《Transported to an Absurd World》Chapter 11 — Preparations and Departure


"Preparing for the journey will take some time. Let's meet at the guild after two days. You guys better prepare too."

Rayleigh sends me a worried glance.

... I think that worry is for nothing, though it would not hurt to be careful. We'll properly shop for supplies later.

".... Mm. We also need to tell Ellio that you've agreed to help with the quest."

"Well, he already gave his approval right?"

"... Yes. He said to come back if the plan was a success."

Rayleigh once again looks at me with worry.

Why only me?

"Rayleigh quit it."

Rinne jabs Rayleigh on his side and grabs him to her side and whispers something.

"Look, I know you're anxious but you unconsciously keep looking at Saya with the face of someone who swallowed a bitter bug."

"D-did I really made that face?"

"Yeah, you better quit it. Have some trust in her."


I can hear you, you know. Well, it's not like I can blame them.

"Let us prepare already. Senia, Saya, we will be on our way."

Endalfein called out to Rinne and Rayleigh and left. I guess we better prepare too.

".... Senia, what should we do? About the preparations."

"Ah~ Well, how about shopping for provisions? And transportation too."

".... We won't be walking?"

"Of course not! It would take weeks and it would tiresome. We would need a wagon or carriage for the quest. The Merchant Guild can sell us some horses and a carriage."

I doubt it would be cheap. There's also the matter with the katana. I'd like to repay her the favor sometime.

"Well then, let's go?"

".... Mm."

..... I'm overthinking things. I'm sure I'll be able to think of something after the quest.



Two days later.

"Ah... I have confirmed that Rayleigh and his party will be joining you on this quest."

Ellio stamps some paper while talking. It must be something needed to approve our joint party.

"Ah... But two days of preparation eh? You sure wasted your time. It's a good thing that quest was still new."

I did think that two days was too much. Senia and I finished preparing after separating with Rayleigh and co. We were relaxing for two days.

"Ugh... That was my fault."

"Ah... I'm not blaming anyone though?"

Rayleigh felt ashamed, but it's true that Ellio didn't blame anyone.

".... Time is of the essence. Let's go."

"Ah.... You guys be careful out there."

I nod at Ellio's words. I don't particularly feel tense, though I am excited.

Outside the guild was our wagon. It had a roof so we would be fine, even if it rained. Endalfein was holding the reins. He volunteered to be the coachman, and Rayleigh would switch with him later on.

We bought the two horses and the covered wagon at the Merchant Guild before reporting to Ellio. We split the cost among us. Senia covered for me though, I kinda feel bad.

"Are you finished? Shall we depart then?"

We board the wagon. Only a few of our luggage was inside because most of it was in a [Magic Bag]. It's a magic item that can store a fixed amount of things.

"Okay, come here for a minute you guys."

Rayleigh gathers us four for a rebriefing. Endalfein is, of course, driving the carriage. We just got out of Deinaria.

The quest goes like this:

Objective: Clear out an Orc Nest.

Location: Near the Luton Village, West of Deinaria.

Quest Ranking: B Minus Rank


"The requester must be the chief of the village, right?" (Rinne)

"Yeah, that may be the case." (Senia)

"I hope the village is safe. Luton Village takes two weeks and four days to travel on foot, and about a week in a carriage." (Rayleigh)

"Assuming the travel is free of trouble right?" (Senia)

"Yeah. We could be attacked midway of our travel." (Rayleigh)

"Well, Dal and I would know if there's any enemy presence, so rest assured." (Rinne)

Rinne gives a 'Hmph!' while proudly puffing her small chest out. Elves are said to have good eyesight and hearing, while Beastmen have good senses in general. Also, my [Search] can detect nearby enemies.

I crawled over to the coachman's seat. I sat beside Endalfein.

".... Hello."

"Oh, hello Saya. What would be the matter?"

".... Nothing. Just wanted to see the view."

I was bored so I went to greet Endalfein. The cold wind feels pleasant. I narrow my eyes and enjoy the moment. Endalfein smiled a little and continued to drive the wagon while I continue to enjoy the scenery.

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