《Reincarnation as a Prince in another world. Have to solve this Bad Administration》Chapter 1


I sit on my throne as I contemplate what just happened to me. I became the regent after my father said that he didn't want to be the king anymore.

"Your majesty, please don't be so down," says my butler Felix who was with me since I was young

"I am not down. I am just contemplating what just happened right now. My father, the king, has just pushed all his duty onto me and wants to enjoy his life."

"It's fine; being a king is easy; you just need to relegate all of your work to your subordinates."

"But I don't want to do that, and I want to make the kingdom prosper and make the kingdom strong to defeat all of its threats."

I might be a former reincarnation, but the kingdom is in an extremely bad state due to the high corruption and the bad fiscal state with a deficit of 30000 marks which is 15% of the fiscal revenue. The position of my kingdom, the Mainz kingdom, as being in the center of the two continents has declined due to the emergence of the nearby kingdom of Galicia as more safe and friendly to the merchants. The diplomatic situation has been tense due to the emergence of the Wallonian empire to the west. It also has issues for its manufacturing industry due to the decline of trade in its country and, therefore, the decrease of consumers. "Why are there such high levels of corruption in the country."

"There is a high level of corruption because of the minimal amount of vigilance."

"Order the royal spies to investigate into the high-level bureaucrats, and bring them to the royal court for a trial"

I fell into contemplation on how to revitalize the economy. One of the best ways to revive the economy in the Mainz kingdom was to increase the security so merchants would come and lead to an increase in consumers to increase the amount of service and manufacturing in the country. We also have to build more roads so that traders can easily traverse through the kingdom. Also, have to establish a committee that can develop outreach initiatives to villages to produce appropriate goods.

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