《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 8 (edited)


Chapter 8

.. A/n

Well guys sorry for the update.

Here is the real chapter.



Now that rubber was made mars made a blueprint of a bicycle body for them to make.

While he made a pump that pumps air into the wheel, he also ordered a rim that has 30 set of metals to be connected on the middle.

The rubber wheel was exactly imitated as the ones on the earth.

He knew this specifically because he always manages his mountain bike when he had free time.

He designed several types if bikes and one of them was a sidecar.

This would be used later as a part of transportation.


Front of the town hall.

He had his pre made ball, a ring with a net and some children.

He made a solid basketball board and placed the ring on each sides of the court and tried dribbling the ball, toss it and do some dunk moves that he can never do before.. The children watched him with awe.

He called a kid and gave him a ball signalling him to throw it to the net.

The court didn't still have markers so the free throw line isn't emphasized.

When the kid threw the ball it unbelievably came in.

Thus he explained the rule team play with dribbling shooting and no foul between the kids and let them play with it.

His next plan would be a volleyball court.

He then made poles 14 meters each and placed a leather net hanging around it.

He the signalled the the little girls on the basketball court to come over there and teach them how to play.

"this game over here would be called volleyball. In my place it is a popular game between girls but some boys also play this.

Similarly that one over there would be called basketball. Its popular with boys but some girls also play it. For now play what you want and teach it to the others later understand?"(mars)


"YAYYY"(KIDS) the kid replied noisily and came back running to the courts.


He was almost done but then remembered the thing about education but while thinking about it a smoke came closing in the sky..


Its not a plane. Its not a bird, nor a meteor to destroy the world.


Its Elder Jones Enjoying his flight.


He then landed with a jump from the air.

"landing was still hard for me huh.."(elder Jones)

"well I'm sorry i cant teach you that but back to business, can you read and write?"

"ohohoh of course Mars-dono I can.

Im a former master after all." (elder)

"well I need you to teach this whole city to learn academics."(mars)

"No problem, have nothing to do anyway but to fly. But you need teach me new magic next time for the payment."(elder)

"hah.. Then its no problem, Ill leave it to you. Mars then created a building with earthen tables and desk with a board to write on.


Thus a self sufficient village was made.

He wants to improve it to the point that it could negotiate with other places and establish trade but for now, he wants to focus on defenses.

Scanning the village, he noticed a problem. There were no toilets. There were no sewers to begin with.

He then started to dug up under the ground and made a hole under the houses. Since the houses were made by rows, the drainage would not turn out to be something complicated. He then went to every house to make their own privately owned shower and toilet.

The toilet was made up of soft earth that can be comparable to the ones in earth.

Water would be produced from mana crystals producing water.

Since every people would learn to use mana later, recharging the stones would be no problem.


He then told elder jones the secret to forming elemental mana crystals that they were using for utility to mass produce it later on.

Several days after, people can now hunt and fish for their selves for food. Produce raw material from hunting and clothing. The kids are busy to play in the courts teaching their parents to play.

Everyone was also learning to read and write and some spells were thought by elder Jones.

On the dojo every women can now run the whole oval for several laps and have memorized the kung fu kata that he taught them.

On every after fight, a match would begin on his watch. Seeing this peoples bare arm fighting capability,11

He decided to teach them weapons.

Some reluctantly and hesitatingly accepted the training because they afraid to take lives.

So he made them use non lethal weapons such as tonfas, staffs, arnis and knuckles.

For archery, he ordered the BMs to make a flat edged heavy arrow and a big bow.

The reason was that if there comes a fight the women would be the second line of defense and would nudge an arrow from far away to snipe the enemy with those blunt edges.

The women accepted this conditions and began training.

Or so they thought.

Their training was to hit a non moving target from very far away 3 kilometers with large bows and sharp edged arrows.

"I know that you are trying to help us but this one was very impossible."(??) said a girl with black hair, seemingly slender body with special curves and brown eyes annoyed.

"ohoh.. Is that so?.."(mars)

"THAT IS SO!.."(??)

"mmm..your name?"(mars)

"shiina, just call me Shiina(Shiina)

"ok shiina, remember this,"(mars)

mars grabbed an arrow, just and arrow with two fingers and threw it with a javelin throw towards target.

"This world can make everything possible"(mars) said mars while turning his back towards them.

The target was hit and exploded while mars was walking away.


[email protected]@@@[email protected]@@@@---

Author here.


Spell "BadAss"



Coolest!! But he's not sakamoto tho.

((sakamoto desu ga))anime


I'm literally sorry the earlier update..

The heat was affecting my brain.

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