《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 7


"My lord, ethnic tensions have been increasing the country. This is due to the power shuffle and the purge of bureaucrats" Said my butler

There were mainly two culture's in the kingdom. They were the Gretans and the Rocceans, the Gretans established the kingdom but due to the warring states period in the east, many Rocceans emigrated west and came into the kingdom. There was another culture to the west but there were not many of the them in the kingdom so we can disregard them.

"How do you think we should solve this problem" I asked Felix

"Maybe we should give equal status to each group and start enforcing anit-racism edicts" said Felix

"This is where the problem is, Felix, even when we strictly enforce anti-racism edicts people will still have racism in their hearts. The best way to stop racial tensions is to integrate the two cultures into one and the best way to integrate cultures is to establish schools and let children embrace Gretan by themself. It might also be good to encourage marriages between the two cultures." I said

Back in my old world, this has been tried and tested. In the US school system, you have to be in school up until 12th grade. US is a country built on immigrants but you don't find a lot of people saying they are German or they are French. This is due to the school system, many children recieve compulsory education which is good but at the same time, embrace the American culture. There is no force or stopping you from practicing your culture or religion, people embrace the culture on their own which is a side effect of the school system. I think that this wasn't inherently designed to be that way, it was just an unknown side effect which no one can stop. Military training is extremely important in Gretan culture so if we establish schools and integrate military training into them, the Rocceans will become more and more Gretan which will stabilize the ethnic tensions in the country. We also have to encourage marriages between the two cultures so that the children can become more Gretan.


"Felix, establish schools around the country and integrate military training into them so that Rocceans can become more Gretan. Start compulsory education for all children until the age of 14, then they will have compulsory military training until the age of 16, then we will use their schools scores to recommend them for jobs such as blacksmithing and the finance industry. We will also start doing free meals in school so parents will have an incentive to send children to school. Teach the language of Gretan, history and math. Make sure to emphasize their loyalty to the crown so they will not rebel and create problems for the kingdom. The reserve will include all young men and women who are able bodied and are not inherently inadequate."

There were also universities and private schools in the country which are just hotbeds for revoulutionary thoughts. Most schools and universites don't regulate this so foreign forces can easily come and influence the students. You might think that this is harmless but many of the revolutions in my old world started with college students screaming revolution and people who are unhappy with the government just going along with it. Some universities had the audacity to refuse troops and police from going into their campus. I won't abolish universities but tighten control of them and just make life harder for them by not giving them education subsudies unless they follow the rules which I think is fair. At the same time I will also establish government colleges and universites.

I said all of this to Felix and he nodded and left.

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