For the next week Reku went to find food and even had some luck catching fish a few times. He was getting more use to this body every day that past. His fire ability stopped progressing but Kuruzome said its cause Reku needed to absorb some energy of more animals or even fire spirits for it to get any stronger. As much as Reku tried he just could still not figure out this lightning that Kuruzome said he could use. Was it possible that he just didn't have that ability. Surely it possible matter what race just cause most could do something didn't mean all would be able to.
The entire week whenever Reku went out for food or practice the young girl would follow close behind him. She seemed very attached to the young fox. He believed that the girl was scared. That he would leave her alone first time she left him alone. The thought of leaving her never crossed his mind just making her feel better.
Reku tried to talk to her and get her name on many occasions but the young girl never even made a pep. Even though the girl would not talk to him. Maybe it simple was she did not understand or maybe she was a mute. Matter what it was all he wanted was to see her smile whatever it take.
After a week of the basically doing the same things. Reku went to the woods to try to do his first energy absorption and kill. So he told the young girl it best if she stayed with Kuruzome to be safe. All the girl did was shake her head and grabbed onto the young foxes neck.
When Reku started to leave later that day the girl just did like she normally did and followed. After many attempts to try to get the girl to leave. He gave up and just let the girl follow him. He wasn't planning to try to hunt anything to dangerous anyway as this would be his first attempt at this anyway. It was best to start out small and simple as he could. A hour later they reached a small wooded area that Kuruzome told Reku about earlier that week.
Reaching the forest was simple but after walking around in the woods in a foxes body was quite troublesome. As much as he got use to walking around in the foxes body. On the grassland area it was completely different then the woods. It had roots, bushes, and sticks tripping or poking him around every turn.
Showed that he still had a lot to get use to in this form. After tripping for seemed like the thousand time Reku looked back that the young girl. Who was having no trouble walking around in this environment. He caught a small glimpse of something dashing across from one push to the other. Not knowing what it was Reku gave chase. As it seemed that it was the first living creature he spotted since coming into the woods.
Running though the same bush that he seen the shadow run in. Reku got a small cut from the branches when he got threw. Soon as he got on the other side there stood two little green creatures about five inches in height. With small bat wings on there bikes and looked like a fish tail on there head. Just the look at it looked kinda disgusting.
They also had a small cloth shirt covering them up looked like they were made for a poor child doll. They both had two small like needles on their side like they were supposed to be swords. That thought almost made the little fox laugh while staring at them. Trying to see how dangerous ways this small creature may be able to put up a fight.
When Reku finished analyzing these small creatures and figured the worse they could do is. Take a few thorn size stabs but if hit the right spots. Could still blind him or worse if hit the right locations. Yet he underestimated to soon cause right in front of his eyes the two creatures started to change shape and grow larger. Before he knew what was happening the two creatures turned into humans with light shirts and there needles turned into swords.
Turning to look and make sure the young girl behind him was still safe. Noticed that she was against a tree her head in her knees. Could it be that these monsters were the ones that killed everyone that she knew and cared for. This realization that these monsters killed without any mercy just made Reku even more furious. He understood that killing was a way to improve oneself but to kill even women and children.
Trying to kill everyone in there sight that was the unforgiving part. They were not even putting up a fight so there was no need to kill everyone. These creatures were true demons even if they now look like humans. Reku planed to make them die a painful death. He may not be used to fighting like these creatures but the fire burning inside him. He knew would be the strength to destroy them.
Running forward he reached down for that burning feeling and a simple word came in mind. faia tama. Without even questioning what this meant Reku screamed the word FAIA TAMA. In the next instance a burning ball a fire formed near the young foxes nose and blasted toward one of the human like creatures. Before the creature comprehend what was coming toward them.
The fire ball blasted him in the chest to and the fire spread all around the creatures body. Struggling to try to get the flames off itself and the sound from its scream was more like a large screech. The creatures companion moved quickly away from the one on fire. Afraid it would be burnt in the process of being close to the other.
