《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 2


"My lord, the fact that you are trying to remove many of the bureaucrats is very concerning to me. We need them to run the nation."said the head bureaucrat

The next day, the head bureaucrat came to my office and appealed to me (threatened me?) to stop the purge of bureaucrats. He was extremely confident due to the fact that he had connections to the nobility and that bureaucrats were essential to running and maintaining a nation. He also might have thought that because I was very young, I did not have any real life experiences but little did he know that I have many years of experience from my last life.

"So are you protesting against majesty's decision" asked my butler

"No, no I am just appealing to him to stop the purge due to the inexperience in administration and due to the fact that this is a bad decision."

"But why is there so much corruption in the country" I said

"Your majesty, our wages are too small to sustain a living" He spoke in a pleading tone

"Oh, really your wages are 30 marks which is about two times that of an average worker and you say that you cant sustain your living"

He paled and pleaded with me for a bit longer but I did not heed to his pleas and left. I thought for a while about how he would retaliate against me. I decided to speed up the procces of cleaning up the corruption due to a few stories in my life about how a Greek noble bribed the priestess of the temple of Apollo to make Sparta conquer Athens. Corruption will also increase the chances of peasent revolts due to disproportionate amout of strain on the poor strata. Thankfully, corruption in kingdom hasn't become a way of life yet so it will be easier to clean corruption. The best way to remove corruption will probably be to conduct a purge and demonstrate that corruption is a major crime so that people will think twice before attempting bribery and corruption. I called the royal spy. I chose the royal spies due to the fact that they are loyal and they had skills in intrigue.


"My lord, it's been a lo-sniff-ng time since the royal family called the spy agency to do work for them" said the Head spy Kratus in a whiny voice

I looked at Felix with my eyes asking is this miserable existence really the royal spy. He nodded so I started talking to him

"You and your spies have to form an anti-corruption agency due to the fact that you are my most loyal subordinates to root out the corruption in the bureaucrats while making sure that no one interferes". I hope that your skill haven't rusted" I said in a joking manner

"No, my lord we will do this to the best of our abilities" He said with a fire in his eyes

He left and I started feeling sorry for the bureaucrats. The spies must have had a lot of pent up energy to use. But I collected my thoughts went to the next matter.

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