《Magicat》Chapter 9 Pt5


Author's Note: Enjoy I suppose.

Yen, Ai, and Theo are walking towards the swords mastery class together.

Ai: “I wonder what the teacher is like if there are dangerous rumors about him?”

Yen: [I think he may be similar to you…]

Theo: “I hear that he is a descendent of the former hero of the vanguard. Also that he is extremely violent with his lessons.”

Yen: [Just like Ai…]

Ai: “Hmmm…. Sounds like fun.”

Ai mutters under her breath a statement that is only heard by Yen.

The group arrives at their destination, a large, square field about the size of 100 meters per side. It is riddled with small craters and large chunks of gouged out ground.

There are 5 students standing in the field in front of a muscular bald man with only pants and boots on. The resemblance to the Buff Hero can be seen.

The man nods when he notices Ai and Theo standing with the group. Yen is sitting outside of the boundaries of the field.

Topless Muscle: “Good all of the students that should be here are here. We can now begin the swords mastery class. I would like to welcome you all.”

The teacher looks over at the group and selects out one of the students.

Topless Muscle: “You. Take out your sword and stand over there.”

Hopeless Pleb: “Me?”

Topless Muscle: “Yes you. I will be testing each of you for your swords skills personally.”

Yen: [Ahh I feel sorry for that kid…]

The student walks over to where the teacher told him to go and took out a rapier.

Topless Muscle: “Come at me with the best you have.”

The teacher tells him to attack while he takes out a long sword and holds it with both hands.


Hopeless Pleb: “Ahhhhhhh!!”

The student rushes at the teacher… and is blown away to the skies. When he finally falls back down he creates a small crater. Healers, apparently on standby, rush out to the student and carry him away on a stretcher.

Yen: [Yup. Really sorry.]

This scenario repeats with the other four students as well. No matter what weapon they took out, a dagger, a short sword, a cutlass, they were all sent flying and made their mark on the earth. Finally it was Theo’s turn.

Topless Muscle: “Your turn, pretty boy.”

Theo: “Yes!”

Theo rushes at the teacher with swift footwork, taking an indirect route. His purple hair swishes in the wind created by his approach. He uses quickdraw and unsheathes his katana and aims for the teacher.

Topless Muscle: “Haha! Interesting! You have some skill pretty boy!”

The teacher deflects Theo’s attack with his sword and grabs Theo’s hand and throws Theo into the air lightly. Theo falls onto the ground and becomes unconscious but he does not create a crater nor is he severely injured.

Yen: [Rest in peace Theo. Ai will probably avenge you.]

Topless Muscle: “It’s your turn missy. You can turn back now if you want but I feel that you don’t want that. The new teacher, Ms. Laia told me about you.”

The teacher grins at the last remaining student, Ai, and waves her over to provoke her.

Ai: “Hehe bald man you seem like fun to fight!”

Ai immediately pulls out her long sword and rushes at the teacher with a smile on her face. Her movement was almost imperceptible to untrained eyes.

The teacher’s grin widens and he lifts his sword up just in time to block Ai’s blow. His feet sink into the ground slightly.


Topless Muscle: “Your skills are good! Haaah!”

The teacher swipes with his sword and Ai uses the force from the blow to spin up into the air and falls with the force of gravity to add weight to her blow. The teacher’s feet sink further into the ground.

Topless Muscle: “Good! You pass! We can stop now!”

The teacher yells at Ai but Ai does not stop. She continues to attack him with fervor.

Topless Muscle: “Stop!”

Ai: “Haaah!”

Topless Muscle: “W-wait! Ooof!”

The teacher is hit in the stomach with the pommel of Ai’s sword and then is hit on the top of his head with the (extremely)blunted blade of the sword. He passes out immediately.

Ai: “Hahaha! I won!”

Yen walks up to Ai.

Yen: “That wasn’t the purpose…”

Ai: “It wasn’t?”

Ai looks befuddled.

Yen: *sigh*

And so concluded the Ai’s first swords mastery class.

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