《The Futurist》Chapter 6


"I think we should ask Helen Cho for assistance" Mr. Stark broke the silence in the lab.

It’s been long since the lab was filled with such pressure. When Peter had entered the lab that day, the other two were already working. Peter was walking on eggshells trying to make sure he didn’t say anything that might screw it up more. How long has it been since the lab felt like this? Both Mr. Stark and Doctor Pym were trying to ignore each other. Their relationship was never this bad after their first meeting. It was very awkward for the Teen. He had to constantly bite his tongue to not just spit out what he thought. He gotten so use to saying whatever he wanted, now it was so hard to make sure he didn’t say anything stupid that might ignite the fuel.

"Who’s Helen Cho?" Peter asked.

"Why do you want a geneticist for the project?" Hank asked calmly.

Whoa! From their tone maybe they weren’t mad at each other like Peter thought? But then what could have happened?


"Helen Cho is the world leading geneticist in the world. She had recently created a device called the Cradle that prints out cells. She’s the one who made Vision’s body. And I want her help in making Extremis out of organic cells. Then we could let the bots replicate themselves like cells and that would cut down production cost and vastly push forward our timeline."

"Hm… That’s not a bad idea. The scale we were thinking can be increased by this method." Hank looked thoughtful.

"You know I was dreaming last night. How awesome would it be if we give control of extremis to people to change how their house looks like? Wouldn’t that be cool? Like a touch of an app will instantly change your living space!" Peter exclaimed.

"You want to use Extremis to play house?" Hank looked disgusted.

Peter quickly wiped the smile off his face.

"Why? That sounds like a good idea! I’m always in to make everything look Bling." Tony looked thoughtful for a moment. "Yeah, why not? It wouldn’t be too hard to software that either."

"Stark!" Hank growled.

"Think of it as a generation gap old man." Tony laughed "Anyway we’re still in the thinking phase so why not keep all of it open?"

"Like a Stark to waste time on useless things!" Hank grumbled as he went back to work "Contact Helen Cho. I agree that her expertise will help."

Tony smiled. "FRIDAY contact Helen and send her the files."

"Sure thing Boss."

"Now get back to work Boy! You think I haven’t noticed you staring at us and didn’t get a single thing done?" Hank looked at Peter.

Peter blushed but smiled. Now this seemed like a normal day in the lab.


Hope was home when she heard the wings of the ants. She smiled. Of course that was how they smuggled themselves into the country. And soon five people seemed to just appear in her living room.

"Whoa Lang! that was so cool! I mean they’re freaky as hell so close to my size… but man!" The man Hope knew as Falcon spoke but Scott didn’t seem to be listening as he came closer to her. He seemed afraid to hug her and just opened up his arms and gave a small smile.


"Oh come here Scott!" Hope laughed as He quickly followed her order and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you Hope!" Scott breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Then maybe you shouldn’t have run out the second you heard Captain America needed your help?" She whispered so the other members in the room couldn’t hear. Especially the one in the center

"Hope, I needed to help." Hope sighed from the sincerity in Scott's voice.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Oh Right! Everyone this is Hope. Cap, Sam, Clint and Wanda." The rest of the group smiled.

"Ms. Pym. I'm so thankful to you and your father doing this for us." Steve spoke as he held out his hand.

Hope cautiously shook his hand. "I told my father about it. But he said he will only do this if you can tell him exactly why you need the files."

"Of course. That would be no problem."

"Father should be back from Avengers compound soon." She looked at her watch as she saw from the peripheral Scott bouncing with questions. "What Scott?"

"How did Hank work with Stark again? I mean are you sure he's not being blackmailed?" Scott asked again.

Hope groaned. "Scott you've been asking me that same question every time we talk. I told you he's not being blackmailed. I never seen him get up in the morning more eagerly than now. He's enjoying his time there."

"But... Why? He hates all Starks."

"Maybe they weren't as bad as He thought? I don't know. But I know for sure father didn't seem so eager in hacking Stark for the research file." Hope remembered her fathers face. The pained look he gave was as if he was betraying someone close to him.

"If your father does not want to do this we are not forcing him for it." Clint answered "We don't want to bring you two too much trouble. And we know how dangerous hacking Tony can be."

"If you know how dangerous it can be, maybe you shouldn't have asked us in the first place." Everyone turned toward the newcomer when he made his way from the open doorway.

"Hank! Long time no see!" Scott bounced up and down once more. When he made movements to hug the older man Hank held out his hands and moved out of the way.

"Not now Scott. I'm still very angry at you for almost letting the government have the suit." Hank stated gravely.

"Aw Hank. I got the suit back. They only had the suit for about a week. No one could have figured out how it worked in that short time." To everyone in the room, Scott sounded liked a little kid trying to talk his way out of being punished.

"And it was lucky Stark was not in a good relationship with the government during that time. If he had taken a look he would have figured it out within a day." Hank tiredly took off his glass. He had been doing that way too much now a days.

"Whoa! Is Hank complimenting a Stark in his strange harsh love way?" Scott asked in shock to Hope.

She gave him an I told you look.

Hank answered harshly "You can't underestimate that man. Give him a little wiggle room and he will figure everything out. You will make sure that suit stays out of anywhere near Stark. Do you understand me? I forbid you to wear it anywhere near Stark."


