《Adonis:On》Adonis 30: Final String 2


By evening, they collapsed the entire forward base and everyone returned to Blaine to rest. Afterwards, everyone was told to return to their residences to rest up for tomorrow’s celebration, hosted by the guild, no less.

Of course, we were included in that, and we were explicitly told by the guilder staff to attend the celebration. I could only shrug in protest. Honestly, I didn’t mind joining in the festivities, it just irked me that they ordered me to attend.

With nothing left to do, I walked the bright-lit streets of Blaine with Nis.

“Did you miss me?” She asked with a smug grin as we walked with a spring to her step.

“Get your processors fixed.”

“Well, I can’t do that now... or, ever.” Her voice that was chirpy was now slightly down.

I groaned. “Don’t cry on me now.”

“Bleh! as if, oldie!” As we walked, she ran up a few meters ahead and stuck her tongue out.

Well, I can’t really refute that. Considering my mental age, wow. I’d prolly be considered an elf if anyone knew. Huh, come to think of it, Madriel did mention that I seemed older than I really was. She’s sharp, I guess it’s the intuition between an old person and a really older person.

She probably would have believed if I told her that I was part elf.

“You know, crying is a vital human function.” I stifled a yawn as we walked.

“My new year’s resolution is to learn to be selfish, not to be sad. Don’t poop on my goals!” She said, her voice returning to her sing-song nature. “Besides... crying over the past, it’s quite, how do I say this, counterproductive to our... my current objectives.”

I grinned. “You’ve put a lot of thought into this.”

She met my smile with her own, though I argue hers was a much brighter one than mine, if only because her smile made the dreary night feel calm and cheery.

“Only the best functions for the best AI there is, er... was!” Cheerily, she brought up both hands and gave me a thumbs up.

I chuckled, and shared a laugh together. The tiredness I felt, the fatigue built up, it all felt lighter now. The effects of socializing, you can’t underestimate it. Especially so with a sunny girl like Nis.

~ - ~

Come morning, maybe because we slept in, an angry knock on our door woke us up. I opened the windows to our room and saw the sun nearly above us. Again, the knock sounded behind the wooden barrier.

Nis was, as usual, still asleep under her blankets, so it fell to me to open the door.

As I did, what greeted me was an elf clad in guilder uniform. I peered at his face, it felt familiar somehow, yet I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“So, why the rude awakening?” I asked, and deliberately yawned in front of him. Maybe it was impolite, but I could care less after what he did.

The handsome elf, with a strained smile, slammed his palm over the surface of the door, took out a piece of paper from his suit, and showed it to us.


Boldly written on the piece of paper was the time of the celebration. At one in the afternoon. Well, it was probably a few minutes past 1 already if the elf’s face is anything to go by.

“Oh, yeah, party. Look man, kinda tired so forgive us.”

“IS that really how you ask for forgiveness after you’ve made a mistake? Goodness, the state of our adamantiums these days.”

That voice... Ah, so that’s how it is.

“Adantel?” I asked just to be sure.

“The one and only” He nodded and raised his chin. “Did you not recognize me?”

Of course not! I wanted to retort, but I kept it in. How was I supposed to know this elf was Adantel? Last I saw him, he was nothing more than a decrepit old man. Now though, he was as youthful as any elf.

“Why the change?” I asked him, leaning on the door frame. I was curious.

“Do you actually believe that form was by my own choosing? That was not the case, my adamantium friend! I was cursed so by that damnable Bastroll. He thought I had romantic feelings for that “Fairy of the Battlefield”! Fat chance! I say, but he did not believe me.” He started to passionately explain.

“Now though, thanks to you and that fairy’s efforts, I have been freed from that curse. Now, I can return to the form I so dearly wish. Do you not think it is a shame to deprive this world of my beauty?!” He asked, breath ragged.

“Man, what happened to you? Weren’t you a reserve, wisely, if a bit out of touch, head of the lodge?”

“Don’t mind it, I’m merely feeling a high I haven’t felt in a few hundred years. Let me have this moment.” He explained and caught his breath, now returning to his old self... by old, I meant his personality.

“Enough about that, I’m here to drag you to that very celebration. Did we not specify that we require your attendance? Your MANDATORY attendance.” He stressed.

I sighed. “Publicity stunt? Is that why the celebration is over the city plaza, and why the drinks are free... the food, everything?”

“You catch on quick, yes. That is exactly it.” Adantel snapped his fingers. “With the lose of over a hundred platinums, we dearly require new, talented Wanderers to fill in the gaps. It may take years for their talent to blossom, but we still require fresh blood to replace what has been lost.”

“And I bet you’ll use our youthful appearance, as well as our strength, talents, whatever else, to rope in young, impressionable men and women?”

“Oh, you’re quite sharp. Exactly!”

Well, it’s not that hard to guess. Okay, fine, I’ll play along.

“I expect a fat load of coins to come my way, and an introductory letter and necessary paperwork to pass the Crossian borders. If you do that, then I’ll let you use our likeness in your little scheme.”

