《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 15


Chapter 15



" you're kidding right?" alvin asked elgor unwillingly

"I hope I am, but he's the real deal"(elgor)

"hah.. Don't blame me if he's injured.

Either his face or his honor"(alvin)

"I wish you the same." elgor whisperingly muttered.



"come here Kiddo. Show me what you've got." elgor led them to a spacious dome looking place with bright lights. It was like a circular dome with high above benches that were made for spectators.

"Ill give you your examination. Now choose your weapon."(alvin)

He was presented a set of weapons but he didn't pick one.

"Umm was choosing a weapon the examination?"(mars)

"nope, you fight me"(alvin)

"is that so, I wont get a weapon as none of them was my specialty so forgive me."(mars)

"a barehanded huh. Now that's unusual."(alvin muttered inside his head)

Alvin took a spear from the weapons and signalled elgor.

"I hereby declare my self as an audience and a witness to this examination.

The rules would be no killing but beating up was fine.

As for other rules, I don't know what to say so I fair you both goodluck.



There were four people in the dome in total. Roland, the supposed to be opponent was there to ring the bell to start and end the match.

"Match start!!" roland hits the bell.


Mars raised his hand and produced a fireball in in his right hand and grapple it like paper.

"A mage??? And a voiceless one at that!!"


Apparently no chant mages are rare so he was surprised..


upon saying that line the fireball launched like a bullet straight to his head.

Alvin was about to slam the fireball with his spear in a baseball like form to parry it

but he felt danger in doing it so he hurriedly dodge his body aside from doing it.

When he dodged the fireball he expected it to pass through but it didn't.

The fire ball remained near his back


Mars then snapped his finger

The fireball

exploded and alvin was thrown forwards.

•¤BoooOoOOOooM¤•( sfx)

"what th----!!!"(alvin)


Seeing the flame explosion.

Roland had his jaw on the ground while elgor had big eyes as amusement to this level of magical control, never he did saw one so tactical.

When alvin was hit he was blown towards mars so he did a front tumble to reduce the momentum.

Seeing the old man still fine mars let out

three fireballs at the same time all above his head and starts shooting the old man.

The speed was still shocking but it doesn't explode loudly this time so alvin was able to dodge.

("*to corner me like a dog, just where did you find such monster?

I need to get serious.") he thought to himself.

Mars felt a change in the old mans aura and he suddenly felt him getting stronger.

Sending another fireball, the old man just slapped it with his spear.

"what great power, If you can also fight with weapons then I lose. But it seems like its the end."

Hearing this remark elgor snorted out a little laugh.

(*"not good with weapons he said hahahahahahahaha.") he said inwardly laughing.

Alvin dashed towards him and did several thrusting and piercing but mars dodged it all. He aimed for the head doing several pointed strikes but all of it missed.

He also aimed for the body but mars started jumping outside the spear range.

Irritated by the young mans speed.

He imbued mana on his feet and arms to make them also faster.

Mars saw this augmentation and decided that he cant dodge it all so

He parried the attacks with his two bare hands flicking the spear on the opposite direction of the attack.

The old man alvin was very astonished seeing this and just decided to imbue more power.

Having short range on his hands and a disadvantage of the spear.

He decided to grab the spear but he couldn't thus He shouted..


THE old man was shocked by this and the moment his mind went to the shout the spear was grabbed by underarm and he was hit by a fist and was thrown backwards.


Dazed by the attack he continued to roll backwards and the moment he stopped he was lying on the ground.

Getting up to continue the fight he felt a cold blade on his nape from the spear that he used and some words that frightened him.

"umm, Do I pass?"(mars)

The old man dropped to the ground upon hearing this statement

Seemingly broken he began to laugh like a madman.

"UgWaaghahahahahah!!!! You,..

You trampled me on the ground and still asked if you pass?

What the hell is wrong with you boy?"(alvin)

"some exams doesn't test strength and test other values so I don't know the case thus I asked."(mars)

The old man almost died laughing at this explanation so he asked elgor.

"Oy, elgor, Where did you get this young man? UNDER A ROCK?

.((((U wat? Patrick star?? Author.))))"

"Hahahaha he just came to me out of nowhere and asked for some ways to earn money for entrance and registration. Said he came from a town near that Caldavar so I plan to visit soon, wanna come?."(elgor)

"you jest? Apparently my break reserves have piled up so I can go anytime, everything looks like they're still fine.

Well no problem. Ill just prepare my self for some vacation."(alvin)

The people returned to the guild and discussed while on their way.

"apparently with how strong you are.

You still need some achievements to rank up to S.

Rankings go like this.

G, F , E , D, C, CC, B, BB, A, AA, S, SS

The ten warriors were all ranked at SS.

Monster rating differs because high rangking ones can only be defeated by numbers.

g would also be the lowest ranking.

Up to B were monsters that can be defeated by 10 rank CC people

B+ would be 10Rank BB

A would need 10 rank A

A+ would need 100 rank A or 10 AA.

S and above will be decided on the spot if they met one.

Ranking you to SS since you defeated me would have the kingdoms intervention to make you an honorary warrior. Every country will rope you in. Until you accept one, you will be bothered for life.

At the level of A I can promote you much but with some achievements S would be easy."(Alvin)

"what do you mean that You can? Are you the guildmaster?"(mars)

"That so I am. And me being defeated by you was the problem."(alvin)

"that would be troublesome indeed but if you need achievement, He just defeated a minotaur....


Alvin almost tripped at this report.

"Young man, always tell me to not get on your bad side, having you as an enemy specially that I see you still holding s

back on me would be very... Non beneficial."alvin said with some scared eyes.

"no problem, take this, break it when you're in big trouble." mars handed him a crystal.

"whats this?"(alvin)

"just break it when you need it and you'll know."(mars)

When the four people returned to the guild alvin was all dressed up again like he was before.

"Rest easy because the examination would be considered a secret and no one will ask of it as it was a rule.

Take this card and put some piece of your blood in it"(Roland)

"if you are the receptionist here then why are you there in the dome and who's in charge here while you are out?"(mars)

"my sister was the receptionist and she was on the back with guild master preparing something. He must have some plan for vacation."(roland)

"Now that I got this I wonder what to do."(mars)

"if you need something to do with that strength of yours.

Try to join the tournament few days from now, pocket money isn't that bad."(roland)

"are you sure you're not the receptionist? You sound like one "(mars)

"I learned from my sister,trust me, she's good"roland said boastingly


Now that he got all that he need it was his time for some sightseeing inside the kingdom.




[email protected]@@@[email protected]@@@+++----+++----

Author here.


I hope my battle definitions filled up to your taste.

Comments are welcome.


And somebody give me a

Too damn hot here

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