《THE CHRONICLES OF THE LOST HERO》Chapter 8 The City of Druids
Opening her eyes Nuwa noticed that she was no longer at the slave market. Instead looking around she seen a forest of trees in front of her. Turning around Nuwa noticed the neverending clear blue water. The water was so clear you could see the fish swimming around. The ocean water had light shallow waves rolling around and landing on the light brown sand. The sand glittered brightly from rays of light shining on it.
Stepping thru the portal emerged the elderly man. Who rescued them from the horrible fate that most likely was waiting for them. The elderly man raised his hand into the air and shot a beam from his hand. That exploded in a bright blue light dispersing into the air in all directions. After several moments a group of around ten people came running toward them.
Each of them seemed from different ages, ethnic groups, and races. The entire group was all wearing a white robe or a light beige colour. Arriving and looking at the elderly man seemed to bring a smile on the group face. It seemed not all that Nuwa knew was true. Otherwise there would not been a mix of humans and beast kind together as one.
There was a child around three feet in height with dark green scales that seemed to look as hard as steel. From what Nuwa could tell he must from the half breed of dragons known as dragonics. They are normally known to be a very reclusive race hardly ever seen. Almost none know where there village is located and if any did they never spoke of it. That is if any even came back alive.
Walking up to the group the young dragonic and a teenage human girl brought up a basic full of food and water toward them. Taking out a loaf of bread and breaking it in half. The young dragonic passed a half of loaf of bread. With some cheese to Nuwa and the young elven girl. While the human girl brought same meal to the family of faunas.
Looking over at the family of faunas and virdil they all seemed to be shoving the food down their throats. It was like none of them have eat in days. After sitting and thinking about it she even remember there was times while growing up that she went without eating. Since being with Reku she never went hungry but had three meals a day. After a few moments recalling her past Nuwa to started to eat the food that was given to her. Unlike the others Nuwa slowly took a few bites of each. Looking at the group the elderly man step toward them and started to speak.
“There is no need to rush we have plenty of food and drink you can have as much as you like. We also have a place for you all to sleep. After you get done resting we will talk about your choices you can either stay here or leave. If you decide to stay you will be safe and well taken care of. If you decide you do not want to stay you can leave on your free will or we can escort you to the border of Yal’Gra. It's a country created by beast kind and non humans to protect themselves from the prosecution of inhumans.
Walking up to each of them the group of robed individuals touched each of them gently trying to entice them to follow them. When a large crimson red, bulky creature with two large horns protruding from his head. Claws that seemed to be sharp as blades and last he had two teeth that was about a foot longer than the rest. There were two species similar one was known as a oni which this one was known for as it was part demon. The other is known as a Ork which was half human but is very barbaric and wild.
Trying to touch lightly the back of the young elven girl made her screech and move to the other side of Nuwa. Seeing elvish girl get scared the oni quickly pulled his hand away. Backing up away form the girl to try to not scare the girl any more then already was. Gently placing her hand on Kaya’s.Nuwa told her that everything would be find the man would hurt her. It never right to judge someone by their appearances.Seeing how the elvish girl backed away from the Oni.
The elderly man laughed and said “ That the gentle voice told them that the big guy was actually very gentle. That about twenty years ago while in the forest they came across two young baby oni. While most oni are terribly evil but being raised by the druids the big guy never caused any trouble. While his brother was a little more troublesome at time.
Even though his brother was little more wild they were in generally kind. Now I guess be a good time to tell you my name is Alder Birch of Tuscaloosa. I am the grand archmage of the school of magic. The goal of this country is the study of magic. There is around a hundred or so of these schools spread out in other countries. The ones in other countries sadly normally only specify to their species. We have in recent years been learning that even a select few inhumans have the companticty to use a form of magic.
While most beast kind and inhumans have a small specially base skills. There are some who or more adept ability to master true forms of magic then others. While others may never even be able to touch even a drop of the magic. It took them them a couple of hours of walking before they step out of the forest.
When they all step out of the forest. They came upon this enormous castle that seemed to . The castle seemed to go into the vast distance. All they could see in the vast distance was the castle themself. It was marvelous sight to see such great work of architectural. It made many of them mouth drop wide open from the shock of the site in front of them.
