《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 5.


Chapter 5 Just A "Normal" Farm

When he came to the village he called for the farmers to assemble and bring their things.

He plan to make a farm but he don't have a plower.

Of course the farmers can plow it themselves but it would take too much time.

He then used the woods that he cut by into a plowing cart by making two round pieces of wood with a hole in the middle(for tires) and a supposed to be plowing small craggy tires.

The problem was there was none to pull to plower.

He the conjured a human sized circle and went inside.


Inside the circle(probably Space inventory of sorts.)


There was a thing of 3 times the human size with a small horn on its forehead creating mini sparks sitting on the supposed to be white ground.


The creature almost run from fear but he cannot even walk due to severe injuries.

When the man raised his arm the creature just sat in obedience and resigned to his fate.

The next thing he knew that he was enveloped with water and cannot breathe.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes and feel much better.

When he saw the man he again faced it with fear, fear of something very powerful.

"can you understand me?"(mars)

He was a monster yet he was also considered the most intelligent one around the area and have encountered humans understanding their speech for several hundred years so he can somehow understand the person in front of him,thus he nodded.

"do you eat vegetables?"The creature did not understand the meaning of this phrase, nope he understands it but refuses to accept such question thus again he nodded bewildered about the absurd question.

"good, then do you have a name?"(mars)


He then shook his head.

"well Ill name you KUMA, you will work for me and this village. I know that this is originally you territory but cant help it, need some space for humans. Well so do you agree? If no then you'll become food and if yes, Ill give you food three times a day!."(mars)

The creature thought up for a bit, he was angry about his territory being occupied but the food was tempting.

And it was three times a day!

He cant imagine such luxury because he almost eats around 1 time a month or two times because he cant leave his territory for too much time for such invader problems.

Thus he stood up and nodded with a small drooling smug on his bear face.

(((yup he's a bear/authors note)))

"well here's the rules.

You will protect the people in here as it depends on your life cause they are your reason to be here.

Second you will plow farm when its farm time and help the farmers for any of their needs. Third, be friendly with everyone here or ill kick you in the nose.

Fourth protect the crops and animals that will be placed on your base of operations. Fifth, you can still live on your house but we will Mine there and also help them transport the ores if you have time.

Breakfast , lunch and dinner will be served for you on specific time. There will be some occasion that you can eat endlessly when there's a feast.

The creature drooled at this statement until mars slapped him.

Listen, I'm mars your new boss, ill just add some rules next time and ill make you a stable near the entrance of the village so you can guard there.

The farm was on the entrance of the village near the forest and the river


The people who where in there was pulling the big plower until a circle came out and human from it, the next creature was supposed to be that no one can imagine.

A was in front of their eyes. It was a B+ class of a monster and was very hard to subjugate thus it appeared near them.

They can only feel fear until...

"yo!, this would be our plower! Meet KUMA."Said mars pointing to the white bear with a horn.

The bear then bowed.

The people were again dumbfounded about this situation... But then mars started to raise his hands and control the clouds until it darkened and started to rain.

He signalled kuma to start the work and he made a road to the village,a stable on the middle of the farm and an irrigation coming from thriver with earth magic.

When the rain stopped,the field was also done.

But there was a part that was not done.

"oh that part would be for animals. You will cultivate the animals there and when its harvest time you would switch the lands for cultivation and farming. And here are the crops. Come back after planting these."(mars) he conjured different types of crops that he gathered on some plains while flying.

The people just nodded and started to work.

He then walked with kuma to the village. He didn't teleport because he was exhausted. Kuma just thought that it was for him to familiarize the road.

The people were fast.

The doors were built and so as the houses.

There were many logs left but he decided to use them tomorrow.

He then brought up the remaining boars that he hunted and skinned earlier to cook in the middle of the village. He made an earthen roaster, made a fire with the spare logs

And yelled


People started to come out and went to the fire he then roasted all the other boars that he caught continuously. The people who came out first stared to the boars but then they noticed a terribly big bear drooling on his side.

"oh, he's kuma your new companion here, treat him well.(mars)

Kuma just bowed and then waved at the people then back to the boars.

The people were still afraid to come near the boars because of kuma but then a child came near and asked

"can I ?"(??).





Author here.

Bear bear bear!!

A farming bear.


Anyway.. About their battle? Later..


Im suffering a broken heart syndrome right now.

As for the suggestions thank you people!

I dunno hownl to do that kind of reply where you mention the whole thread.

And thanks for the poll suggestion.

Ill make one later.

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