《Damaged Souls:》Into The Island Chapter 5-Draft
Name: N/A
Race: lowest undead Lv1, Single body part (Head) variant, HP 25/50, LF 250/250, MP 278/300: +15 per second, U.MP 30/30
Str -
Con 10(+0)
Wis 20(+5) {He does this in a little bit}
Int 20(+5)
Dex -
Cha 10(+0)
Free points 1
Abilities: Life detection-6/10, Observe-4/???, Bad aura-9/???, Bone Manipulation-19/50, Mana manipulation-29/???, Undead healing-7/10, Mana craft-9/50, Life force manipulation-3/??, Undead energy-3/10, Mask of unlife-???/???
Limitations: Undeath- You have no normal negatives of being undead, although you find your strength, speed, and mana abilities increased during the night and day,
No Str- A Str of zero means that you have no ability to use physical force due to injury or other reasons, if you regain your ability to use your body’s might then the score will be unlocked automatically.
No Dex- You have lost all ability to use your body's natural motor control, if you regain this ability then the score will be unlocked automatically.
Undead- You have no stamina, you have no need to sleep, and any desire to do so is magickly influenced,
Hunger for life- Your body has no life in it, you must take this life from somewhere lest your unlife ends.
No body- Your abilities that require the use of your body no longer function, can't be leveled or altered in any way. Head variant undead- You have forgone the use of your body in search of some greater goal, your mental abilities are more powerful, easier to upgrade and you gain new mental abilities far easier, your mana pool is now larger and is much more responsive to your wishes than before.
Mana Blessed- Somehow you have gained the attention of mana itself, your mana has gained increased awarness, and mental abilities are exponentially more powerful and easier to use.
You have unlocked a skill normally only available for high ranked undead, it allows you to heal from damage.
Life force user- Now that you have such fine control of your mana your life force is now completely under your control.
Blessed by representative of undeath mana- You were blessed by the origin of all undead mana, you find mana of the same or similar type are much easier to use and when ever a being less to or equal to in strength to the representative tries to see your status/ affect your mind they will be unable to do so. You also gain access to higher level undead abilities sooner, they are much stronger that they should be at your level.
As an undead blessed by pure undeath mana all limits on having stats vs. not having stats. Are removed as long as it was caused by your being undead, and your stats are slightly higher.
Seeing as the slightly more helpful guide told me that I can get a bonus for maxing out my stats I'll go ahead and max my wis as well, leaving me with one extra point and me being the skeleton that I am. I really can't bring myself to add it anywhere. 'That being done, and ignoring the scam that occured with the and I put a heavy emphasis on the slightly more helpful guide. I can’t help but hope that the dungeon that he/ it was talking about will just roll over for me when I try and take over but that's realistically not realistic.’
“So is there any way to increase my stats naturally?” Deciding that asking the blue lady this would result in the fastest answer to my question and give me a better idea on if they are aware that they can’t access my profile or anything else I hope.
You can increase your stats by training, using free points, getting special limitations, or even special abilities. Speaking of special abilities I seem unable to see your status menu any more this would be due to a special skill, I also seem to be unable to perceive your mental state, I would like it if you could disable that troublesome ability so that I may give you more accurate advice.
And right off the bat they failed in this case final test that I was willing to give them. This world doesn’t believe in no child left behind so you can’t fault me for leaving the disembodied voice with malicious intent behind. “Oh I’m really confused about that, since I don’t have any new abilities as far as I can see, but in no uncertain terms I’m going to need to disallow all further contact between us, good bye.”
Wait please we can talk about this, I can help yo…
And while the voice was trying to talk to me I willed my special ability to act as a shield to push them out and to make them unable to mentaly interfere with me anymore. ‘Since I’m feeling paranoid I’ll see if I have any ways to track down any lasting side effects left from them.’
At this I began using my observe skill, while I hadn’t attempted to use it for a while nor have I ever made an attempt at using it to observe my internal mana to see if there was anything I could quantifiably see as being different. Almost immediately I noticed a difference in using this skill, the difference being the pure amount of information that I was getting back per mana point spent. Before, to get the same amount of information I would need to spend lots of time and mana almost twice the amount of both in fact.
