《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 8


One more thing I have to do is to establish a parlimentary system to make sure that public opinion is well taken care of. A constitutional monarchy does not necesseraily weaken the monarch. They can just have a job of specifying the monarchs yearly annuity. The benefits of a parlimentary system is the fact that people feel that they are being represented which makes them feel satisfied. Of course, the power of a constitutional monarchy depends on the country. In my old world the British restricted a lot of the kings power while the Germans had less restriction so it depends on how you write the constitution. As me and my cronies are writing the constitution, I will obviously make it so that there will be no restrictions on my power.

The parliment will have the power to approve and pass bills but I can dissolve it and pass bills on my own. You might think this can be done at any time but if I do that, I will lose a lot legitimacy and reputation. There will be elections held across all the provinces and the people who are eligible to vote will be people who have a high school degree or have made great social contribution. Most of the extremist thoughts of a country comes from the uneducated. People who are educate will have more resistance to this. You can say that this is being undemocratic and yes it is but does it matter to me, a person who is trying to create a constitutinal monarchy. There will be ways for normal people to get the right to vote, it will be if you make great social contributions but the people who can do it are usually old and older people are more resistant to change and usually are part of the reactionary faction which a king should be part of.


Political parties are an intresting concept. They can be regarded to be essential to a parlimentary system but to me, a king they are just groups that want more power and can be regarded as potential threats. The problem with political parties is the power struggles inside them. For example, the labor party and the conservative party in Britan in the 1800s and the early 1900s could be regarded as pretty much capitalist and anti labour. Political parties need large donation to be able get their platform across and the corporations have a lot of the money. As a king, I am naturally agains the capitalists who want more reforms and want control of the country so I am opposed to political parties.

Now there are two ways to deal with political parties. One is to outright ban them which is not desirable as I will get a lot of backlash. One more option is to just cut off their money supply and make sure that independents look more desirables than people who are in party's. I will go with the second option which is to define a political party as a social and non profit organization which can't recieve any donations. I will make sure to control many of the parlimentaries. Contribution to society will be clearly indicated in the places where people will vote. This is probably the best way to deal with political parties. If they get out of hand, I will just ban them using the parliment.

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