《Magicat》Chapter 9 Pt3


Author's Note: Sorry for the delay. I was busy. I should be writing another one soon though. Also happy Valentines Day! (If you have someone T_T)

Ai and Yen arrive in front of wooden double doors with a wooden sign hanging on a hook next to them.

Yen: “Magic101: An introduction to unnatural phenomena It seems like we are here Ai.”

Ai: “Yeah I wonder if I can understand this course.”

Yen: [I don’t know either…]

Yen reads out what is written on the sign and Ai looks skeptical as she opens the door. Inside is a set up just like the other classroom except that all the seats are filled.

Ai: “Hmm Yen should we just stand at the back then?”

Ai looks around and asks for Yen’s advice.

Yen: “No. I can just make a seat for us and I’ll sit on your lap.”

Ai: “Okay.”

Yen gathers earth mana and casts a spell.

Yen: “Create Chair”

A chair grows out of the floor, forming itself into a plain four legged chair with a back.

Ai: “Hmm won’t this be bad for the floor? The chair is connected to the ground.”

Yen: “It’s okay. I’ll turn it back afterwards.”

Ai: “Okay.”

Ai nods and sits down and places Yen on her lap. This whole process is watched by a completely dumbfounded class.

However, they are not given much time to stare when the teacher walks into the classroom.

Magic Teacher: “Okay class let’s get ready for magic! Hm? What are you all looking at?”

The teacher is an uptight looking young man with yellow wavy hair and wide eyes behind a silver monocle over his right eye. He is wearing a silver embroidered white robe.

He looks at where all the eyes are looking at with interest but quickly loses it.


Magic Teacher: “Oh so it’s just a magic chair. Make sure to revert it afterwards okay?”

Ai: “Okay. We will.”

Magic Teacher: “Good. My name is Jenson, there is no need for you to know my surname, and I am your teacher for Magic introduction and if you will be advancing, I will also be your teacher for advanced Magic Theory.”

Yen: [He seems to be quite strong if he teaches a high level class.]

Yen looks at the man with interest as he begins to teach.

Jenson: “Now. I will assume you plebs know nothing about magic and start at the beginning.”

Jenson starts writing on the board by levitating a piece of chalk and controlling it.

Jenson: “We will start with the basic elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark.”

He draws a circle and a line on the board.

Jenson: “Now each one has weaknesses and strong points. Water smothers Fire. Fire consumes WInd. Wind weathers Earth. Earth consumes Water. And Light and Dark destroy each other.”

He proceeds to draw images representing the 6 elements on the circle and line.

Jenson: “Most have two or three elements that they excel in. Any more and the mana becomes diluted and weak though there are some exceptions like the heroes of old.”

Random Pleb: “What if they only have one element?”

Jenson: “That is a good question. They usually have exceptional power and control in that one element or are exceptionally weak. Some of the heroes also only had one element.”

Jenson takes a pause and sips some water.

Jenson: “Now then you can find your aptitude with these sheets of magic paper. When someone unskilled with mana holds this without a mana shielding like I am using at the moment, the sheet will become dyed with the colors of their elements. Yellow for Earth, Green for Wind, Blue for Water, Red for Fire, Beige for Light and black for Dark.”


Jenson’s hand is surrounded by a beige and blue swirling aura.

Yen: [Is that how you make a mana shield? Interesting. Though that is probably just his imagination influencing it.]

Jenson walks around and places a sheet of paper in front of each student. Yen creates a table in front of Ai.

Jenson: “Do you need this? It seems you are already proficient in magic.”

Ai: “Hm? Do you mean the table and chair? Yen made those.”

Jenson looks down at Ai’s lap.

Jenson: “The familiar?”

Ai: “Yep!”

Jenson: “…hm”

He nods and places a sheet in front of Ai,

Jenson: “Okay. Now pick them up and see what your aptitude is.

The whole class picks the sheets up and looks on with amazement as the sheets are slowly dyed colors starting from where they touched it. Comments of delight or and disappointment sound in the classroom.

Ai: “Hm. Yen I got beige and nothing else.”

Yen: “You are probably pretty strong with it so I don’t think there is any need to worry.”

Ai flaps the sheet around in front of Yen.

Ai: “Hmm I wonder what happens if I touch you with this?”

Jenson: “This paper only works with humans. Familiars have their own methods of figuring out their aptitudes. Beside each paper is only usable once.”

Ai: “Oh. Okay.”

Jenson returns to the front of the room and claps his hand to gather the students’ attention.

Jenson: “Okay. This is it for today’s lesson. For homework you should find the chapter in the textbook and determine a good training regime based on your aptitudes and come in tomorrow with a basic understanding of how to use your mana.”

The class concludes when the bell rings and the students gather their books and leave the classroom.

Author's Note: Again. Sorry for the delay in my already dead snail pace.

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