《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 21


I went to the capital of the Galician kingdom, Iberia. There was some resistance left with the militia trying to do a last stand but it did not last due to my proffesionally trained army. The first thing I did was to divide the army and send them to reinforce control over the surrounding areas to free the serfs and buy their hearts. The army established military control and took control of the granary to make sure the people are loyal. I also made sure to train the soldiers in looting so that they don't damage cultural artifacts and know how to handle everything with care. We mostly looted the houses of the rich because poor people don't have anything of value and looting them will increase their discontent with me. I also wanted to reshuffle the power here so I can make a new upper class loyal to me.

"Felix, what is the response of the people here."

"My lord, the serfs are extremely happy but the nobility is dissatisfied but they can't revolt as they don't have any serfs to recruit into their army."

I gave land freely to the serfs back in my kingdom to buy their hearts but I won't do that here. I will make them pay in installments to me in 40 years. The serfs will be given a choice wheter to get their own land or be a serf. This will give them the illusion of choice. This will also save the kingdom's finances. War is costly and now I understand why countries don't like to go to war even if they know they can win easily. It is not the human loss but the money invested usually can't be recovered for a long time.

"Felix, divide the officials of this kingdom into four tiers. One who are incorrupt and capable which are hard to find. The second who are incorruptible but are incapable. They can be used in positions that don't require much thinking and effort. The third tier are officials that are capable but corrupt. They will be fattened and purged when the government is in a urgent need of money. The fouth tier are the officials who are incapable and corrupt. They are useless and will be purged."


Back in my old world, most European countries used to not purge the Jews at once. If you really hated them, you will just kill them all. What the government used to do was to wait for the Jewish bankers to fatten and then kill them to take their money. This was used to it's full potential in the Russian empire. One of the reasons that Germans used to hate the Jews after world war 1 was the fact that many of them had borrowed from them so Hitler used this contradiciton for his rise to power. Obviously most jews were good people and had nothing to do with this and were caught in the crossfire.

Authors note: I am not racist, I am just describing what happend after WW1 and I am definitly not anti-semitic. There is data that points to this and if anyone wishes, I can send them a document that points to this.

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