《A Bored Passerby With Some Cheats》Chappy 1


Chapter 1 summoned by the crying goddess

.Maru: "hahahaha I know I know. Well I need to thank you for summoning me. I'm so dead bored. I wanna do something out of anything."

(??) "yah I know right In that planet of yours where magic don't even exist sure was boring. And its also the era of false peace that makes you all comfortable not knowing when its going to be war."Maru:"false peace?."

(??)" you don't know, the higher gods seems to boast for you to be super intelligent. But this matter seems also out of you coverage hehehehe then let me do the honour of telling you."Maru just shrugged.

"well to begin with 20 years from now a nation will wage war to a small nation claiming a small island as a territory but that country near it strongly disapproves because technically that country will take control of everything in their country out of some archipelagic theories."Maru:"Ohoh. So a war will happen because of that."

(??)"yup the-"Maru:" One country will support the dominated country for some amends, of course the dominating country receives treatment from other countries breaking the international peace treaty.

(??) " correct!! So--"Maru:" So the powers combining each country would build the next generation axis and allied powers motioning the world war III."

maru paused a little.(??)" ye--"

Maru:" Then that will lead to nuclear wars decimating the earth to rubbles."The beauty waited for him to continue with a sad ( go!!! Say everything!! Your the best you do everything right!!) manner(almost crying)

((AN."LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IDIOT!! YOU MADE HER SO MISERABLE THAT SHE'S ABOUT TO CRY!!"))Maru noticed this so he didn't continue out of full pity.


(??)"guess its my turn huh,thank you. (#sob sob##)Technically it was hydrogen and plasma bombs the ended the earth but that was almost the same."

"moving on."--

(??)"this world was called "mars" not the mars that you know but mars in a different dimension." "magic exists here , so as heroes an villains. The higher gods give each of us world deities to select our own heroes to the upcoming war."((( AN/deities means lower gods. Those who protect a certain world not an entire universe.)))

"I'm the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Sorry for the late introduction. For as you know that you Are now my hero representative I will be the one to give you a boon To wish of a power of some kind to be exact. Of course you'll start it low.(((before getting op LoL)))

" Maru:"you said deities right? Meaning Im not the only one summoned. Where are the others?"Athena:" you see other gods tend to summon more than one hero to ensure victory, but that would lessen the boons power as the number of people grows."

Maru:" simply put. The more entry you drop the more chances for you to draw. Wait what? Winning? War? Whats this a contest?"Athena:" classified info, though it is somehow like that. It is not. You are to fight each other or protect each other. But first you need to grow in order to fight the final challenge."

Maru just stared with furrowed brows."The disaster" athena said."no details given for this, but for the name itself. It should be a disaster."

.Athena:"as for stated, I will give you some boons. As the goddess of wisdom I can not give some ultimate fighting techniques or ultimate destructive ones. But you can still choose cheat li--"


Maru:"space and time manipulation"Athena:" okay.. But you are the one to do the manipulation ill just give you the highest affinity so 2 more left"

Maru:"umm.. Okay.. But why three?? Isn't that too much of a cheat?."Athena:"as i said the number and quality of boons wi--

Maru:"oh so that's it huh. Other ones got multiple with each one getting cheat like powers.Then I would like some speed buff stats and some saturated luck.

I've been unlucky all this time that its so sad. Now ill experience some of it (*sobs)."

Athena:"well wish granted. Where do you want to st--

Maru:"some forest nearby a kingdom."The goddess was somehow used to him cutting of her sentences.

Athena:"well I don't mind you cutting me off but be sure to win my place okay? For starters all of the heroes will start without skills for them to find it on their own so good luck!!"Then the goddess vanished and maru found himself in the middle of the woods.

(:"yare yare..")"time to do something good."..

..Authors cornerrrrrr.


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