It was while I was looking inward at my mana that I noticed a few things, one my main pool of mana was going almost everywhere but was staying in a sphere around me about 11 and a half feet around me. But my undeath mana was maintaining a constant vigil around one part of my skull, in such a density that I had to request them to move aside so that I could see. To my surprise they were surrounding the mana gem, already I could see where colors were starting to leave the gem, originally said gem was an odd off color brown with some flakes of red.
But now in the few hours that I’ve gained access to this type of mana it has corroded the outer layers of color leaving an almost clear color. As my curiosity was sated there at least I let the mana return to their vigil around the gem, and started looking for any other new things.. Spending 40 minutes of my unlife doing seemingly nothing in the past would result in me being upset but thankfully I don’t have to deal with past me criticizing my time management skills.
In these minutes I had discovered that my natural ability to split my mind had improved by leaps and bounds I could now create two splits in my mind resulting in a helper only slightly faster than they were in the past, or I could take the bare minimum off of one resulting in a semi intelligent helper far too good to waste on auto piloting my skull, but the cut off section definitely could deal with that simple task. I also could see a difference in how fast I as the main mind am, and my information related skills.
Now then getting off that tangent I left my slightly more intelligent double deal with observing how mana on the outside of my domain acted, my domain being the area naturally patrolled by my basic mana. Leaving me with a borderline work horse of a helper and far too much time on my not so existing hands.
As one could imagine this resulted in me experimenting first with just how far I could push my little helper intelligence, first it can follow directions perfectly even understanding when I’m joking vs not, and keeping track of a long list of steps and instructions while doing unrelated tasks. Secondly while it might appear disconnected from me everything that it knows I can and do know as well. It just requires me to request that the information be shared between the two of us, that one in particular led to me becoming a hub for my two helpers and me gaining a skill that I felt was being kept back from me by the blue lady even though I had no prof. The skill being called Split mind-2/???? That was shocking to see a skill with that many question marks on it, even more shocking that I had only unlocked the 2nd level of it and it was this useful already.
Shaking myself out of that thought process once again as it would only keep me away from doing even greater things in the future, I continued listing the things I had learned from my observations, I will note that I had leveled up observation twice and learned a skill called Meditation-2/5.
All it seemingly does is make it easier to maintain focus on what's going on inside of your body, and provide a decent mana regen boost, roughly around +5 to mana regen can’t say that that hasn’t boosted testing speeds. But as of right now I only discovered two more things that I can say for certain are factual.
My undeath mana is far stronger than my normal mana and my normal mana stays far away from the undeath mana. As in during testing my normal mana would go near it but only when told to do so, and even then it would flee as soon as my standing order to not attack things was removed from my undeath mana… Oh yeah that too, my undeath mana is incredibly hostile.
‘Looks like I found my attack dogs then, saying that I ordered, during testing I found that certain mana responds differently to different methods of request, undeath mana so far as I’ve found obeys orders without hesitation and with little to no self preservation.. Wonder where they get that from? I idly wonder that in silence as a small well organised group of undeath mana gathers where I wanted them too.’
Seeing them ready to fulfill all of my orders I let myself gain a mental smile all while thinking just what I needed these loyal mana points to do for me. “My mana, listen well, I have gathered you here as you are the best of the best, mana of especially violent tendencies and more than willing enough to do what is necessary to root out our enemy.” At that I stopped and waited wondering how they would react.. They were quiet just as you would expect of such cold dead militarists but using my new found brain power I could definitely detect a type of pride and loyalty in them. “The enemy you will be hunting, they posed as our ally then on multiple occasions attempted to lead us to defeat! They hid valuable information away from me, leading to mistakes that could have been avoided. They without hesitation, all while pretending to be our helpful friend, attempted to lead us into being possessed by the mana gem you guys were hovering around.”