Scott stayed silently for a moment "What if I have to fight him again?"

"I forbid you to fight him ever again! At least not with MY suit!"

The two people in the room who knew Hank well were confused. From his words it seemed like Hank wanted to protect his technology. But the tone he had spoken to Scott made it seem like he was protecting Stark?

"Ok... I won't..." Scott looked towards Hope and silently asked are you sure He's not being blackmailed? She just gave him a look.

"Doctor Pym. I'll make sure Tony does not get your suit. But we would really appreciate your help in getting the research."

"Yes the research from Aldrich Killian. Do you even know why it's redacted by SHIELD?" Hank looked towards Steve Rogers and closely inspected him. This was the man Stark wanted him to help secretly. Hank had heard about him since he had become Captain America. But Hank had scoffed then. The years of research and hundreds of scientists' work for the super soldier serum, Captain America was just a propaganda boy. When the news of his death had made way to his ears he had not given a second thought. It was only after Captain America's revival, Hank had finally given a moments time on thinking who Steve Rogers might be. But now working with Stark... He will not help out only because Stark asked him to. He will decide if Rogers was worth his help.

"I heard it was because Killian's research had come across SHIELD's data base as dangerous." Steve answered uncertainly. He heard from T'Challa very quickly why it might have been redacted but he had not really understood it.

"Yes dangerous. If the research falls in the wrong hands Terrorist like Aldrich Killian would rise again." Hank stated

Terrorist...? Ah now he remembered. Aldrich Killian was the person who had arranged the Mandarin and bombed multiple places. Steve had been off country and only heard of the event after Tony took cared of everything. When Steve had asked Fury about details it had been all hush hush. The only answer he received was Tony had managed to stop the terrorist. Steve had not pushed for more. If Tony had took care of it Steve had thought he had nothing more to do.

"Then with your expertise do you believe that it might help Barnes in his conditioning from Hydra?" Scott asked this time. Hank wasn’t surprised, out of this lot the only one who understood half of what Hank might say was him.

"With my expertise... Yes Killian's research will help Sargent Barnes."

Steve let out a sigh of relief. There was hope!

"But I'm not going to help you steal the research." Everyone in the room quickly turned towards the old scientist in shock.

"Please Doctor Pym. We need all the help we could get." This time a man with bow and arrows spoke from the side of the room.

Hank's eyebrows rose. "And who are you?"

Clint shut his mouth and understood what Lang might have felt talking to Tony in the Raft.

"Doctor Pym this is Clint Barton, Sam Wilson and Wanda Maximoff." Steve hastily introduced his company.

"I remain firm on my decision. I will not steal the research for you to hand it over to group of scientist in Wakanda. I do not trust them."

"I'll assure you the scientist there will not use the research the way you might fear."

Before Steve could continue his 'assurance' Hank stopped him.

"Do you know all the scientist in Wakanda personally? How can you assure me in their ambitions. Just because of the King of Wakanda is helping you out are you deluded into believing every citizen of Wakanda is 'good'? I do not trust anyone but me to handle the information correctly." Hank snapped at Rogers.

"How can we be sure you won't use the information for your ambition?" Sam finally spoke. Falcon could feel his own anger rise. "Who's going to keep you in you check? Like you said We don’t know you personally. We only came to you for your help because of Scott." Sam ranted out.

"Didn’t you use the same reasoning to be against the Sokovian Accords? You only trusted those whom you knew personally and not the governments who might have other agendas"

The room became silent.

"Don’t get me wrong I’m against the Accords as much as you are. But that also includes my tech. I will not let anyone use my research or Tech unless I choose them personally."

No one had anything to say.

"Doctor Pym…" Wanda started. "If you are not going to help us steal the research… than are you wiling to help us cure him?" she asked timidly.

"Smart girl. I’m going with you back to Wakanda. That’s the only way I’m willing to help." Hank left no room for arguments.


"Doctor Pym your going to Wakanda?" Peter asked as soon as Hank announced his short leave. "Why are you going to Wakanda? Are you going to ask King T’Challa for the usage of Vibranium? Hey that’s actually a good idea! That Shield of Cap’s didn’t follow the law of physics at all! How awesome would it be to use it for Extremis!"

"Shush boy! Your making my headache worse!" Hank grumbled. "I’ll only be gone for few weeks at best… maybe couple of months. I want to be involved in Extremis progress. I better get daily mail Stark! Don’t you think this will give you free reign! And boy you better not spend all your time in that red and blue suit of yours. I want to see work done even without my presence here."

Tony gave a silent nod. When Hank looked directly at him once more he gave a nod back. Tony appreciated that Hank was going to help Barnes.

"Of course old man. Don’t be too long or I might design it however I want! Peter’s on my side so I’m sure he’ll agree with everything I do." Tony smirked

"Are you threatening me Stark? Don’t forget I also have the Failsafe. I’ll shut you down the instant I feel like your out of control!" The older Scientist spoke while he started packing his lab materials.

"Please be safe Doctor Pym." Peter didn’t really know what was going on but he could tell something more was going on than the older scientist would tell him.

"You too Peter. You too."

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