《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 18


I went near the border with my guard to lead the troops personally as I don't trust the generals in this era. The human resources of this era is pretty bad so you can't exactly trust the generals to do what they are assigned to. Also it's been a long time since war so the commanders are all relying on theoretical knowledge. Not trusting his subordinates is an instinct of a king and it has saved many kings through history. Before leaving I told Franz to send a declaration of war against them.

Few days after.

The declaration of war should have reached by now. I stood up on the podium and gave a speech.

"Soldiers, today we are going to war. The first offensive war since the founding of the kingdom. We have fought in defensive wars before but now we are going to be the ones attacking and 'liberating' our Gretan compatriats from the evil exploitation of their king and nobles. We are going to liberate them from serfdom and give them equality. We will grow more powerful and other countries will start respecting us. "

Well, the speech dosen't exactly matter as the soldiers morale is already extremely high as land will be given in exchange for military merits and liberating my head, more like under new management. The conditions will be better as I will free them from Serfdom and treat them equally as they are of the same culture. I just wanted to try giving a speech like in the movies but my speech giving ability is pretty poor. I might have read historical figures like Churchill giving speeches but let's show them with practical actions that fighting for me will give them benefits.

We started marching through their territory. We had some food stored but you can't exactly take it with you as it will slow you marching speed so we started looting the nobles houses. But no commoners, you won't get much of anything and you will just anger the local populace. After a few days, we met their army as we were just approaching their capital. From the intelligence I gathered, their army was headed by their Princess but practically it might be commanded by someone else.


The traditions of this world dictate that the commanders of both armies must negotiate before fighting. Something like the Christmas truce in European wars. Someone on my side raised the white flag and they raised the white flag, me and her met in the middle of the battlefield.

"Why did you country declare war so suddenly, our two countries have always had good relations." She said in to questioning tone.

"It's precisely because of the good relations we declared war on you, we wanted to liberate our Gretan compatriots from the cruel exploitation of your country's nobles and your father." I said in a righteous tone.

"What are your condition for negotiations." She asked.

"Full annexation, with the dismantling of the kingdom of Galicia and your family becoming a count house with seizure of land from all the other nobles." I said knowing fully that no one can agree with me.

"Well, looks like we can't agree." saying as she left.

I smiled and went back to my army and began to prepare for the battle.

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