‘And scene, the professional air around the “soldiers” disappeared faster than a cheesecake inside of a cheesecake factory.’ While before my little speech they were in neat little lines battle parade style now they were flinging themselves against an invisible wall, due to me ordering them to that area. And unlike a human army who would slowly lose steam and motivation from a speech given by their dear leader hiding away in a bunker. These were not just any army they only exist because of me, they consider me not only their best friend, their family, they consider me their creator, any two of those could make a person a fanatic, combine all three of those plus their strict discipline and militaristic semi-society.. What else could you get besides an entire group of fanatics beyond compare. This considered they would never lose steam as soon as I let them off their leash thats it as far as they’re concerned they’ve been given their god given purpose in this life, so their gonna do said purpose till they drop.
“Well then I’ve taken enough of your time lads, good hunting to all of you. But one last order, don’t attack any other mana unless you are certain that it’s the enemy.” And with that last order as dismissal the frenzied mana went barreling through my skull searching… As much as I want to keep an eye on them while they’re searching I can’t waste time. I need to max out my abilities so I can see if the bonus is worth it.
‘Gotta get bones so I can have a body back, but I really like all the bonuses I get for not having a body…’ After thinking for a minute or so, I remember a type of undead, they were considered fairly high ranked in games and such, dullahans. I wonder if they get the bonuses for only having a head and for having a body, are there special bonuses for just having a body?’
Soon my head was filled with ideas on becoming a headless knight, slaying dragons and bringing them back to life, raising entire kingdoms of undead to serve me as their lord. Taking my all so common sigh I force the day dreams of becoming essentially a king out considering I have a lot of work to do to get to any of that.
Like getting a body, so then I’ll need lots of bones. Sending my skull, which was floating and bobbing trying to find the limits of how fast we are, careening towards the rabbit who at this point was just now coming awake. I soon breech into the slightly less wooded area near the rabbit. Scanning I soon find the little bugger sunbathing on a familiar rock, ‘I went into a huge circle, nice to know.’ But I still shot forward over top the rabbit, the rabbit was caught completely off guard and wouldn’t have even known I was coming if I hadn’t blocked the sun from reaching it’s back.
I started dropping onto it, forming my mana into a spike below me to take advantage of my weight. The rabbit was stunned for a moment and didn’t move in time, resulting in my mana spike going right into its spine killing it instantly. I then got another notification Your LF is already full as such you are unable to take it in.
Now I’m gonna have to say no thank you to that, I stopped reading the prompt and used my control over LF to pull it into me anyway. Soon enough I could almost tell why it wouldn’t want me to do this because my skull suddenly got a whole lot smaller, thankfully I understand that LF takes on the properties of gas so realistically I only have one choice here, I push it all together forming a neat little ball, with the oldest most docile LF on the outside of the ball pushing in towards the newer rebellious LF. And low and behold the force on my skull soon dissipated leaving me with more room to shove it in. And making it so that I could focus on more important things, like absorbing the entire bone structure of this rabbit. Focusing my intent around the ability I was using to fly around I force my mana into liquefying and then picking up the bones of the rabbit. I then had the bones join my withered skull, forming one mass that was regaining its shape fairly quickly. I noticed that my LF was still making attempts at causing me pain so I had my other halves deal with holding it and told them that I was soon going to be adding more.
Then I picked myself up noticing the additional weight, then shot forward towards another rabbit who I could tell was doing the same thing as the first one. I repeated the same tactic on this one as well only not making the mistake of covering the sun, I did that by coming down at an angle, the rabbit put up the same amount of resistance as the last one, amounting to none.
Then I was forced to help my other halves deal with the excess LF untill they got it under control then I went back to absorbing the new rabbits bones. All was going well till I realized that I couldn’t fly any more because of the added weight. So I was forced to improvise, I shaped the new bones into the shape of spider legs, I tried to add as few as possible but after a little while 6 seemed to be the least I could have while 8 provided an additional moment buff in my humble opinion.
So I went with 8 spider legs then without further ado I sent myself towards the next victim I couldn't see any more rabbits so I went towards another squirrel, soon I found him, I could tell that this one was younger, less experienced but far more agile, so I found myself watching it trying to figure out the best way to avoid damage.