A grin. “Your wish is my command.” Adantel said, and even did a bow. “Think of it as thanks for what you’ve freed me of.”

~ - ~

After the celebration, Adantel informed me that the paperwork would be finished by a week’s time.


It was a fairly short time frame, especially when I compare it to my old world. Getting a travel pass to the next planet would take a month of processing. Of course, with my connections, I could have it in a day.

As it was so short, I decided to instead take it easy with Nis.

We spent the week as leisurely as we could. We visited the few landmarks, dined in different restaurants, played around. It was a relaxing time. Nis was amused by many of the things she hadn’t experienced before.

It was nice seeing her so happy. That smile of hers made the week already so much worth it. What is this... my paternal instincts returning...

And I remembered Mike... god damn it, what a way to sour my mood.

At the end of the week, I went to the ever so familiar lodge. The place was as busy as always, or maybe even more because of the new recruits. Apparently, after that little stunt, they managed to recruit three-fold the normal amount that week, most of which were starry-eyed kids.

Although, it’s kind of weird to say that when this body is so close to their age.

And speak of the devil. As I walked the halls of the lodge, I saw a few new adventurers, probably wearing hand-me-downs, looking over the large request board.

They saw me and pointed, but I didn’t really bother with them since someone else caught my eye.

Kyle. One of the few platinum-ranked adventurers left in the main lodge.

He was pouring over another tankard of beer to his mouth, with a few bottles already lying about his table, and so early in the day too. You’d think he’d do it much later.

“Kyle.” I called out to him.

Kyle stared at me, his eyes clouded. He was definitely smashed.

“Taking it well?”

His speech was slurred, but I could get out a ‘Nope’ from him.

I could smile wryly at him, and bid him farewell.

It’s not a surprise to me that he’s like this. After what happened during that siege. Imagine that, losing half of the ‘Eight Wonders’, with the rest of the survivors deciding to retire adventuring. He was the only one left.

I hope he gets out of this mire swamp and picks himself together again. It would be a damn waste if someone of his talents wither up.

As I left, I met up with Adantel in his living space. Unlike the rest of guilders, his space was on the third floor, normally inaccessible. The only method to enter was to use the teleportation array in the guilder offices.

As I entered the spacious offices, I saw several more arrays set up by the corner of the room. One of them plated with Adantel’s name. The rest were names I had no recollection of, but I think they may be council members.

One of the guilders escorted me. She used her nameplate emblazoned with dark gold ore and passed it over the blue array as I stood on it. She smiled and flicked her nameplate. At once, a whirlpool of energy surrounded my body, and in but a moment, I found myself in a different place entirely.

“Oh, Sir Sed.” Adantel said under a pile paperwork. If it weren’t for his voice, I would never have realized it was him, because unlike his new, normal appearance exuding beauty and elegance, he was slouched on his desk, with a huge thick frame of glasses, and haphazardly dressed in a white shirt with baggy pants.

“Don’t mind the mess.” He said and started searching his desk. “It’s a bit messy, but I assure you, I work with top efficiency.”

“I doubt that, I really do. A clean workspace is an efficient worker, as they say.”

“Ah, yes, if they were normal workers. Not to brag, but I do have quite an extraordinary memory.” Adantel said, smiling. He tapped his temples as his other hand worked around the desk.

“Ah, here it is.” Adantel took out a tied envelope of papers and passed it over to me. “Complete set of travel pass for your entire party, approved by the lodge council. Necessary paperwork, yada yada, the bits. I’m sure you understand.” He explained and leaned back on his chair. “Just as a precaution, I recommend you avoid any and all Crossian border patrols and outposts on your way to the capital. While it won’t lead to your arrest, as you are one of our people, it will still take valuable time.”

“Wouldn’t skulking around arise more suspicion from Crossia?”

“Maybe, but I’m sure Madriel can ease that, if only for her skills. Not to mention, Slavos’ silvery tongue.”

“How’d you-”

“Know of Madriel? She resigned from her post as a guilder. A stupid idea, considering how she requires an extensive length of time before her complete recovery, but a little digging tells me that she planned to join your party. I suppose in your hands, not much harm can befall her.”

I hung my head. “Nothing gets out of your ears.”

Adantel chuckled. “I wouldn’t be a councilman if I didn’t have my own network. Anyway, she’s still a guilder in name and profession. It’s only that she oversees your work first-hand. That is the compromise I made with her.”

“Quite the accommodations for a guilder staff.”

“Yes, well, she was originally to be your caretaker, so this was a compromise quite easily done. She will monitor your movements, compile your work, and send it to us. Honestly, it’s a far more efficient use of caretakers, but not all of them could be renowned adventurers like the fairy of the battlefield.”

“So, like a spy?”

“What a tasteless comparison... but yes. Anyway, off you go. I’m still quite busy, as you can see.” Adantel said and waved his hand across the piles of paperwork on his desk. He then shooed me away with his hand and snapped his fingers.

Again, I was surrounded by magic and sent somewhere else.

What an amazing method of travel. I want it, but quite unfortunate that I don’t have the spell for it.

Oh well, I left the guilder offices and met up with the rest of the party.

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