《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 27




"Mr Tommy, the government has imposed strict restrictions on campaign donations so I am sorry but we can't help you."

I was meeting with a big capitalist from the country in the pursuit of getting some donations from my campaign. Well, this has also failed, the government has imposed strict restrictions on the political parties as they probably don't want us getting power. The political party that I lead is the liberal party which is currently the strongest party with 800 members. Most other parties have less than us.

"We don't have enough money to influence public opinion." said one of the junior members of the political parties.

"See what we can do with what we have, no one is donating to us due to the many restrictions."

Some governments have tried to apply restrictions before on political parties but none of them had worked because of corruption and corporations manipulating strings from the behind. But this time, most of the capitalists are not giving donations to us and a capitalist who had donated to another political party had been apprehended and had their whole property taken away. I have tried to join forces with other political parties and do an offensive against the king but most of the other political parties don't want to join with us and even if they, they will try to pit us and take advantage of us.

I atleast hope that we will get some seats in the parliment and if we don't it will truly be the end of political parties.

The main character


"How is the election going on." I asked Felix.

"My lord, the election is mostly going well without any violence and political parties are getting very few seats. This is the information on it." Felix says as brings out some files.


As I was reading through it, I found out that political parties are not doing well due to my influence and the fact that your social contribution was clearly shown before vote. I also saw that there was no one elected in a district.

"Felix, what is going on with this district."

"My lord, it seems that all the people who were standing in that district did not make any significant contribution and due to that, the constituents to say in milder terms selected none of the above. The person with the most votes got 30 votes which is around 2% of the votes there. Even if we wanted to let him represent, the people there will just impeach him from his position so we are not sure what we should do."

I feel sorry for that guy, he got just 30 votes which is just said. Not pathetic but just sad. Anyway, the plan to supress political parties seems to be going well for now. Political parties will probably resurge if my succesor dosen't deal with them. I mean I could have just started a political party secretly myself to dominate the country but I don't know when I might lose control of it so this is the safer option, I think.

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