《Damaged Souls:》Off The Island: 2-Draft


Moving away from the lands of mortals towards the lands of elements, spirits, and lesser gods. A man is pacing back and forth in an office, the man's face paints a look that encapsulates anger, and worry. Looking around the room there appears to be a desk with writing tools and paper; the chair behind it lays empty. Oddly enough the man appears to not own the room because he’s pacing around the front of the desk. The man's face has continued to grow closer to boiling over as the minutes passed, right as he looks like he’s going to blow..

His boss walks through a side door behind the desk. Looks towards the fuming man and motions for him to take a seat. Still standing the man who looks far more important clicks his tongue saying “What have you found out about undeath’s champion?”

“Other than him being able to nuke the forgotten island back into the public eye? Nothing sir, I’m very disappointed in my employees for failing us sir.” The man who looked like a tomato not even thirty seconds ago now looks like a paragon of patience and virtue. Seeing his third in command being so shameless causes him to face fault and think

‘Did you miss the classes for feeling shame? Did you not get the memos? What about those yearly pamphlets we send out?, I worked hard on those you know! I understand now throwing my generosity back in my face are you?, don’t you worry this one will teach you just how to feel shame for your actions!!’

The now labeled shameless third in command of the Earth elemental conglomerate seeing his boss start to get a sharp glint in his eyes felt confidant that his dumb employees were going to be punished for not giving him more information before he had to come speak to his boss. Unable to help himself he tried to play it off. “Sir please don’t be hasty, my employees can’t be held accountable. I'll take all of the blame, and will work harder to make sure they are properly trained from now on.”

The big boss of the Earth elemental conglomerate looked at his third in command, the sharp glint in his eyes disappearing. ‘A man of foresight I see, at least the younger generation knows its place, I’ll forgive you just this once.’ It wouldn’t be the last time but he didn’t know that.


“Very well then make sure that we both don’t suffer for your negligence in how to train your employees.”

“Of course sir, I’ll start on that right after this meeting.”

This scene can be found repeating itself all throughout the Earth elemental conglomerate, oddly enough the myth that earth elementals are super chill comes from this thing happening basically constantly. So people assumed that the reason they do the things they do is because of how chill they are, but in fact its due to them being so arrogant and self absorbed that if you say anything they have a high chance of deciding that what you said was basically an apology “so they'll let you off with a warning this time.” Not all that pleasant to deal with, but even less pleasant to deal with would be water elementals.

Case and point in the League of affiliates, also known as the water elemental version of what the earth elementals have. You might think of water elementals as like going with the flow types but what they actually do is think hard on what the flow is, then try and subtly manipulate people into going along with the flow. Not all that pleasant to deal with if I’m being honest. The most chill of the elementals would be the elements of light and dark.

Only because the two of them feel like they are so superior to the other elements and anything else that they just don’t care what you're doing as long as they get to feel superior then they’ll buy just about anything you tell them.

I’ve been talking about the different elements a lot, but haven’t told you what they are, I’m going to fix that issue. Elements are the forces of nature, particles of reality given shape and conscience. At one point they were ruled by baser instincts but as time went on stronger elements formed together and created mass hive minds, these have fallen out of use by most of the elements due to elements diverging from the basic archetype. A fire element would normally burn anything and everything, but if one race singled out a section of fire elementals and used them solely for healing, boosting their natural regeneration things like that. Eventually that fire would start making fire that was predisposed at being good at doing those things. This caused the hive minds to start to fall apart rapidly.


They still liked having elements like them to fall back on if things went south so they kept working together. It wasn’t as peaceful as I’m making it out to be because the only way the elementals could get stronger would be for more races to use them, giving them the ability to create new elementals. This quickly got out of hand with some of the more capable mages in the second and third ages of magic being turned into mana nukes due to the potent mana they had.

As the number of races capable of wielding the elements dwindled, the elements started hoarding those they did find, giving rise to the system of giving blessings to those they found worthy. This lasted only a very short amount of time in the grand scheme of things at most two thousand years. During this time innovation with the elements almost completely stopped because at the time elements would gladly kill their own kind for any power. It did propel select few individual elementals to the point where they were able to generate their own elements without issue, and they could change how those elements reacted to the outside world. Those few of each element are now referred to as the sources. Even though you can find, even as it is, pure elemental spawning areas, these are destroyed as quickly as possible by the majority of sources.

The exceptions to this rule are the elements of death, life, and undeath. Because these are all formed. In the case of life by any living thing, in the case of death by any dead thing, and in the case of undeath by anything that died and clung with every fiber of its being onto the shell of a body it had. These three are old, powerful and the elements they create form some of the most loyal fanatic and down right crazy mana available. Mana is just a purified version of an element hence why purifying it more results in the creation of such explosive results.

It could be possible to create purified mana, but it would result in the natural traits of mana being turned up to eleven, the mana-phobia if you could call it that, the natural inclination to change things into themselves as best they can. As seen by the current purified mana, who takes on the properties of the person using the mana. A person has their own natural mana that is unique to them and is very intrinsically linked to them. But it takes on the attributes of so many elements at once in such small quantities that it normally wouldn’t do anything. The purification process, especially the one used by a certain skeleton who is not using the most advanced technique to create the result he wanted,

Takes all of these individual particles of different elements and attempts to purify them, to make them more prominent and have stronger effects. But when there are literally thousands of these flecks of different elements, collected through an individual's life, what ends up happening is that they go critical, and by critical I mean that the different elements would rather not exist than to be aware of the fact that there are other elements sharing the same space as them. They are able to stay stable for only a brief amount of time before tearing themselves apart.

Now then looking at what a certain skeleton did, he put them into a place where they couldn’t escape nor could they react violently due to still being intelligent from the traits of his. This resulted in far more purified mana being created than normally would have ever been able to exist in a single area. The mana also was much more stable than it normally would have been. So as he ripped them apart the few stable bonds were destroyed and the bonds that were being forced together were finally able to pull apart. This energy had nowhere to go causing a build up of the energies, and his mind was basically a person sitting in their garage with their car running. Smothering his mind into unconsciousness.

The energy build up was then sudden and without any prior warning, given the ability to leave the confined area that it was forced to stay inside of. Causing the massive amounts of damage seen to the forgotten island.

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