《The Futurist》Chapter 4


The lab was busy as ever. With the three scientist exchanging ideas about Extremis and working on the anti mind control device (They really need to make a name for it). Peter loved working in the lab. But He also loved being Spiderman. Knowing this Mr. Stark had FRIDAY report any activities that might need Spiderman's help. A quiet beep meant Peter would quietly leave for whatever was needed. The 2 older scientist didn't even look up from their work.

Queens was his home. He loved it. If only every tv on the streets stopped playing J. Jonah Jameson.

"He is a menace! Spiderman refuses to show his face! Every other so called Hero have revealed who they are! Why does he hide his! He should be required to take responsibility on all the property damages he caused!" Jameson continued to rant before the other show host stopped him.

"It is well known that Tony Stark has taken as his responsibility to pay for all the damages done. He even hired cleaning crews to clean up the webs. Now If someone like Mr. Stark has shown to encourage the new vigilante as Spiderman, shouldn't we consider him part of the Avengers?" The young woman calmly asked.

Peter was very grateful to Mr. Stark. Truthfully Peter had not even thought about how hard it would take a regular citizen to clean the webs. No regular cleaning supplies would be enough. Mr. Stark had set up a hotline anyone could call if they had a pesky web problem. Then the cleaning crew would go and clean it all up.

"It is Because Tony Stark started to takes responsibility for the actions of that Spider Menace that everything got worse! It started with simple damages to windows but now Spiderman thinks he can go breaking everything! Why? Because he has a sponsor that's willing to pay for him! That Spiderling is like a Spoiled Brat only counting on Daddy's money!"

"Some people would be willing to argue that the increase in damage is positively correlated to the more difficult rescues Spiderman had been recently involved in. Here are some clips showing the Spiderman swinging his way in a burning building and rescuing everyone inside. Here is another of him stopping a bank robber."

Peter winced at the last clip. Yup that event could have gone better.

"Yes that's a perfect example! Look! He could have perfectly stopped the robber without kicking him to a pillar of the building! The reconstruction of that building cost more than the cash the robber would have taken in the theft!"

How was Peter suppose to know that the robber's mechanical armor was sturdy enough to break the pillar! (Well I guess I could have stopped him without kicking him...)

"Which Mr. Stark took care of." the host continued for Jameson

"Yes which he took care of. But there's going to be a moment where Daddy's money won't be enough."

Peter focus changed from the tv to the sirens of the police cars. Here comes the robbers. So how should he stop this high speed chase? Hmm. Ah ha! Excellent idea if I don't say myself Peter!

He swung his way about four blocks ahead and set up his trap. He will use his web-shooter to make a big wall of web! Yes excellent! the car will be stuck on the web like a fly! Peter looked around calmly. Now... Would this cause any physical damages? Nah only cleaning crew needed! Chew on that J Jonah Jameson! This Spiderman was going to show you he can help people without being a menace to society!


Yay here they come! now time to admire his work. Peter thought in glee. But... Why is that car not slowing down? Whoah! Are they speeding up? Hey dumb robbers don't you see that giant wall of web in front of you? Shit! if they go at that speed... the web will stop them... but the car will rebound! Damn it! Stupid robbers! Peter hurried down from the side of the wall he was waiting at. He dropped to the ground the moment the car crashed into the web. And as peter predicted the car rebounded. His spider senses heightened his perception and He could see the robbers' car was bound to crash into the police car coming to a screeching halt.

Can he stop the free-falling car before it crashed into the police car? No... too much inertia. He would be dragged with the car. Damn it! Get the police car out of the way! Peter hurriedly got to work and shoot his web at the police car and pulled.

Peter unknowingly closed his eyes as he heard the loud crash. He slowly opened his eyes and could not help but grimace. The police car had hit a fire hydrant and now gallons of water was flooding the street. Luckily it seemed like the policemen were not too hurt as both of them got out of the car and groaned.

the robber's trunk was totally destroyed as the car imbedded itself on the road and now hundred bills were floating around all of them. Peter slowly made his way to the robbers and let out a sigh of relief as he saw all the robbers in the car were wearing seatbelt and were mostly just unconscious. (yes that is why you wear seatbelt kids!)

Peter turned around when he heard growling from behind him. One of the police officers was growling at him!

"You! Why do you make everything worse!"

"I...I'm so sorry! I... I thought... that the robbers would slow down..." Peter stammered.

"Carl stop. He was only trying to help. And if he didn't pull us out of the way we would have definitely died." The other officers said as he tried to calm his partner down. "Thanks for your help Spiderman. If you hadn't stop the car it was bound towards a school zone. And at this time there were bound to be casualties."

Peter was very grateful for the officer. But felt very guilty. He had not even thought about the school zone. One mistake from him and a child could have been killed. The two officers were arguing and it seemed like the nicer officers won and turned toward him.

"Go. We'll take care of the rest."

"Thank you.'"Peter said as he used his web-shooter to swing upwards. Peter looked back as he swung. From a bird-eye view it was so much worse. Ugh...What a mess...


"You can't go around breaking things!" As soon as he entered the compound Peter knew he would get a scolding from Mr. Rhodes.