“I can see this is alot to take in it is for most that come. Those who decide to stay will learn their way around. It may take a while to get use to thou. The school is one mile long and one mile wide with over four miles of property. We will not force anyone to stay it will be your own decision on how to move forward.
For now all we ask is for each of you to have a good dinner and get a good night rest. You will be shown rooms to stay in for the night and after a good night rest. We will show you to the calfateria were you will have breakfast. Then last we will discuss what we will suspect to do. I will leave the rest to Sutoku if you have any questions or concerns please ask him.”
After he finished talking Alder walked away disappearing shortly after in the distance. Waving everyone to follow him. The large crimson red oni led the group to two large door that seemed to be made for a giant or titan. The door was made from a dark brown wood that had cast iron bars to help reinforce it. Watching the large door being opened. To show a endless hall made of pure white marble floor that showed ones reflection when looked at.
You could see dozens of people running around here to there almost like you would in a market. Just looking at everyone going every which way. Was like watching a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. It seemed like none of them really knew what they were doing. Leading the way they noticed the place seemed like a labyrinth that would never end. Every door they went in seemed to lead to dozens of more doors.
In one room they past threw was a large library. It went on with countless corridors and rolls of endless book shelves that seemed to never end. Seeing everything seemed truly magical the pillars were carved into realistic looking creatures. One pillar was carved from marble to look like a goblin army. While another had carving wolves. Everything around the group just was to much to take in.
The group felt overwhelmed by everything that was in front of the. Even the father and mother faunas was so happy they were rescued from the life of slavery. Now their kids would not know the pain that comes with it. The family was so happy and was willing to do anything for the one that saved them. Yet, was it truly possible to find there way around a place so large.
This place was if a was stormed by a army they would most likely go insane trying to find their way out of the giant castle. Nuwa felt her feet to start to hurt and stomach growl from hunger. Sotoku lead them what seemed forever. Nuwa tried her best to keep track of the route they were taking but lost track not long after with all the turns and paths.
What seemed to them a never ending walk they finally came to a hall with four doors on each side of the hall. Walking up to one of the doors the large oni pushed the door open. To reveal a large room with a desk and bed on both sides of the rooms. It looked kinda ordinary and plain but to the rest it seemed like a miracle. Looking at the Nuwa and Kaya the Oni in quit voice told the two this room was for the two of them to share.
Hearing this Kaya smiled and quickly ran and gave the oni a quick hug. Before Sutoku knew what just happened the young elf noticed what she did and ran into the room dragging Nuwa with her and closing the room. A few doors down the oni showed the family of faunas a family to a room similar to the other. but the only difference was it had another door inside that led to an extra room.
In a gentle but deep voice informed the family it was made for people with families. That way they could be close together. there was almost everything anyone could think of. This way everyone had something to do and the school could function if needed without outside help. Listening in a little distance away at her door Nuwa heard what Sutoku said. It worried Nuwa a little but also thought it was good that they could function without outside help in case there was a war.
Dusting away the light layer of dust off the bed Nuwa and the young Kaya rested on the bed. Looking at the young elf Nuwa was worried for the young elf. Ever since they met Kaya has not even said a single word to Nuwa. Kaya has not left her side but stays close almost like a child. Who refuses to leave their mother side and clings on refusing to leave.
Seeing the young girl looking little upset. Nuwa moved to sit next to the elf wrapping her arms around her. Nuwa could tell that the girl must be missing her family and friends. Shortly after trying to cheer up Kaya a knocking sound came from the door. When opening the door there was light brown skin human at the door with long pitch black hair wearing a light green robe with blue trims.
The color of his robes was different than most that they came across since arriving. Everyone before had a beige color robe on besides the elderly man that rescued them. This only made Nuwa think maybe it was some hierarchy thing showed where everyone was. This most likely showed one was more prestige or noble rank or something along this line. This is the only thing that Nuwa could think of to explain the difference. Even the robe he was wearing was made from higher quality. Then the simple white cloths the others who came to welcome them in the forest.
