《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 9


Chapter 9




I was now an adult. When you reached the age of 17 you would be considered as an adult.

The baron keeps on increasing our taxes for us to be bankrupt in debt and surrender our lands.


My mother was dead and my father was a Blacksmith.

Some of this days we would be out of our own land and all I can do was cry.

Crying in the middle of the night my father grabbed his hammer and went with other people to the forest bringing their respective job tools.

They do this almost every night and one time, I decided to stalk them.


This time I saw an unfamiliar man.

Almost the same age as me, slightly taller with black hair. Black eyes but somehow emits a purplish color , fine face w/c you can consider as handsome in this world and he seems to be talking with the elder.

After they were done talking, the elder prompted us to bring our every belongings in this location w/c we complied.

We trust the elder more than everyone.

Although he is old, he was still a master magician or so I say former master magician.

When we are all in the area the young man said something and light came down upon us and I closed my eyes.

Upon opening what I saw was a plain fields with a river and a forest in front of us and the glittering stars that are everywhere in the sky.

The young man then Stomped his feet and made earthen pillars.

When I pondered what are those pillars for, he stomped again one more time and created boxes. Later did I know that this would be our new houses.

It was morning and he was still making some attachments and other buildings that looks quite big but don't have any designs.


By the time he finished, he fed us, giving us boars enough for each family.

He created the a village in just a day. Nope, this is no village.

This size would be called as a town already.

Every people were workers so the labor was fast.

Doing nothing I felt bored.

That's when he gathered us on the supposed to be a square that he made.

He was up to something.

He would order us to everything for him in exchange for living in this place.

But the he proved me wrong.

He told us to just inhale.

Yup, he told us to breathe. To my wonders as to why he was doing it. It must be some type of something that I didn't again understand.

That's when on the second try, I felt something.

Its something that I feel moving inside of me. Is it my blood?

Or more like something just hit me."(shiina)

"What have you felt right now was what you know, mana.

We will keep doing this everyday for you to get used to it.

You must be able to control it by some time after this soon but for now rest and we will have few discussions tomorrow."(mars)

What did I just hear? Mana?

As in magic?

What the..

Only nobles have their own private magicians.

Though elder can use magic ------tbc

Magicians were still rare and yet he said that everyone in this village would be able to use mana?

As in this would be a village full of mages?

I was about to faint when I saw him and the elder disappear.

The next day he called for the women and children above 12 to gather in the oval that he made.

As I was wondering what was the oval was for. I was about to ask when he told us to run.


We didn't want to but he bribed us with food.

This continued everyday and we can now run several laps, make some bow and arrows and do some weird type of movements that he told us.

We have mastered the art that he called Kung fu and was able to use blunt weapons and now he will teach us archery.

Or I thought so.

From the distance that I was standing, the dummy target looked like a dot to me and he tells us to shot this thing with this big arrow.

i retorted.

For the first time that I retorted he looked at me and asked my name.

"I'm shiina. Just call me shiina."(shiina)

He then threw an arrow by bare hands and said.

"This world can make everything possible."(mars)

He walked away with me chasing a look on his back.

And then something exploded.

I knew it right away what was it and didn't dare to look until he was gone.

That moment he looked so cool.

He proves me wrong every time so I'm angry.

Angry for the fact that he was just as old as me and he was this far.

Ill become strong.

You just wait.




[email protected]@@[email protected]@@---------------



Decided that there will be no chapters during weekends.



Anyway,I smell something here

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