《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 2


Arsenals * beep


Some forest some miles away from Bistia.

A man wearing a blue polo and black slacks was standing in the middle of the forest thinking deeply.

"so magic spells aren't given,though there seems to be a need for incantation or a spell booklet like every other world in some manga, maybe ill try the most basic."(maru)

The man sat down on a meditative position and began to do some yoga like posing with the thumb and index finger together.


A few minutes later.

"oho, so that's huh.(((I mean you know mana right? Funky author.)))..

It seems to be plenty around here. Now to make some spells." the man raised his palm and a fireball resting there came out. "*lets apply some chemistry" he told himself.

The red flame becomes blue,then orange then several other colors to white,then he stopped.

*"oops, I almost forgot that I'm in a forest, fire would be very dangerous.

Ill try the other."

He first put up water by getting it through the air then made some water dragons,snakes and other figures before changing it to ice.

Then he made a gust of wind that looks like a mini tornado on his hand.

After those he stomp the ground and a wall out from earth has formed,he compressed the wall with Force until it turned to look Something really smooth and solid,almost metal like.

...*"yosh, now I'm the who wields four elements(((a/n copyright request from avatar the legend of aang.+ehee))).


*"Time for the main dish.. Speaking of dish I'm hungry." he then put up his hand in front of him and conjured a circle out of thin air and pass through it. Another circle formed on the other side and he pop out of the circle head first.(((imagine sadako)))"this one would be "


he tried it again but this time he opened a circle at the size of his fist first on his hand then it worked. But this time only his hand got transfered.

He also coated himself by mana and converted it into space mana.

When he stepped forward, he vanished.

Or more likely he teleported for about 10 meters of his location.

"ill call this one . I think its good for now. And I'm pretty exhausted too. Haaaaa. Oh wait, maybe last one." he opened a circle similar to but there's a slight difference. When he opened this portal, a strong sucking force was created, he knew that this would happen so he suppressed the sucking energy.

Then when the sucking stopped the circle remained and on the other side was a space devoid of anything.

"the sucking one would be and this would be "

When he turned around, he saw a part of the forest has been uprooted.

Then he decided to use his mana to grow some trees. The trees immediately began to sprout. He felt somehow exhausted and decided to sleep.

"ha. That was tiring. Maybe Ill sleep,


What the H*** I'm hungry, haa so eating comes first. But where can i find food?."

He began to meditate and think of something, few minutes passed he decided to send a wave of mana to the forest.


The forest was so large that the wave took a minute before sensing some life force that somehow looks like a boar and it was a few kilometers ahead.


He appeared on the side of the boar instantly.


When he jumped off, he kicked the ground to release the spike.


Then a katana made of ice appeared on his hand. The next moment the boar was beheaded. He touched the boar then blink out of the forest.


Outside was a vast plain of grassland seeing some mountains away. ""

He sent out a sonar but this time the frequency was so high so that it will not disperse before reaching miles.

Then he began to skin the boar.

He made an impromptu griller with magic but then he face palmed.

"I don't have any spices."

He decided to eat the boar with just roasting. He stomped the ground and an earth like igloo appeared. He used the boar hide as a pillow the went asleep. .





The portal inventory was the same as the one that *Keifer had.

From journey through the worlds.

Copyright request here sorry.

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