The young man at the door a tray in his hands with two large bowls on it. The bowls had some type of dark liquid with chunks of different types of common vegetables with a mystery meat in it that neither could tell what it made from. Last thing on the tray was a large piece of bread in between the bowls. See the man's face he seemed to have a look of discuss on his face. Almost like bringing the two bowls to them was beneath him.
Almost as soon as Nuwa grabbed the tray the man pushed toward her aggressively. Before she could thank him for the food the man turned around and stormed off. Before she knew it the man was about to turn a corner and disappear. Seeing this she quickly took a deep breath and yelled to thank him for the food.
Setting the tray down the two girls sat in quite eating. Both girls in their own minds thinking what the future had in store for them. Nuwa wanted to leave and find out if Reku was alive and if so where he was. Yet, the issue was the world was large and not knowing if he was alive. Even if he was alive it be nearly impossible to ever find him. That is even find her way back to Kuruzome. She had no map and no idea where she was instead of the name of the place she was brought to.
The second question was if she decided to stay in the city. What kind of life would be expected of her and those around her. The issue was they past off what would be expected from them till the next day. So this way there was no way to know what is expected of them. Even if they were told what be expected of them there was no telling if it be the truth or not.
There was only one way to find out what to come is to come. That was to sleep and wait till next day to find out what will be expected. Maybe then there was a chance to find out what life will be in store for those that stay. Soon as Nuwa finished eating Nuwa patted Kaya on the head and headed for the bed on the opposite side of the room.
Laying down the bed felt quite comfortable compared to the hard rocky ground she was use to. Laying down on the bed it only took a few moments till her eyes started to feel heavy. Nuwa at first didn’t feel tired but it was almost like spell was cast on her. The next thing she knew she was in a deep sleep. The next thing she knew she saw a great battle being fought in a dimly lit area with stone all around.
It seemed that the battle was on a large scale hundreds of monsters were fighting. On a large scale against an unending waves of human army giving chase to those escaping. While others fought to hold off the incoming waves. Trolls were swinging large clubs hitting handfuls of soldiers at a time. Seemed under group fighting one commanding a group of inhumans against the waves of humans fighters.
In one small glimpse Nuwa seen Reku along with a turtle like creature. The turtle blasted a shot of liquid water out of its mouth. The liquid was so fast it was almost to fast for the eye to see. While Reku was fighting two men near by with the sword the seemed to shine brighter and brighter with ever attack. Last thing Nuwa seen was Reku being surrounded by numerous humans. some with spears others with shield and swords.
Next thing Nuwa knew was loud pounding came. Causing Nuwa wake up and jump forward to in bed startled from the sound. Looking over she could tell the sound was coming from the door. While next to her in bed was Kaya sleeping with no sign of noticing the sound. Some reason besides sleeping in the bed across the room.
The young elven girl decided to sleep in the bed with Nuwa. When the young girl came to bed Nuwa never knew. Seemed the girl was getting a much needed sleep. That is all that truly mattered cause never know what there was to suspect in the future. Taking Kaya arm wrapped around around her hip.
Nuwa stood up and walked over to the door to see who was causing so much noise. Opening the door Nuwa noticed that Sutoku was standing there in a slightly off white robe. Matter how many times she seen the Oni in the white robes it just didn’t seem to fit him right. Someone with such a broad shoulders and masculine body seemed more fit and likely to be wearing body armor or at least light leather.
The Oni in the robes was like looking a fool grown man just wearing diapers. Which was a little funny looking but at same time Nuwa knew it was wrong to judge people by their appearance. Seeing the Oni she assumed it was about time to meet back with the Alder. Who will explain what be instored for those who decide to stay.
Going back over to the bed Nuwa shook Kaya waking her up. Sitting up Kaya seemed to be a little confused like she forgot where she was at. Looking up and seeing Nuwa infront of her it was like everything flooded back in. Tears falling from her face Kaya wrapped her arms back around Nuwa. Trying to comfort the young girl Nuwa patted the girl on her back telling her all will be fine.
