《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 3


After sending the wave

Mars went to sleep

(((he will be using this name from now on for some reasons)))


The king was about to sleep when he felt a wave of mana cross his skin.

"what the h**l was that?"

The next moment, all elder magician was summoned


A forest nearby


A fair lady stumbled upon sensing the wave.

"I hope that was the last for today,"

(a certain elf)

"Twas somehow stronger but its similar."

(certain elder elf)

"any idea what was that?"

(a certain elf)

"i dunno, we made peace with the demon lord years ago, he was the only one i know who can send that but i know that it was not his energy."

(certain elder elf)

"then who or what is it?"

(certain elf)

" a Human"

(eld elf)

The certain elfs ears twitched at the word but then she resumed worked while thinking about it.


While it was certainly a strong wave, it didn't reach the other continent.




Waking up. He went out of the earth igloo he created.

While it was an igloo made of earth. It was somehow comfortable inside.

It is because of the air and ice magic that he procured inside before he slept.

"there was a forest again up ahead then a town."

The wave of mana detected several species on its way the forest so mars knew about it.

Then he jumped up and disappeared.

He certainly wouldn't enjoy the travel if he just teleported to the town.

So he decided to fly.


Literally not knowing to fly he just continuously teleported till he was up high. Then he used some wind magic to glide in the air.

A few minutes later he got the hang of it and use the same principles as an airplane.


Reaching the forest, he decided to teleport to the land.

The reason why?

There are several life signatures that are on the entrance of the forest. He is curious as to what those people are doing..



He casually walked up to the people who look like thieves..

The peculiar difference was that those people don't have proper equipment, what they have was a bunch of pickaxe shovels a grass mower and some kitchen bolos and knifes.

"where did he came from?"(thief 1)

"as if we know!!"?(some other thief)

The thieves were confused of why he has appeared out of nowhere but a certain elder stepped up and talked to mars


The old looking man sensed something peculiar and dangerous so he decided not to tell any lies.

"hello young adventurer, as you see, we are some villagers from the town nearby. But now we are fugitives in our own home."( elder)

Mars somehow knew this kind of plot so he easily knew the situation.

Apparently, he really is a fan of some fantasy fiction anime, manga and novels.

"ohoh. I thought you guys would like to get beaten first before some explanation, but it seems that you are intelligent enough."(mars)

"hahaha, young man, you appeared out if nowhere when we are on our highest alert, you must have some kind of power that surpasses our senses. And also your mana gives me the chills"(elder)

"Oy, did you just say mana?"( mars)

"yes, apparently I am a retired mage that decided to live the rest of my life in peace.

Or so that was what is supposed to

happen." (elder)

"is that so, then Ill have you teach me later."(mars)

"I don't mind, is usually what I will say but, you s--

"oh of course yes"

Mars interrupted the old man.

And made a vicious small grin.

"Ill answer all your troubles then you teach me!"(mars)

"young man, I certainly know that you are strong but, its a problem of a whole town." ((apparently their village was occupied by a nearby town that has extended and made them sell all their goods and crops to the town sellers less than half their profit-- kinda looks like Polo-- authors note--))

"hmm, the usual solution to this would be to defeat the leader and free the villagers and townspeople from corruption"(mars)


"its a troublesome noble that has obtained this land from some shrewd methods but those who retorts would just disappear one day.

And also the security was somehow tight because him being a chicken."(elder)

"then Ill take the alternative! Gather everyone here with yourself and your belongings!! No questions asked"(mars)

The elder signalled his men to do what he said.

While flying, mars saw a river that extends to the horizon out of some mountain to the sea

Then the moment the people were all on his view.

A huge circle appeared on top of them and descended.

The people don't know what happened and shut down their eyes pray that it was somehow good thing because its the elders order.

The next thing they saw was a vast greenery of plain and a river near a forest.

"oy is it around the river to the forest of caldavar?"the elder asked timidly stupfied of the teleportation.


Mars stomped his feet and several pillars of adobe rock sprouted on the ground, he stomped the second time and walls around the pillars rose and formed around it to depend on.

Next he procured some wind blades to slash the walls finely with a square cut creating window like shapes and he cut a big one for the door.

Unlike normal triangular roofs. He prefer it to be flat so he produced some rocks from the underground from a nearby place(river stones) and cut it to a square.

Now each houses have a stone roof and foundations it certainly looked like some houses from the modern day period that would not likely collapse under an earthquake or fire,in short. It looks sturdy.

He made almost 50 houses but without doors or windows yet.

The houses are separated by an empty space which was supposed to be a road 25 on each sides with five rows. Each house has a considerable distance to each other.

- for business purposes later-

Then he moved around slightly on the edge of the houses to make another house. Or specifically, a town hall.

He then did the same thing but the difference is it was five times the size and a second floor.

he rounded out the front of the building and made the ground flat.

He made the same thing on the back of the hall

The front hall was for entertainment purposes.

Apparently. He plans to teach people basketball, volleyball and badminton later.

The back of the hall was for training purposes.

He made an oval. Almost Olympic in size. An archery range on the side of the oval. Though an archery range it doesn't have any targets. On the other side of the town hall was an empty space.

So he decided to make an Inn, it will be an inn later or so.

It was noon, mars was tired and hungry so he decided to to hunt.

He went in the forest to kill some boars, where easily found them upon just minutes of entering he electrocuted the boars and killed at least 20. He teleported back at the village and decided to cook but then he sighed,

"da hell did I forget about seasonings!!!?"(mars)

He signalled the villagers to take a boar of their own to cook which they complied immediately, a minute later several smokes rose up from the ground.

After lunch mars went to the elder.

"yo!, tell those people to pick their houses,also tell them to pick the ones near the road,Its beneficial. I'm gonna get them gather wood later for the doors."

The old man bowed and was almost on the verge of crying.

" I can not thank you more than what we have here. No one knew that a village can be created within a day.-- but neither the rest we still thank you from the bottom of our hearts umm mister??"

"oh right, call me -Mars! That's my nickname, and?"

"ohoh, just call, me Jones, Mars-dono".(jones)

"whats with the dono honorific?? Anyway, sounds nice so I wont complain , well then."...

-- he disappeared again.

Elder jones considered that teleporting must be normal to him so he didn't bother to ask.



Author here.

Too long or too short?..

Anyway. This is a village arc so bear with the details

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