《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 72


The king of the kingdom of Mainz(defacto protagonist)

"The first prince has around 30,000 troops which he can mobilize. The second prince has about 25,000 troops, and the third prince has approximately 20,000 troops." said the princess.

"Doesn't your military has a strength of 60,000 troops. Why can the second prince only mobilize 25,000 troops." I asked her.

"Most of the troops are responsible for garrisoning the country in order the prevent rebellions. There are still rebellious elements in the country as most of our land was conquered by my father. Many troops are also garrisoning our border with Mainz as you are seen as a potential rival."

"How many troops can you control when we start the coup."

If the army that borders us is still loyal to the second prince, my troops will be delayed.

" I can control around 10,000 troops. Most of those troops garrison the border with Mainz, so you don't have to worry about delays. All other troops will stay neutral as the second prince has mostly taken troops that are loyal to him."

The nobility's troops will primarily be low quality, but they can still make up the numbers. I am not worried about the first, and the third prince as their troops will be uncoordinated and weak. The second prince's troops are the ones I am concerned about. They are part of a professional army, and they are probably more qualified than the troops I am sending.

We made some small talk for the rest of the trip. When I reached the place where the ball was being held, I saw other people coming simultaneously as me, even though we were late.

As I walked into the palace, I saw many nobles who were talking to each other. I had never seen these many nobles as Mainz used to be minor, and there weren't many nobles worthy of attending the king's ball. Also, I didn't particularly appreciate going to other countries to attend balls.


"So, where is the first prince," I asked the princess.

"He is at the end of the banquet with his noble friends. Why do you want to meet him? Are you going to support him instead of me?" asked the princess suspiciously.

"Young People these days don't have any trust. I am an honest and virtuous man who hasn't definitely backstabbed and killed other people using schemes." I said with a grin.

"Don't talk like you are an old man. What happened to the princess of Galicia again..." she asked.

"She killed herself," I said to her in my most honest face.

She said, "You killing her has stirred a considerable controversy here in the empire. They even made a plan to intervene. But, of course, it didn't attract many people, but you angered many nobles here."

I am an old man by the standards of this world if we combine my past world's age and this world's age. I was, in fact, fully aware of the consequences of killing the princess of Galicia, and I decided to do that to increase my dread among foreign nobles. I definitely did not kill her on a momentary impulse and because she was annoying.

"Welcome to the western empire, your majesty. I hope you are having a good time here." said someone from behind me.

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