《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 9


"Your majesty, we need to make an economic development plan"

The country had been divided into five regions, the northern named Savoie, most of which was the counts lands. The southern region named coburg, which has a port city of luneburg and most of the trade with the empire goes from this port, if we go more south there will be more storms and due to this fact the eastern continents had to go through us and the kingdom of Galicia. They used to go through us due to chaos that used to be in the kingdom of Galicia but now it has stabilized. We have to expand the port in the south and build more roads from the east so that merchants will have an easier time getting from the east to the west. The southern region also has a river flowing to the south from the north so there will be easier transportation. The southern region is also suitable for growing potatos and corn due to the high amount of sunshine and a high amount of water due to the river.

The northern part has a lot of trees and has not been developed properly. We will have to establish a lumber industry which can cut down trees and establish farmlands. The real worth of the north is the amount of iron mines in them. They can be sent back to the capital using the panube river which flows through there to the south. We will send the iron ore back to the capital to establish an weapons industry near the capital so that we can use the river to export them to other countries. The iron exports may not be enough but if we need more, we can always 'liberate' the kingdom of Galicia to seize their trade and their iron mines. We will establish an industrial district near the capital so that there will be an assigned area to establish industries. The royal family can also establish a bank which will control and monopolize most of the industries in the country. The country will not directly control the industries due to the fact that this will reduce competiotion and increase corruption. If the royal family secretely controls the industries, competion can grow and there will be no waste. Capitalists will also not be able to exert much influence on the government.


The western region is the problem. There are not many resources and it has not been developed properly due to its proximity to the empire. There can be potential resources such as oil but it is not useful yet. The only hope for the region is to do some farming and recruiting troops mainly from this region.

It seems that there are also stock markets in this world. They are mostly in the north but I might establish one. There has always been a fight between the real economy and the virtual economy. The real economy means people mostly investing in physical manafacturing industries. The virtual economy means people mostly investing in the stock market and banks. The virtual economy creates fake value and usually creates economic crises. The upside to the virtual economy is increased government revenue but comprehensive national strength will decline. The real economy might not increase government revenue as much as the virtual economy but it will increase the nations comprehensive strength during wars. I think establishing the stock market is the right choice but I will have to heavily regulate it as there are a lot of scams in it. Stock markets will let foreign capital enter the country and stimulate the development. And you might say free market, but I will say what is that, can I eat it.

I wrote all of this on paper and gave it to Felix to implement.

Next up is the social development plan

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