《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 5



Count Phillips

"This new king is arrogant, does he think that he can stay king without my influence" I said to my butler

"My lord, the new king is young and inexperienced. If we threaten to rebel, perhaps he would stop the purge and maintain the status quo. This is the advice given by our advisors back home" said my butler

I thought that this course of action might be a bit excesive but I needed to maintain the status quo or the king might take away noble privileges and consolidate the royal power. If push comes to shove, I will not rebel but If I threaten him he might stop his actions due to the fact that he is inexperienced and anyway my advisor's advice usually turns out right and they are extremely loyal.

"Send word back home to raise up the levies. Don't really spend money to arm them yet, we aren't really going to rebel but just posture that we are going to rebel"

"Yes, my lord"


The main character

"Did the count start mobilizing his serf's?" I asked

"Yes, my lord the count has started mobilizing serfs but it seems that he has no intention of rebelling against you due to the fact that he is not buying weapons to stockpile them for the war" said my spy master

"Is it really necessary to take the counts land's, it will cause a lot of death and destruction in the kingdom" asked my butler

"Yes, it is nescessary to do this due to the fact that if we leave them alone they will pose a hidden danger to the kingdom" I said

Back on earth, when Maxmillian the first became the emperor of Mexico, he tried to rule with benevelence and pardoned many official who rebelled. This resulted in there being a hidden danger to the empire which eventually resulted in a rebellion by the republicans who overthrew the empire and killed Maxmillian using a firing squad. I don't want there to be hidden dangers within the empire and I obviously want lands to make administrative policies and stimulate economic development. Most of the advisors of the count had been bought by me using money or threats involving their family. This plan also succeded due to the nobles being lax due to the weak willed ruled by the last two kings and lastly there were not many nobles as the country was small and most land was owned by the king.


"Ready the soldiers, be ready to arrest the count on charges that he is a traitor and by using the shock of arresting the count arrest the bureaucrats. At the same time, start the preparations for the public execution of the count and the bureaucrats who caused the death of people. This will be a good way to win public opinion, killing some bad people and traitors always makes the public happy doesn't it"

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