《The Futurist》Chapter 3


"Yo Vision. What do you think Team Cap is doing?" Peter was gulping down the omelet Vision had made for him. It was quite delicious. Maybe not as good as his aunts but it still counted as one of the best (or maybe it's because he had not eaten anything for almost 24 hours?')

"Team Cap?" Peter watched as Vision burrow his eyebrows together in confusion. Vision fascinated him. He was so much like a human. How had the android come to be? The teen had wanted to ask but he wasn't sure if Vision might be offended by the question.

"Yeah! We're team Iron Man and the others that left are Team Cap! I was wonder what they were doing? So far there haven’t been any news about them you know? Do they have their own secret hiding place? Wait a minute... Can Cap be called Captain America anymore? Isn't he like number one wanted person right now?" Peter kept voicing his stream of conscious before Vision finally stopped him.

"Peter. We are not team Iron Man or Team Cap. We are the Avengers. Both side did what they believed was right. But in the end, when the world needs us we will be united once more."

"... But believing what you did was right does not mean you did the right thing..." An image of a robbery flashed through Peter's head. At that moment Peter had believed what he did was right. He believed the Owner deserved it. After all he had ripped him off and was a crook. It was only after his uncle... People always made mistakes. With great power comes great responsibly. Didn't Cap abuse his power for his own agenda? Peter thought back to all the people who were injured badly by Cap when he had tried to stop them from apprehending the Winter Soldier.

"Yes. You are correct in that assessment. But I believe in the end the Captain will understand why we chose the way we did. All of us." Vision thought back to the moment Wanda had decided to leave the compound. Vision truly hoped that she would understand why he had made that decision for her.

"Does it matter if Cap understands our... his decision? Would the government ever forgive him... Would Mr. Stark...?"


The more and more Rhodey listened to Doctor Pym and Tony talk the more he felt left out. The back and forth of ideas made his head hurt! So in the end he had decided to leave the lab at the mercy of the mad scientists.

He smiled at the look of pure joy Tony showed as he worked with Pym. Yes, Tony was Iron Man but in the end he was an intellectual. Talking and debating with people who were closer to his intellect always made Tony open up more. It was very noticeable even as Tony hung out with the Avengers. While to Doctor Banner Tony would talk about what was in his heart, Tony always use sarcasm and jokes to the other members. Even now Rhodey was surprise to hear Tony had therapy session with Bruce.


Thinking back to the conversation between the Scientist excited Rhodey. The world that Tony had envisioned. It was the same feeling he felt when he knew Tony was building a suit for him also. He yearned the day that future came. The day when extremis 2.0 would finally be released into the world.


"You want to build in a failsafe?" Hank responded in surprise.

"I have built way too may weapons and devices for me to not think about a failsafe."

"But you want me to have the failsafe code? Why? We barely know each other?" the older scientist wondered if the younger Stark had gone bonkers. Why would he want him to have the failsafe code?

"Well ideally I would love to get one more person to be in the failsafe code but he won't pick up his phone right now. So you and I will be the only ones the failsafe would be biologically linked to. When Bruce comes back I hope you are ok with him being part of the failsafe."

"No, of course"

Silence fell in the room as they both went back to work and both were lost in their own thoughts and memories. Hank never thought a day would come when he would have agreed with a Stark. But Extremis 2.0 had great potential. Would it really become the greatest defense for Earth and its inhabitants?

"Hank. Why don't you ask me about Lang?" The sudden question startled the older scientist and he dropped the pen he had been using. "I thought when you first came over that would have been the first thing you would have demanded from me." Tony continued. "But... You haven't mentioned him at all."

Was that guilt Hank saw on the younger Stark's face? The more he spend time with the person he once believed to be egoistical, the more Hank was confused by him. "Why? If I asked would you have told me?" Hank questioned "After all telling me where Scott is would also let me know where all the other highly wanted fugitives are. Would you have risked that?"

Tony gave Hank a tired smile. "I just gave you the failsafe to one of the greatest invention I have ever thought of." The more Tony interacted with people the more tiring it was. When did he even start caring so much? "I have sent you an encoded file to your private server. You'll find all the answers you might have."

And Hank did what he had never thought he would do. He thanked a Stark.


When Steve broke the others out of the Raft they unanimously decided to lay low in Wakanda for the moment. They had been grateful to King T'Challa for his assistance and help. Steve couldn't thank him enough for helping Bucky fight his brain conditioning. Even now the brightest scientist in Wakanda were working day and night to figure out a solution.