While the second one was still confused from what just happen to its companion. Reku rushed toward the second and jumped toward a tree close to the creature. Then pushed off the trunk of the tree toward the other. Opening his mouth baring his teeth Reku went for the human like creatures neck.
The creature broke free of his confused sense just in time to back hand Reku from biting him. Which sent the little fox flying into a tree. Which knocked all the breath out of his chest. Trying to stand up and and get back on his feet. He noticed his mind was to hazy from the hit to defend himself.
Scared for the young girl Reku life he quickly but also stuttering the words for the girl to run away. The human like creatures walking slowly toward the fox and raising his sword. The young fox closed his eyes being ready to accept his death even though he hardly been in this world. Just maybe the young girl could get away that all he wished for. Before the sword came down Reku heard the sound flesh being cut and bone breaking. Yet, it was not his that it happened but he did feel the blood spatter hit him.
Opening his eyes Reku seen a sword protruding from the creatures body. Shocked quickly looking to see who came to his rescue. When he seen that the young girl who he rescued over a week ago. Now she saved his life and but looking at her tightly holding the sword. Could tell this must been the first time she ever killed someone.
She had a single drop of blood on her cheek. Trembling from the shock. Reku stood up still little wobbling from the shock of being hit into a tree. He went up to the young girl to and started to rub his head against the young girls leg. Around the same time she let go of the sword and the creature fell to the ground. The girl sat on the ground and started to hold the young fox in her arms. Crying intensely with her head in the young foxes fur.
In the next moment while she was crying she started thank the young fox. First words she said since he met her and her voice was smooth and gentle. It truly lighten the young foxes heart to know that the girl was opening her heart to him after all this time. She really did have a beautiful voice it made him smile listening to her voice like the world lifted from her shoulders.
Sitting there Reku looked at the bodies and slowly he seen two orbs rise from the creatures bodies. From the one that was stabbed by the young girl had a mix between black and white.
Which looked more like a yin yang symbol both colors trying to fight each other for dominance. And the other orb was from the one that was caught on fire was slightly different it was white and purple. Both were same type of creature but there orbs were different.
Reku remembered that Kuruzome mentioned that some evolution change cause of what they absorb. Breathing in Reku decided for the girls safety she should also absorb the one she killed. If nothing else at least it might make her little stronger. Relaying what he thought two the girl. She seemed to cheer up a little. Maybe absorbing energy from other creatures was part of one's culture to show one's grown. Either way this way if something ever happen at least she be little stronger to protect herself.
That and maybe she was taught how to do and he could learn from her. Worse case scenario they both could learn together. Watching the girl hopped down near the body of the creature when crossed her legs like she was meditating and slowly the orb started to float toward her. Following after her he walked near the burnt corpse.
He knelt down sitting down on his hind legs. With his eyes close but when he opened his eyes the orb was still in same place. So trying again he closed his eyes and tried focusing on the orbs and calling out to it with his his thoughts. The more he focused the more of his sixth sense was telling him the energy was coming closer. It took only a few minutes and the a tense feeling in his body. It felt like every cell in his body was trying to take it all in.
Once it felt like his body could not take in any more pain started to hit him. Even though the pain was killing painful he refused to stop the absorption. When he finished absorbing the last of the energy. Every once of Reku body was aching if he felt like this how did the little girl feel. Turning to look it seemed she finished also but her body had a very small change. On her beautiful sin the fin on back was gone and she looked more human but now she had two small wings on her back.
If this was her change what has happened to him could this be why his body was killing him. Attempting to look over himself he looked basically the same. Reku felt little down looking at the young girl. Wishing he had a more of a human change. With the young girl smiling at the young fox made Reku wish he had a change more human.
Almost as soon as he thought this his view started to change and felt his joints popped. Looking down he trying to see what was happening he noticed he changed into a human form.
His skin was slightly different from his in first life. He now had a slight freckles marks on his arms but not to bad. Looking up the young girl looked shocked and speechless. Then the girl started to look him over but when her eyes scanned down. she blushed and turned her head away.