I noticed soon that after every two or so minutes it would go into one tree in particular and leave nuts inside. That must be its home, so knowing where the little thing lives I waited till it left then I walked myself to a branch overhanging the entrance to the squirrel’s house then I got comfy waiting so that I would be able to.. Why am I falling?
Turning myself as I am falling I see a familiar squirrel behind where I was, looking quite smug after it pushed me off it’s tree. I let myself hit the ground and kept my eyes on the little thing. It looked confused for a moment then it froze for a moment, soon it stopped being frozen and walked over to me, I only need to wait now then I can kill this thing…
It came within my sphere of mana and I had to force my mana from dogpiling it, odd how my mana gets so uppity but it couldn’t do this before when the squirrel was sneaking up on me. Soon it was even closer if I had skin I would have been able to feel it’s breath on me. But I couldn’t and unfortunately it had already come too far to turn back. I let my mana turn towards it, the poor little thing froze once again but this time it didn’t have the chance to get away. My mana piled on top of it stabbing and making an absolute mess of the poor thing.
Soon it was dead and my mana lost interest, I let my spider legs pick me up then walked over to carry out my mission, that being to absorb everything of value this thing had. I would need to do this for a lot longer if I had any hope of regaining a body so much so that it would probably take well over a week.
Sighing I leave the squirrel and start planing on how to get more bones in a faster time, considering my returning memories are telling me the average human has 206 bones I at this point have at most 18 and that's doubling my legs because they are technically made up of a top part and a bottom part. I had a long way to go and now with my added mass I was unable to fly for even a short amount of time, my LF is also getting more and more grumpy and is taking longer to get it under control for my other halves to be able to deal with it.
I plop myself down and start thinking, ‘how can I deal with this additional weight?’ Looking at my profile I can think of only one ability that could help me. I've been using it but maybe I could try something different. Bone manipulation-23/50 I was almost halfway done with it, and so the thinking process stars, ‘I could try and make my bones lighter, I could try and get my mana regen higher as well so that I could compensate for my higher mass, those are the only real solutions that I can come up with.’ Let's start by getting my bones to be lighter, I used my observe ability and started comparing the different bones and origins my bones had, as I started looking it took just a little over 12 minutes for me to notice what I’d call flaws in the bones structure they were little pieces of something, I could tell they played a biological role, but I’m not alive so they have no purpose for me. So I started shifting my bones to basically force the flaws out. Rather than a quick thing it was taking longer than I thought, the smallish black flecks were being pushed out but they were also being drawn back in by something.
So I started singling out individual particles of the black dust, pushing even one came as quite a shockingly difficult task, but as I kept going the particles nearer to the surface got less common, and as fast as I could I was able to get rid of an entire layer of the black dust. Then I started pulling the next layer one by one up, I wasn’t able to move them all up at the same time I had to move one up then hold it there while I got ready then with the help of my mana and the force of the bones themselves I could push one of the slightly larger ones out.
‘It's literally been like 3 days… I have yet to move since I started this but I have noticed a couple of things one would be that my ability to shape bones has increased to just about the maximum and secondly my mana has been having an easier time moving through my bones as I keep getting rid of the particles. Which at this point are the size of dimes on average. I still have at the least three or so more layers of them to deal with before I can see if this made any difference, I decided 2 days ago that I wouldn’t check on my profile other than my abilities to see what level they’re at, oh and good news my LF has stopped fighting me.. Thinking about that I don’t like that at all.’ So after thinking that I would rather my other halves have to work than them just sitting there I force my LF into an even tighter ball of pure life force. As soon as I start doing this a couple of the more rebellious ones in the center start trying to get out, guess they were waiting for me to drop the shield so they could start pandemonium. I assisted only for a little while in getting the situation under control then left it to them.