Outside the door the Oni seeing the girl cried seemed to feel a little awkward waiting outside. It took a few minutes wait before the two girls came outside where he was waiting. The young elven girl still had tears in her eyes still staying close to blue skinned reptilian girl. Not a creature of many words. The Oni led the two girls and faunas two the cafeteria. As the faunas were already waiting on the two girls. Leading the way they arrived at the cafeteria large enough to hold a couple of hundred people.
Each table was littered with food from all over the continent. While most at each table seemed to be wearing white robes. There were a few spread out here and there with different table. Front of the room there was a table with four people wearing royal blue robes with silver trims. There robes looked to be alive. The blue robes were like ocean's waves blasting across the trims of the robes.
One looked to be barely in his twenties. While two others must of be at least fifty or older. The last was the only women on the stage but must of been in her thirties herself but skin that looked to be younger. In the middle of the four was the man that introduced himself as the grand archmage Alder. Seeing the group come into the cafeteria. The grand archmage stood up and walked up the podium made from a grayish marble.
“Welcome everyone as you as most of you know today is time of year we test for magic potential in those who came. Those who decide to stay will have three options set for them to choose from. The First if shown to have any magical potential will have a choice to enroll in the magical arts study. The second option is if shown to have no potential for the magical arts. You will have the option to choose practical arts.
The practical arts can range from daily life like farming. To anything from cleaning to even guards or rangers. Who protect the the mages and the civilians of our nation. The last choice is if you decide you are not cut out to be here then you may choose to leave. If you are an inhuman who been brought here you are welcomed to leave. We will escort those who wish to the land of Yal’gra that borders are country. There you'll be safe and away from prosecution. Some of you have already been threw this process please help support those who will go threw it today.
If you are shown to have magical potential know you are not obligated to follow that path. You can still choose one of the other paths if that is your wish. Now when it comes to the physical path it's a different story. You will not be able to choose what field you go into. Matter if you got magic potential or not of all the fields. Some may be able to do one field but not another. Just like some will be able to go magical arts and others may not.
Now let's get this on its way. I will ask everyone who never took the test to please line up behind one of the four crystal. There is one crystal in front of each of the archmages around me. If you have no magical talent the crystal will stay clear and nothing will happen.
The more potential you have there four categories you will be filed under. Just cause you fall under one of the lower categories you may still raise your category. It may take a lot more work some spend their whole lives trying to raise their rank just once. Some have more ability to raise their rank then others.
The four ranks of you may become is apprentice. They are ones who have low level magical abilities. Which is most common among new recruits. The second is an adept which has more than normal magical reserve. One in thousand normally fall this field.
The third is a master mage who magical abilities is so large. That they have the ability to change a tide of battle if they join in. People with this kind of potential rarely come possible one in million comes. The last possibility is a archmage class as those next to me. This class may come once every few generations.
It is so rare that no archmage that is among us were even among the true archmages possible. The last great archmage was the lost mage Merlin. Who disappeared from this world long ago and no one truly know what happen to the great wizard himself. Some of you are sitting and wondering how archmage is highest you can come.
There is one other like myself call a Grand Archmage this title is only postude among archmage. Who must past a trail that many archmages don’t even attempt. The reason is simple one may only take the test once and if one fails the test. Then that means one death is guareted and not just anyone can past the test.
Out of fifty archmages taking the test then if lucky just one may past. Many does not have to worry about that. If time comes more will be discussed at that time. For now let the test begin and best of luck to you all.”
Serval humans seemed to be excited hear the start of the test and ran toward the four crystals. It seemed chaotic with so many people rushing toward the closest crystal. Many just couldn’t wait to find out if they had what it took to be a mage. Others were pitureing being famous wizards.
The ones who already took the test before was still sitting in there seats. Many just curious who in the group will be working with them in the future. A few were sitting around joking around or placing bets. If someone would make the cut or would have any potential to become a mage.
Walking slowly behind the family of faunas Nuwa and Kaya followed slowly behind. Getting in the closest line to them they looked upon the individual's taking the test one after another.
Every time someone walked to a crystal and sat there hands on the crystal. After each test the name of the person would be announced and the results of pritibant. It seemed almost every third to forth pritibant had protiencal to be a mage. Way things were going of the few hundred people in the room. There might be lucky to get get to get a hundred qualified to be a mage.
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