《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 6


Chapter 6.

The little girl touched to the bear began to hug it.

The bear raised its paw and the people gasped.

Some closed their eyes, touched their ears, looked away and some even fainted.

But then the next scene bewildered


The bear patted the girl and began playing with her.

The bear would raise the little girl and the people would take a large gasp. This repeated a few times until mars told them to stop because they would cause the heart attack for some elders.

"Whats your name little one?"(mars)

"I'm Annie, I lost mr tibbers before coming here and he looks like him and he is soft too and he is fluffy too!" (annie)

Mars thought this one as funny but Kuma seems to enjoy this so he had no objections.

"now then, Ill make you that bear's caretaker from now on".(mars)


Said the little girl while sliding on the bears back.

"FALL IN LINE!"(mars)

The people silently and orderly fell in line.

The farmers just came back at the exact time and also fell in line.

They just saw a girl playing with the bear and decided to let it be.

They were too tired for any more surprises like this.

"Today was a good day thanks to you."(elder Jones)

"after eating gather them here"(mars)

"much obliged Mars-dono "(elder Jones)

"you sound like a kings retainer"(mars)

"hohoho.. Just practicing" said the elder while stroking his beard.

Mars just snorted and realized that his joke backfired on him.

Now that everyone was gathered, mars created a stage in the middle of the village.

"EVERYBODY DO AS I SAY"mars commanded on an authoritative tone and a large voice.

"Place your hands in your belly and clear your mind."

"INHALE!"(inhaling sounds)


"EXHALE"(exhaling sounds)

"INHALE... on this mark mars radiated a dense amount of mana around the premise.

People exhaled sounding exhausted from the said exercise.

"what have you felt right now was what you know, mana.

We will keep doing this everyday for you to get used to it.

You must be able to control it by some time after this soon but for now rest and we will have few discussions tomorrow."(mars)

As the people went to their new houses elder jones was called by mars.

"yo, you will come with me to the town hall and bring your family there."(mars)

"ohoh. Was that the biggest building? Do you intend to make me an adviser?"(elder jones)

"nope, I wont stay for long so you will govern them.

Ill visit when I have time so don't let this place rot while I'm gone."(mars)

"so that's it huh.. And here I am thinking of a vacation"..(elder jones)

"none for you yet old man.

These people need you while I explore this world... Or worst, Change it."(mars)

The two people laughed it off as a joke but neither the two of them knew that they just jinxed it.


Yup its a world changing type of flag.


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Still no heroine huh..:p

The updates killed me yesterday. Demn.

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