"Did you forget all strategy training I thought you? Look at your surroundings, consider all actions of the enemy!"

"I'm sorry. I thought I made the safe decision trying to stop the car. I never assumed the robbers would try to crash their way through." He felt guiltier by the second. He could see Mr. Rhodes fuming. He was 'pacing' back and forth on his wheelchair.


"Peter this is why we don't go head first into things!"

"Aw give the kid a rest. I didn't think it was such bad strategy. I would have just flown in front of the car and punched the engine but eh not everyone can have militarized suit." Tony stated as he made his way towards the two of them.


"By the way kid. I think your web could be little more elastic. Right now it's a little too rigid. Your plan would have worked if the web was more flexible. Let's work on that as we work on the self dissipating web. I mean I am a billionaire but the cleaning fee is getting huge!" Mr. Stark smirked.

"Tony!" Peter winced towards Mr. Rhodes as he looked about to explode. Peter really did try to stop the smile from appearing from his face. He really did.

"Rhodey. You can be the nagging mom. I'm going to be the cool dad!"

"Tony!" Mr. Rhodes finally exploded and yelled as loudly as he can.

"Oh noes! Let get out of here before he starts chasing us on his wheelchair!" Peter followed as Mr. Stark grabbed his hands and ran away from the former War Machine.

Peter really did love it here.


Wakanda was a beautiful place. The beauty was not only in the eyes but in all five senses. From the pleasing sounds of birds and water to the smell of flowers and other vegetation. Exotic fruits for your taste buds and the perfect humidity and weather. Just being there felt like you were in a masterpiece.

Steve hated it here.

He was a city boy. He needed smog and pollution. He needed sounds of honking and shouts of people on their commute to work. This paradise... It was not for him.

He felt a little regret that he could not go back home.

"I can hear your constant sigh from the inside of the palace." Steve turned as he heard Sam come near him. "What's up? Is this little bit of paradise not doing it for you?" Sam smiled as he took a sit next to Steve.

Steve smiled back. He had connected with Sam instantaneously. It's been a while he was able to make friends. But Sam had understood him and was always by his side.

"Yeah this place isn't doing it for me either! I mean common those birds chirping every morning? I never wanted to strangle a bird more." Both men laughed as Sam pretended to wring the necks of the birds.

"Well I hope you don't try such a thing. Those birds are endangered and are only found in the forest of Wakanda." Steve and Sam quickly stopped laughing as T'Challa came into view.

"Ah, Your Highness I was only joking! I would never..." Sam stopped talking when T’Challa held up a hand.

"I was also joking my friends." T'Challa smiled at the shocked faces of the two formal Avengers. "I would also love to get my hands on one of them." The three of them burst out laughing.

This felt normal to Steve. Hanging out with his friends joking with each other. This was the one thing he had not missed about home. Because it had followed him to Wakanda.

"But alas I come as a bearer of bad news." When Steve looked towards the king saw his face was grim.

"What is it?" Sam asked before Steve could

T'Challa looked silently before he started his message.

"Captain do you remember what I told you about Aldrich Killian's research?"

"Yes you told me your scientist believed it could help with Bucky's conditioning..." He really didn't like the way the conversation was going.

"Sadly when we received the research many parts of the study was redacted."

"Redacted? By the military" The more they talked the more the hope Steve had of finally awaking Bucky crumbled.

"By SHIELD." And there went his hope.

"By SHIELD? then that means..." Sam trailed off at the implications.

"It means Tony has the research." Steve finished for all of them.


"You seem to be enjoying yourself dad."

"Of course not! How can ever think that I would find enjoyment being anywhere near a Stark! Never less working with a Stark!"

Even as her father grumbled Hope can tell he was truly happy. She had not seen him this happy after the death of her mother. His moods had been lifted a tiny but with Scott’s arrival into their family. But whatever Tony Stark had invited her father to work on had truly uplifted him.

"So are you ever going to tell me what you two are doing?"


"Excuse me?"

"Three. There are three of us working. He really is a brilliant boy. I would say if given time he will become one of the pillars of the scientific world." Hope was confused and in shock. It took a lot for her father to acknowledge anyone. Even she herself was never praised so highly...

"Who are you talking about?"

Hank looked at her as he took off his jacket.

"I'm sure you'll hear about him soon enough. Never mind the boy, here Stark gave me this file." He rummaged inside his briefcase and handed a folder over to his daughter.

Hope looked through the file quickly. She was very happy to find out it was about Scott.

"Wait... Scott's in Wakanda? Wasn't or Isn't King T'Challa a big Ally for the Sokovian Accords? Why would he help those who broke to accord laws?"

"I don't know. Sadly it seems the file does not contain an answer for that either. But lets be glad that he's safe." Hank rubbed his tired eyes. He needed rest. He was not young enough to spend days in the lab anymore. "I'm going to go up and sleep. If you want to speak with Scott there seems to be a phone number inside."

Hope watched her father go up to his bedroom. She saw the number her father was talking about when she came to the last page. She picked up the phone and dialed. It rang for a moment and...

"Tony?" a sound of disbelief came from the voice on the other end.

"No. Hello my name is Hope Pym I was told I could get in contact with Scott Lang through this number."

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