Others who were in Wakanda with him were beginning to get into a routine. Steve knew that others were missing home. Most of them left someone special behind. But after what the government had done to them none of them had regretted their decision. They were proven right the moment all of them were sent to the Raft without legal proceedings.


King T'Challa had been busy recently in figuring out what was going to happen to the Sokovian Accords. Steve had not really wanted to interfere with the King's decision but from the hushed voices in the halls, Steve knew most people in Wakanda were still very strongly for the Accords. He understood the people's wants. After all the Accords was one of the Previous King's legacy. And their King died for that legacy.

When Zemo had been apprehended, Steve believed many nations would fight over who would be the one to indict him. But the opposite happened. No one wanted to acknowledge the Sokovian's involvement in all the events that had occurred. No, all them were happy to pin everything on him and the rest of his team. So in the end Wakanda had Zemo in custody for the death of their King.

He knew how corrupt Politics were but He had not known it could have been this blind. Steve and millions of men and women had sacrificed their life for the service of the government. He had given 70 years of his life for a cause he believed in. For the cause he thought his government believed in. But now looking back at his life, looking back at what happened to Bucky... Was it all a waste? Did they really give everything to people who were happy to throw them under the bus?

Steve continued walking down the hall to the throne room. The guards in front announced his arrival and opened the door. The throne room was grand. From the high ceilings and the gold decorations everywhere the hall exhibited the vast wealth of Wakanda.

He waited a moment for the King to notice him. T'Challa had been talking with several ministers in hushed voices surrounding a table full of papers. The young King soon dismissed everyone.

Steve could feel the glares of the passing ministers. He was not an idiot. He knew many of them were against making Wakanda a safe haven for them. The only reason they were not kicked out of the country was because of T’Challa. Steve walked in with his head held high.

T'Challa looked tired. Guilt flooded Steve. He really didn't like it when others suffered because of him.

"I have always loathed the day I would be sitting here." T'Challa started when he got close "I knew it was my destiny but I was always more of a Warrior."

"You are doing a great job T'Challa. You can always send us out of your country if it becomes too much for you." Steve replied quietly. "We all knew the risk. While all of us are grateful for your help, I know none of us want to bring you and your country trouble."

"No Captain. I invited you and your friends as my own penance for being blinded by revenge. As long as I live you will have asylum here."

"Thank you." Both men smiled.

"Captain. I asked you to come to tell you what have been happening to the Sokovian Accords. As you know I am still for the Accords. As a leader of a country I know the safety the Accords will bring to not only my country but the world."

"Of course I understand." Steve knew T'Challa was a good person that was willing to sacrifice himself for a cause. And Steve also knew the responsibility of a Country looking up to him. "I understand your stance. T'Challa I know you are choosing the Accords because you want to protect your people. Do not worry about me or my team."

"But I want you to know the talks had been going strong on revising the Accords. While most people don't like to acknowledge Zemo's involvement they all do know what Ross did was unacceptable. Mr. Stark's legal team had been very helpful in the revision process."

The tiny phone in his pocket felt heavy at the mention of Tony's name. Steve had regretted that the two of them couldn't see eye to eye. While they did not agree in many things, Steve felt safe leaving the Avengers in Tony's hands. After all the Avengers were more family to Tony then they were to him.

"How is Tony?" He asked quietly.

"I do not know"

"What? What do you mean? Don't you see him at the meetings?" Steve asked

"No it seems Mr. Stark is quite busy and had not been at the meetings." T'Challa answered as he leaned back on the throne. "Mr. Stark sent his deepest apologies for his absence through his lawyers."

Why did Tony always do this? Why did he always leave his job to others? Steve knew Tony was better than this. He knew Tony could be so much more if only he cared about others more than himself.

T'Challa decided to change the subject when he saw the emotions on the Captain's face. He just gotten to know the previous Avengers but from their conversations T'Challa knew many of them felt a deep resentment for Iron Man.

"It seems like our Scientist had figured out how they might be able to help Sergeant Barnes."

Steve perked up quickly at the news. "That's great!"

"One of my scientist came across a research by a man name Aldrich Killian. They believe what he had been researching might help reverse the effect of the conditioning."

Aldrich Killian? Where had he heard that name before? "I'm so glad they found a way." Steve breathed out a shaky laugh.

"Well we only have tiny part of the research that was published but we are getting in contact to see if we can get more in-depth research papers."

There was finally some hope. Steve couldn't believe it. Only a just a bit longer and Bucky will be back to who he was. Bucky could live without fear anymore.

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