《Magicat》Chapter 10 Pt3


Author's Note: As promised! Enjoy!

The smoke slowly clears from the area where Yen performed his spell. Laia seemed to have been awoken by the loud noise and she quickly runs to where the sound came from.

Laia: “Yen?! Yen?! What happened?!”

Laia quickly uses wind magic to clear the smoke away.

Laia: “Breeze!”

A wind blows through and clears the smoke away. Laying in the middle of a beam of moonlight lies a handsome young man dressed in a gray suit with gray hair and light blue highlights. He is about 5 foot 10 inches tall (1.778 meters). He also happens to have cat ears and a tail.

Laia: “What? Is that you Yen? What happened?”

The man slowly opens his eyes in response to Laia’s call.

Yen: “Urgh? What is it Laia?” [I feel strange… Hm?]

Yen holds up his new found hands up to his face.

Yen: “Haha. hahahaha! Yes! It worked! Laia it worked!”

Yen jumps up and hugs Laia tightly then proceeds to fall down on the ground and sleep while reverting back to a cat.

Laia: “… I guess I’ll just wait until you wake up to tell me what happened then…”

–Dream World–

Yen wakes up in a mossy clearing amidst humongous trees reaching up into the skies with very little sunlight peeking through the canopy.

Yen: [This seems like the dream world?] “Hm? I thought the spell succeeded?”

Yen had reverted back to his former cat self just with a few added highlights of light blue.

???: “Yes the spell did succeed but it could also be called incomplete.”

Yen: [Sigh. Is it another eccentric hero?] “Who are you?”

A man comes around from a tree and approaches Yen.

???: “I am the hero of magic, Hyseene. It seems that you have been chosen as my successor so I came to talk to you a bit.”


Yen: “Is that so? Why have I been chosen now? My magic skills haven’t changed at all. Also, what is that about a mistake in my spell?”

Hyseene: “Only humans and related species can be chosen as heroes. Since you were a cat before, you didn’t fulfill the main requirement despite having the magic talent. Also you performed a spell without any prior testing of the effects and just based it off your imagination! Of course you won’t get exactly the results you want.”

Yen: “I see… So what else did you want to talk to me about?”

Hyseene: “It is about your future. Come. Sit.”

Hyseene creates two chairs and a table from earth magic and snaps his fingers. Some birds fly from god knows where and pour some tea into two teacups on the table.

Yen and Hyseene sit down and stare at each other from across the table. Hyseene takes a sip of the tea.

Hyseene: “So in the first place your magic is already sufficiently strong even among past heroes so I have nothing to teach you other than to test your spells sufficiently before performing them or else something may go wrong.”

Yen: [Hm I was in a bit too much of a panic then…] “Alright. And?”

Hyseene: “Hm? Nothing else. You may leave.”

An awkward silence pervades the clearing.

Yen: “Uh… Ah… I’ll take my leave then.”

Hyseene: “Alright then. Never come back also figure out how to control your transformations or else you will have quite an annoying life.”

Yen: “Ah okay… I’ll take your advice then.”

Yen activates his dream travel skill and leaves the dream world to return to the normal world.

–Real World–

Yen wakes up from his dreams and finds himself snuggled in Laia’s embrace (As a cat) in what is presumably her room.


Yen: [So I am still in cat form. I have probably stopped the death by aging. Anyways I should get out of here…]

Yen tries to escape the embrace but is only hugged harder.

Yen: “Gah!”

Laia slowly opens her eys.

Laia: “Hm? So you are up now are you Yen?”

She releases Yen and he scampers out of her embrace.

Laia: “So what did you do to yourself? You were a cat person back there.”

Yen: “Ah I tried out a new spell and succeeded partially.”

Laia: “Partially? How so?”

Yen: “I was successful in increasing my age but I meant to turn completely into a humanoid form not with the ability to switch between forms.”

Laia: “Is that so? Anyways don’t do such dangerous things on your own again. I understand that you were hurried but waking me up to help out would have been a good idea.”

Yen: “Your advice is duly noted.”

There is a short pause in the conversation and Laia hugs Yen and lifts him up.

Laia: “Anyways! Congratulations on staying alive Yen!”

Yen: “Thanks Laia.”

Laia: “Hmm you should get going to Ai now. She might be getting lonely hehe.”

Yen: “Alright you take care too Laia.”

Yen and Laia part ways and prepare for the second day at school.

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