I then settled my mind for another round of grinding away at the dust while attempting to maintain my sanity. ‘Gods above I’ve been here for like a week now not counting the initial 3 days. I can say I’ve made progress, and keeping observe on for so long has been nothing but beneficial to it and I can’t say that my other abilities have lagged behind because at some point my bone manipulation to max and at this point the only reason I’ve taken this long is because I realized that there was no way these could exist in bones this small. Meaning that I was somehow over exaggerating the size of the particles and that made me very sluggish in working.’
But even with that set back I’m rather proud of how far my little project has come, now only one layer of “particles” exists inside my bones and the fact that this thing is a single mass that is at the center of my bones is making me absolutely disgruntled, I’ve dismantled bits and pieces and am slowly coming to the realization that I need to figure out a way to break it up into smaller chunks. I have tried hitting it with my mana, turning my mana into a sledge hammer but whatever this is it absorbs mana or it’s immune to it, that alone would explain why it was so difficult to pick myself up after adding these bones. But also it seems that they did have actual weight to them so they were doubly bad for me in a sense. My LF has hit a point where we can't force it closer any more, the outside weight and the resistance inside the ball are equal, and I can’t go and get more because I’ve made a commitment to stay here till I get rid of all of these particles.
…. 2 Weeks, I’ve sat here in place for 2 weeks and I’ve finally done it every last scrap of those particles have been removed. And in other news, because I feel like that's a footnote to some of the other parts of what's happened this past week. First my LF started turning from a gas to a liquid, I only have 3 drops of it, they are a pale yellow while the gas was bright yellow but also had flakes of other colors, and since then I’ve noticed a increase in power every time that happens but it does appear that it’s going to take far longer to make another drop because of how much LF is required to produce one.
Secondly my mana has been having a field day inside of my bones since they no longer have the black dust any more, my range has increased for my mana to be around me to 22 feet even. And my abilities are more efficient than ever before. While those are great what really takes the cake is that my fanatic little bloodhounds finally found something related to the blue lady, it was hidden inside the deepest layer of those particles, ‘I wonder if I have her to blame for having those little particles.’ But I had more pressing matters than whether or not to blame her for those, I had already decided to blame the particles on her, like what my U.MP found and thankfully they started searching as soon as I cleared away those particles, and found the traces of her. Meaning that I hadn’t been ignoring my little fanatics.
Taking another deep breath I soon mentaly drifted down to them. “Report what have you found of our great enemy?”
My mana shifted uncomfortably, I paused and realized that there was no higher command so they didn’t want to speak out of line. “Whoever is the most senior of you, step forward.” And just like that one mana started its slow trek in front of me it saluted from a respectful distance away and at this I smiled. “Since you are the most senior I trust that you will be the best for the job, I’m giving you the job of speaker, for your unit whenever I ask a question to your unit it will be your job to tell me.”
The mana who barely looked different than others of the same type suddenly started glowing a dark color, then stopped and before me stood a mana with something akin to a military dress uniform with a single dark spot on its side. The rest of the mana also did the same, but this time without the dark spot. “I hope you take your new position seriously and don’t abuse what has been given to you.”
The mana spoke with a low cadence to his voice, his respect and deference to me was painfully obvious. “Yes lord, your will shall be met.” My grin spread wider than ever. I could never claim to not be proud of these guys. “Good then report what you have found, speaker of the first unit.”
The mana beamed at its new title and relinquished my demanded information, “Of course my lord, the enemy seems to have been using this area as a base of operations, or something similar. We so far are unable to tell what exactly she was doing but we can make some educated assumptions.” That smooth low cadence spoke out at such a speed that I thought he was in some sort of rush to get away from me, but I understood why, after all it seemed to have gained a lot more intelligence after I gave him a title so now he could understand exactly what he was talking to.
“That's completely within reason, I shall leave you and your unit to collect more information I also will be checking in on the other group to see if any of them are worthy of becoming a speaker.” After speaking I suddenly had an idea, I willed some of my gaseous LF to my side and I pushed it towards my first speaker, “Take this as a gift for your good work, and as a promise to me that you will not fail.” The speaker who at this point was trying everything to get away lest he angers me, no fell to one knee. “My lord, I swear I will not fail you.” His smooth cadence was chanted by his unit who also fell and swore much of the same. And at that I gave a simple nod and pushed the rest of the LF, I wanted to give him into his chest, then left him to get used to any new developments.
