《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 19


I went back to the camp and started preparing for the battle. I convened a council to ask for the opinions of the generals.

"How do you think the deployment should be in this battle." I asked.

"Your majesty, I think the strategy should be the same. There will be cavalary on both ends skirmishing against enemy cavalary. We will gather most of our cavalary for a concentrated breakthrough in the middle of the front. Your guard will be in the reserves to cover up any gapes in the frontline. Their army is disorganized and chaos will ensue if we make a breakthrough at a point." Said the general of the first army.

"Are there any other opinions." I asked.

"Your majesty, in my opinion I think that they may have already guessed our strategy and want to throw out some smoke bombs to confuse us which will make us do this risky strategy. I think that we should just fight them out on a war of attrition and their discipline will eventually fall. They have more cavalary then us so they can flank us. Your majesty's guard will stay in the reserve and ward off any threats from the flanks." said the chief of staff.

The first strategy is more risky but will cause less casualties to the army and we will take the initiative. The second strategy is less risky but it will cause more casualties to the army and is equal to giving the enemy the intiative. I usually like doing less risky strategies but I don't like giving the enemy initiative.

"We will make a breakthrough at a certain point and will make the battlefield more chaotic. All forces will be attacking to pin the enemy and not let them reinforce the breakthrough point. If they stop our breakthrough, me and my guard will hit them from the flanks while they are distracted. Make sure to tell the soldiers that they will get rewards of land if they get mlitary exploits." I said.


They nodded and left. Soldiers combat potential will explode in only two cases. One while they are defending their homeland and the other while they will get land. In the medieval ages, people would get noble titles and land for military exploits but there wasn't a set system in which it would guarantee that soldiers will get land so soldiers combat potential wasn't fully stimulated. If I guarantee land for military exploits, people will try their best and get military exploits. This will also create a new military aristocracy in which a large number of soldiers can be called upon to fight for the kingdom. I was also happy in the contradiction betwee the military and the chief of staff. This will solidify my position as the king as the loyalty of the military will be divided and there will not be warlords.

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