《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 17


I called a cabinet meeting the next day to discuss wheter we were ready to declare war on the kingdom of Galicia.

"How much strategic reserves do we have." I asked Hermann, the finance minister.

"We have enough strategic reserves to sustain war for 5 high intesity battles. After that we have to buy some more from other sources." said Hermann.

"Are the Galicians suspecting something and what are the reactions of the great powers." I asked Franz, the foreign affairs minister.

"The Galicians are not suspecting anything due to the fact that our kingdom has not declared any offensive wars since the start of the kingdom. The other great powers are busy but the Kildarians might come and do something." He said.

"The Kildarian army is weak unlike their navy and they can't find a thug in the continent except the Danuban empire. They and the Kildarians don't have good relations due to the uneven divde of spoils in the coalition wars." I said.

Franz might have not know it due to the fact that he is new in this job.

"Can we win the war." I asked Conrad, the chief of staff.

"We have 24000 troops while the Galicians have 27000 troops including the aristocratic lords in their country. We will win as their army is less disciplined and has the same amount of morale as we have. Even if we lose, we can mobilize another 30000 troops in the country to push them back. They can't mobilize more troops as they don't have a mature mobilizing system like we do. We also have better training and coordination as we don't have any aristocratic lords in our army who can do what they want to do. We also have better equipment as most of their army is serfs who don't have good weapons. Our tactic will be to make a breakthrough in a certain point in their army using cavalary which will make the nobles withdraw and sow confusion within their army to encircle and kill their army." He said


I nodded and thought to myself this is why you want to have a mature mobilization system. The Germans were so strong in both world wars due to their mobilization system. They could recruit many troops with minimal downgrade of quality while other countries couldn't do that. But the Germans made strategic mistakes and didn't make full use of it and people wonder why German quality was bad during the later stages of war. We even have more of an advantage due to the fact some women are allowed to serve in the army. This might be due to the fact that this world had an extremely low population at a stage due to the many wars.

"What is the public support for this war and after we conquer the kingdom, what is your plan to take care of rebellions." I asked Joseph, the propaganda and education minister.

"The public is extremely supportive of this war due to the propaganda efforts of last year. We plan to let the local ruling class stay and restore stability." He said

"You should not do that. What you should do is clean up the place first and offenders who are rebellious will serve for the great and sacred cause of roadbuilding. You will also first establish a military control of those areas. Any person who attempts rebellion will have their entire village exiled. They are of the same culture so they might not show much resistance as long we free them from serfdomd. Also make sure to find claims to their territory and dismantle their kingdom and integrate it into the kingdom of Mainz. It dosen't matter if the outside world dosen't believe it as long as the people believe it." I said.

Authors note: This chapter might be touching on some issues that you think might be wrong but trust me this is the best way to stop rebellions from happening. Help prisoners reform, this has the social development level of the 1800's so we don't do that here. This is not nationalism and looking down on their country. They are the same culture and consolidating your rule through any method, be it iron and blood is important. Anyway today is my birthday.

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