Looking down Reku noticed he was necked quickly covering up his genitals. While scanning for something to wear. Reku noticed that there clothes in there human form were little bigger than his current form. While taking the shirt off the creature he noticed he knew what the thing was called. It was a Puca a dark fairy/ goblin creature. Slowly taking off the small pouch and shorts from the creature. He quickly slide the shorts on and took a nearby vine to tighten it. So it would not fall off when he walked.
After dressed Reku decided to check the pouches to see if there was anything of use in the two pucas pouches. In one he found a hand full of copper coins and runes stone. While in the other he found two silver coins and small uncut emerald jewel. Which price in this world was unknown.
Searching the creatures even though was not much. He figured that at least what he found could come in handy. If he went shopping in a town for supplies. He didn't know how this world currency worked but with a few coins. With even a jewel he was sure at least he could buy a few basic supplies. For his first creature kill he felt that he was already on a good start.
Sitting down and even asked the young girl to come and sit next to him. He really wanted to find out little more about her if she would allow it. While resting next to each against the tree. Reku took a deep breath and turned to the girl.
“please young girl since I know you can understand me will you please at least give me your name. Or anything at all about yourself that you willing to offer. The trouble it's really strange for being together for more than a week now. While I love you with me but keep calling you little girl is strange.” asked Reku trying not be be to forceful and back the little girl back into a corner where she would not talk.
Sitting next to the once fox now in humanoid form wearing the once puca's cloths. Even though it was no longer a little fox in front of her. She still had the feeling of comfort from him. And his hair was the same red color as the fur of the fox. Which made her little glade that not all changed.
“ They call me Nuwa mister fox I sorry if I got in your way and bothered you last couple of sun days. I pray your not mad me. I just didn't want to be away from mister fox. As I don't have anyone else but you.” replied Nuwa shyly
“Its nice to meet you Nuwa it's a very beautiful name. I'm sorry about your family and friends. You can stay with me as long as you wish for. You will always have a place with me but you may call me Reku no need to call me mister fox.” joking about what she called him to try to lighten the mood.
The two and sat for few hours talking. The Nuwa all of sudden not being able to stop talking about her once time family and her life previously. Even though it made her frown every now and then. Recalling what happen and that she would not see her family again. Reku sat patiently listening to the girls story to let her express her feelings. And many hours past and when the evening sun started to set. Reku informed the girl they should start working there way back to Kuruzome's place.
The old tree must be worried for the two as they been gone for many hours. As the two went on a orb hunting for the first time. On hunts anyone could be killed or even worse. You must also be prepared to be hunted yourself. In life it only took one mishap and it would be the end of one's life.
The two companions didn't reach back to the old tree Kuruzome's place till the night sky was out. With the two moons bright in the sky. Kuruzome looking at the two walking toward him. He could tell that one was the girl that left with the little fox even though she had small changes. His guess was she absorb a creatures spirit energy. The real question was who was it next to her.
Did something happen to the little kitsune when he went hunting. It truly was upsetting the little one must have had bad luck. The closer the two got Kuruzome notice. That the man with the young girl. Must of been the little fox Reku which meant his first hunt must of went very well.
Arriving back at the lake side the two companions recalled what happened in the woods. The more Reku recalled more interesting this world was compared to the one he was from. Which made Reku decide he would head to the nearby town that he was told about after practicing a little in this knew form. Then he could see what was being sold in the markets.
The following day Reku asked Kuruzome about why the word came into his mind. Which unlike causing a spark or wood to catch on fire. It made a ball of fire which shot toward the enemy. The answered he received was that for every ability one has mixing different words causing for different reactions. For instance just consecration could cause a some leaves to catch on fire.
But just using certain words does not mean you can use all ability. One should know is if you look deep into you conscious mind. You see what you might be able to do then it's all word play after it. The more you learn to master this skill. The more likely you turn a basic skill into something for almost any scenario. More you absorb from different creatures you might also learn new ability that can be combined with others.
Which could in return make a completely knew ability. Like fire and water skill could make a smoke. It's up to you to learn this and figure out what can be used to together and even what might counteract each other and make both skills useless. Learning this new bit of information made Reku wonder. Could this be why he was never able to figure out how to use any lighting. Unlike fire maybe it need exact words to give it shape.
