《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 14


The development of the kingdom has been coming well in the last year. I made some administrative changes such as implementing the census system from China. The Royal bank has been expanding a lot in the kingdom and I am planning to establish branches in the empire so that merchants can have an easier time using money. The racial tensions have died down due to the improving living conditions in the kingdom. The reform of the mobilization system as people are happy to serve in the military. The weapons industry has been developing very well and we have started to export it to the east. The other countries like it as they are cheap and are of good quality. They are also standardized so it is easy to replace them.

I had gathered the heads of a few departments and am speaking to them about the development of the country.

"Hermann, what is the revenue of this fiscal year" I ask Hermann, my finance minister

"We have earned 200,000 marks this year. There is a deficit of 50,000 marks due to the army reorganization and infrastructure investments but we have sold the 'bonds' thing you have asked us to the bank and have made up the deficit instead of taxing the people. There are more merchants coming to our territory and we are getting more taxes from them. The fiscal deficit can be removed after we finish the investment on infrastructure." said Hermann

"Good, keep the investment in infrastructure for now and start establishing more mines in the north"

"My lord, the rest of the mines in the north are costly and they are not worth it." said Hermann

"Okay, save up some money for war, sell some more bonds to the people but not too much as it will affect the purchasing power the people."


"How is the propaganda and the ethnic integration going on, are there any problems. Are people supportive of declaring war on the kingdom of Galicia." I ask Joseph, my propagana minister

"The ethnic integration is coming around well, people are not resistant to the school system as most of them don't care about their culture. Ethnic integration will be over in approximately 10 to 15 years. Due to our propaganda, most people support going to war with the kingdom of Galicia." said Joseph

Ethnic integration is easy if you indocritate into children from an early age that they are of a certain culture. It is easy changing people to Gretan as core of Gretan culture is militarization so if you engage in military training, you will feel solidarity toward the Gretan culture.

"How is the military reform going" I ask Conrad, the chief of staff.

"The military reform is going well. Most people are eager to do military training and join the military as you get a multitude of benefits from joining it. The new mobilization system is going well and people are happy to be trained. This might be because society will ostracize you if you don't do military training. The army is ready for war with the Galician kingdom." said Conrad

"What is the diplomatic situation around us" I asked Franz, the foreign minister

"My majesty, the east is usually at war and we can't understand the web of alliances there but they won't intervene. The emperor is sick and and the three princes are fighting among each other. The princess isn't doing anything. The empire won't intervene and there isn't anyone in the north who will interfere as they don't have enough strength. We are all clear to declare war on the kingdom of Galicia." said Franz


The emperor is sick and there is political conflict. The princess huh, I have met her many times and we are good friends. If there is anything I know about her, she is always restless and is always doing something. She probably is the only person who can defeat a transmigrator like me. Hope she dosen't involve me.

"We are going to declare war on the kingdom in a week, ready the troops. This is a dawn of a new era in which we will be strong." I said

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