《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 76



The king of Mainz(de facto protagonist)

Suddenly, she asked me, "Do you want to meet the emperor."

"I thought the emperor was sick?" I asked her.

"He is sick, but he will meet with me. He likes me very much. I told him my plans of conquering the empire, and he agreed with me. He thinks my brothers are incompetent and can not hold the empire together."

"That's good. We don't need to force your father to agree with your coronation."

The plan was to take control of the capital, and with it, the palace. Then, if the emperor does not agree to her coronation, we will force him to agree with us. She was pretty adamant that her father would agree with her becoming the emperor, but I didn't entirely trust her.

"Then let's go; I also want to meet your father of yours," I said to her.

We got on the carriage and left for her father's palace. I don't know why but the royal family here has a lot of palaces. Mainz is rich, but it can't afford to spend money on vanity. The parliament we have is just a converted building, and it is quite crowded when the parliamentarians convene.

At the front gate of the palace, the soldier sent a messenger to the main compound of the palace to see if we could gain access. The messenger came back, and we were allowed to enter the palace. The entire area of the palace was quite large and was a lot bigger than my palace. The princess looked at me funnily, and I felt my dignity being torn to shreds. When I achieve world hegemony, I will destroy this palace and build a more extraordinary palace in this same place, I promise.


We walked through the corridors and arrived at a door that seemed more majestic than other doors. She gestured for me to wait and knocked at the door three times.

A voice from what seemed like an old person came from inside the room and instructed us to come in. So we went inside the room, and I saw a person who looked like in their sixties laying on a bed. He had a majestic presence even though he looked frail.

He looked at us with sharp eyes and asked, "How are you doing, Victoria, and who is this person next to you. Is it your fiancé?"

"I am doing fine, father, and this is my fiancé, the king of Mainz," Victoria answered.

She looked at me, gesturing for me to introduce myself.

"I am the king of Mainz and the conquerer of Galicia. I am also your daughter's supporter in her quest to becoming the empress of the western empire, your imperial majesty." I said with a respectful tone as he is an emperor while I am a king. He is also a senior to me and is more experienced in kingcraft.

He nodded towards me, and I asked him why he was accepting our plan. He said that this was the only way to preserve the empire. That made sense; he conquered most of the empire's land during his reign, due to which it is not that stable. You would need someone with superior diplomatic and domestic capabilities to hold the empire together.

After Victoria talked with him for a while, I noticed that he was getting tired. Victoria also must have seen it, so she started ending the conversation. Before we were leaving, the emperor looked at me meaningfully for one last time.




I looked at him meaningfully for one last time. I was telling me through my eyes to help my daughter secure the throne and on the international stage. He seems like he is in love with my daughter, and he is the last hope for the western empire.


The king of the kingdom of Mainz(de facto protagonist)

Does he want me to help his daughter secure the throne? Does he think that I can be blinded by something intangible called love? This is politics, no room for family here.

If I can't destroy the western empire and the Rostoke empire before I die, I can't proudly call myself a trasmigrator. So I will destroy the western empire, slowly but steadily from the inside and using one final push from the outside.

I will unify the Gretan region.

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