For the next two days both Nuwa and Reku walked back and forth from the woods. bringing vines and woods to Kuruzome's water place. During the nights when Nuwa was sleeping. Reku spent a few hours up making human mannequin. Even a few animal ones for a variety of targets to practice with.
On the third day after eating in the morning with Nuwa. Reku told her that the two would practice using different skills on the wood mannequins. This way even the young girl could learn to get better at whatever skills she may have learned or her race could do. Which as she was different race and even the orb she absorb was different then his. It be little difficult to teach her what he knew. There was no telling if she could even use the same ability.
Listing to what mister fox said about practicing using her abilities. Made the young girl scared she been told many times when younger. About how to but she never actually practiced how to or what ability she be able to do. After all reptilians were not the same even though they were family. One might be part snake and another could be a lizard like.
It truly would be amazing to learn to use her ability. Both stood next to each other. Focusing hard as he could on his mind searching for any sign of help. Searching was like being in a building with hundreds of locked door. Trying to find the right door that would open but with every tempt of opening one. Would lead to more and more irritation and failure.
After felt like hours Reku opened his eyes for break. To see how the young girl was doing. The young girl had one hand out and uttered two words sui isshi and a mystical arrow formed. With a green glowing tip above here hand. In a act of throwing it.
Even though it was really just floating above her hand.
Soon as her arm reached all the way out. The arrow bolted toward one of the human mannequins. When the arrow struck the mannequin it went right thru it. The green residue left on the hole was melting threw the wood. Watching Reku was memorized by what he was seeing. Was it made of acid or was it just that hot? It couldn't be hot or the wood would have been caught on fire. So it must have been some kind of acid.
Walking up to it Reku grappled a loose stick on the ground and poke it. Almost as soon as the stick touched the green residue. Where the stick touched the residue was being dissolved almost instantly. This skill would be great against armored enemy and may even be good getting threw secured areas. Later they would have to see what this acid would all burn threw. That would let them know what all uses it could be used for.
After seeing getting over the amazement of acid arrows. while seeing how quickly she picked up using a skill. It brought joy to him seeing the young girl smiling. Which went perfect with her light blue skin made the young girl look prettier. Walking up to the girl Reku patted the girl on her head. Then congratulated her and told her she had a amazing ability. Which made Nuwa blush from embarrassment.
Reku could tell little Nuwa was happy being complemented. If this little girl could do it surely he could do also so once again. Reku faced one of the mannequins and started consecrating again. When he came to the rooms again he started to search again drastically. While searching Reku noticed that one of the doors were open. It seemed so inviting so Reku walked into it.
The full room had electricity jumping from one side to the other. The electricity was the colors of blue and purple mixing together. Watching it jump around Reku noticed that it was spelling two words inabikari hoippu. Opening his eyes everything felt different. Like static was building up around him. Like it was instinct he uttered the words inabikari hoippu. A whip made of lighting was formed.
When grabbing it Reku was afraid he might be shocked from it. Yet, the whip didn't even give a single spark to him. As it was in a shape of a whip. Reku flicked it toward one of the handmade stick figures. Wrapping around its chest it got on fire. But it felt like it was truly stuck to it. With all the strength Reku had in his arm. He pulled the lighting whip back toward him. Which caused the mannequin to fly toward him and Nuwa.
Seeing it fly toward them both companions dived toward the ground. Which caused the whip to disappear and the flaming figure to land in the water. The feeling of static around Reku also dispersed with the whip. It got him one step closer to understand this world.
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Jack is finishing his last quest for the company when a mysterious old man brings him on a journey into the depths of a sorcery and deadmen ridden dungeon. The only way out is forward and it is sure to reveal more than one secret of the world. Tillon wants to rise through the ranks of the Swords of the Guardians, but his luck... well, it's terrible to say the least. Yet everything changes as he ends up in the middle of a political mess where backstabbers and cultists are the least of his worries. The world crashes and webs of deceit unfold around the mercenaries of the Swords of the Guardians. Will they manage to save the world and themselves? Or will they make everything worse? [Uploading at least twice a week]
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