Rather than me going to the other group I sent my double to go and handle ranking up the group, and making more groups, I also asked him to use observe for quite a while and to decide who will be the next highest in command and also what that rank would be. Then I opened my profile for the first time in 2 weeks.
Name: N/A
Race: lowest undead Lv1, Single body part (Head) variant, HP 78/100, LF100/400, MP 500/500: +20 per second, U.MP 60/60
Str 10(+2)
Con 16(+5) [he adds a free point in a little bit]
Wis 20(+6)
Int 20(+6)
Dex 10(+2)
Cha 12(+1)
Free points: 0
Abilities: Life detection-10/10, Observe-10/???, Bad aura-9/???, Bone Manipulation-50/50, Mana manipulation-30/???, Undead healing-9/10, Mana craft-13/50, Life force manipulation-11/??. Undead energy-6/10, Mask of unlife-???/???, Meditation-5/5, Split mind-4/????
Upgrades: You have maxed the level of multiple abilities, you can upgrade them into more powerful versions, this will drop your level in them but you will keep your effectiveness in said skills.
Undeath- You have no normal negatives of being undead, although you find your strength, speed, and mana abilities increased during the night and day,
Undead- You have no stamina, you have no need to sleep, and any desire to do so is magickly influenced,
Hunger for life- Your body has no life in it, you must take this life from somewhere lest your unlife ends.
Head variant undead- You have forgone the use of your body in search of some greater goal, your mental abilities are more powerful, easier to upgrade and you gain new mental abilities far easier, your mana pool is now larger and is much more responsive to your wishes than before. You still have no body of your own, but you can make limbs to use, this has removed the negatives of this trait.
Mana Blessed- Somehow you have gained the attention of mana itself, your mana has gained increased awarness, and mental abilities are exponentially more powerful and easier to use.
You have unlocked a skill normally only available for high ranked undead, it allows you to heal from damage.
Life force user- Now that you have such fine control of your mana your life force is now completely under your control.
Blessed by representative of undeath mana- You were blessed by the origin of all undead mana, you find mana of the same or similar type are much easier to use and when ever a being less to or equal to in strength to the representative tries to see your status/ affect your mind they will be unable to do so. You also gain access to higher level undead abilities sooner, they are much stronger that they should be at your level.
As an undead blessed by pure undeath mana all limits on having stats vs. not having stats. Are removed as long as it was caused by your being undead, and your stats are slightly higher.
Life force cultivation- you have compressed your life force into a higher purity than an undead would normally have access to, this has made it so that you are quite capable of using your life force to heal and strengthen others. You now have a bonus to how fast you heal, how effective your Con, Str, Dex, Int, and Wis are and will be able to heal even as an undead due to your blessing from a representative of undeath.
Bone purifier- Your bones had a natural inclination for earth mana, you have removed that, leaving your mana to be able to freely move through and outside of your body. You will find a bonus to Con, and that now you can fit far more energies inside of yourself. You also will have a far easier time doing this again if you so choose. Your Str and Dex also get a bonus.
Dope, I don’t entirely understand that word but I think it means good, So no the lady didn’t make those black particles but I’ll keep blaming her for simplicity's sake. Secondly I’m putting my free point into Con. And thirdly holy good lord I have a lot of mana. Let's see what upgrading abilities can do. As I mentaly pushed the button I noticed that it was automatic, and that my abilities now looked like this Life detection*2-1/20, Meditation*2-1/10, Bone manipulation*2-1/100.
Now while at first glance that doesn’t make much of a difference, but that means they each can get doubly as strong as they were previously, meaning that I could get stronger without having to rank up or level up at any time unless I wanted to.
Looks like I’ve got some good news for the world, I’m coming for you, but I’m gonna take my sweet time with it. And with that I stand just a little taller than when I sat down, And begin looking towards my next prey.
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