《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 20


The batte has started. We took the initiative and started a offensive as the we were fighting on plains. Our cavalary on the flanks was outnembered but we could skirmish and resist against them. The breakthrough has just started but there were no significant results as the personal guard of the princess was fighting and resisting desperately against our charge. Their reserve forces is occupied so if we do a sneak attack against them, they will just disentegrate.

"Leo, ready the personal guard, we are moving." I said to Leo, my head knight.

"Yes, your majesty."

My plan was to make another attack at the breakthrough point from the behind so they will have to face multiline combat. This will also arouse chaos among their army which will make us achieve our tactical goal. We started moving from the right side as there was more intense fighting on that side and there will be less chance for people to notice us. I don't think anyone noticed us but even if anyoned did, it did not matter as there was no way to get that information to the breakthrough point due to the combat.

We started our attack on the enemy lines from behind. They weren't expecting this so their Aristocratic troops started disentegrating quickly and the we met up with the troops on the other side so that we can recieve reinforcements. We started attacking through from the sides and outflanked them. The infantry were no match for the cavalary. Unlike what I thought, cavalary was really useful. They were basically the armored corp of this era and could easily defeat any enemy troops as long as they weren't trained to fight against cavalary. Anyway we quickly broke through their lines and captured the Princess.

I told Felix to bring the Princess to me.


"So, what are your plans now, now that your kingdom is going to be abolished." I asked her.

"Well, it depends on what you do, you don't have any plans to kill us as you need the reputation. So I am not sure." She said.

"I got news that your family decided to escape from the capital leaving you." I said to her.

"Yep, that sounds like my family. Anyway that is the correct choice as we don't know wheter you are going to kill us considering your reputation of being the devil outside." She said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I am willing to make a deal with you. You will take over your kingdom and make me your succesor. Then you will abdicate and give me the kingdom and I will abolish the crown and integrate it into my kingom. As long as you do that, I am willing to spare you from rotting in the dungeons." I said.

She thought for a while and said: "But I want to serve in the army."

"Wait a minute, how can I let you serve in the army. Are you trying to win the loyalty of my army and initiate a coup."

She smiled coyly and said: "Obviously not."

"We will talk about this afterwards."

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