kind! As expected of him, the one above all, the strongest and the person I put my whole faith in. ” said Valor, putting Sen out of a clinch.
’ Never mind then. ’, thought Sen underestimating how different it is from this world religion and his old world religion.
------- Sen point of view -------
Umm, I never expected that the God they worship need to be a label ” the strongest. ” but I guess I could understand, people often associate strength with power and power create awe and respected. I am also pretty sure that no one is going to worship a weak God that didn’t have the prospect of punishing the evil or any that commit sins.
It really tell that people respected strength. In my last life there are people that admit that they are weak and those that says they are strong. People usually respect the former because they have the strength in them to admit the weakness that all human have, even I do but I embraced it since it is not a thing that I could change. The later though, said that they are strong to up their self esteem and turn the truth and fact away that they are weak. These type of people usually can’t improve themselves for the better because they can’t accept who they are as a person and even those that change usually realise that they needed to accept who they are so that they can aim for their goal factoring in those personality of theirs.
All I am saying is that everyone got a flaw and the ability to admit that is power in itself, unlike those who stay ignorant all their life because they refuses to accept their bad side. I got to admit that humanity do have a lot of bad side to them, but no matter how dark it is just accepted it and embrace it, people who don’t usually go crazy because they are not monitoring the bad side they have, making room for it to grow unnoticed until it is too late and you realizes the monster you become.
I can tell you right now that I absolutely hate pain and I am a total coward, but since I know that I knew that it is now a part of me where I could now partially control it, making it possible for me to show some determination in face of pain and even self-sacrifices.
I am not proud of some of the moment I have with my self – sacrifices as it involve me going into a fit of rage and with the intense emotion that could exploded my head, I usually take it on my self by punching the wall or hitting my head on it instead of hitting other people. But I know that the through that mental process, I was able to avoid hurting someone even if it is ugly. I keep telling myself that at that moment I have to breathe and stay calm like I usually does, but all seem to be fruitless since it keep repeating itself so instead of ignoring the fact that I can’t control myself and being stubborn that I can stay calm, I chooses to accept the truth.
Being able to accept that fact will change how you think regarding problem from trying different technique that doesn’t succeed at making me calm, I could now find a way to avoid those situation. Making a leap in progress regarding that problem. I also consider going to a hospital to check if I had any sort of mental illness, which people who did have one usually don’t think they do and that was causes their death and pain.
Did I go to the doctor? No, I was suppose to go in another week but now I am here, stuck in a world that have low to none health care, but hey! Let not underestimate this world since it do in fact have magic after all and how do I know? Because in front of me is a freaken talking cat that spouts fire! I kid you not, a burning, hot, crimson fire!
” Meow! New face here huh? My wonderful master. ” said the burning cat, licking her or his arm and playing with a ball of fire it creates.
Got to be jealous of the cat that could entertain itself. I smirked.
” Master~ can I leave? This guy is creeping me out with his smirked and he is not my type. ” said the cat again, with the wide eye, and staring at valor.
”… ”, Valor.
Well, that just happen. From the ” small ” information I gather here, it seem like… This cat can inter breed, can it? I don’t know but I heard cat is quite playful and it may be totally joking. Obviously now that I said that, it is the rule of world to trip me in my word and make me regret even saying that monologue in my MIND!
” So umm.. Yeah. Don’t mind him, he is special you see.. ” said Valor.
” Yes I am special! You are not my type but I will make an exception, so come here and ride me. ” Said the cat, facing to me and occasionally taking a peek at his master with the look of ’ Can I keep him? ’ If that is even a look, but you get what I mean.
Anyway! I didn’t think that this world will be 18+ this fast and in the weirdest way. I just hope that the cat just mean something innocently with his word, Oh, I just couldn’t help but put myself into a hole ain’t I? Just magnificent!
” Hey flamiola, what did you mean by ride? ” Asked valor, genuinely confused.
” You are too young for that, wait till you stop drinking milk before I tell you. ” said the cat, with his twisted smile.
Hearing this I couldn’t help but chuckle.
He is too young? A thirty years old looking man being too young? How about me? I am just eighteen, thank you very much. Wait, I shouldn’t assume something so confidently, I especially hate that trait but I am also hypocritically doing it right now. Whatever, I’ll asked for self development.
” So.. Valor how old are you? ” I asked
” Me? I am fifteen ” answered valor.
OH SHIE…… What? Seriously why can’t the world be at least a little bit normal in term of the law of whatever it is… Age? Time? I will just called it common sense, the law of common sense. Why can’t it be normal? ( Author: Because you said so. * wink * * wink * )
----------- End of one point of view -----------
Oblivious to the author comment, Sen continued to rant on and on. Until his mind just couldn’t hold up and ended up having a headache.
” Sir messenger are you alright? That rain calling dance must have taken a toll on you, if you don’t mind then please stay in my humble abode, I do not accept no by the way…. Ok, no answer mean you agreed! Men, bring the messenger to the best V.I.P room! ” said Valor eyeing the butler dangerously.
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