《Aris Cretu》Chapter 20: Educations


Aris Cretu pours over one of the books of ritual spells his instructor has given him. Most of the text is in Elvish, with scattered bits of transcribed Primordial in the actual spells themselves. It is not the Elvish that is irritating him at the moment, but the Primordial.

Ultian studies the page, comparing it it his personal spell book.

Aris pulls out a scrap paper and quill, marking down two runes.

Ultian studies the scrap of paper intently.

Aris shrugs.

Aris nods.

Talae Telenna froze on the game trail, eyes and nose drinking in the surrounding forest. Something was there, stalking the same game trail, but not hunting the same prey.

The wind shifted ever to slightly.

There was a roar and a crash. A thunderous sound of a large animal smashing through trees in its rising fury.

Talae felt the rage rising in her blood, fury thundering in her veins. She gripped her maul tight and spun to face the sound.

An avalanche of sun-kissed fur and hate burst through the undergrowth directly in front of Talae. The bear roared as it charged, spittle flying.

Talae roared in answer, the Rage adding volume to her voice. She brought her maul crashing down in an over head swing as the bear closed the distance.

The blows connected. Talae felt the crunch reverberate up her arms as the bear's skull shattered. She felt her legs and ribs give way as its immense lifeless bulk crashed into her.

The whoop and holler of alarmed and alerted Druids was distant in her ears as the Rage faded and pain claimed Talae's consciousness. She would eat well while she recovered.

Khuk paused in her brushing to sweep up yet another basket full of molted feathers.

"Ugh. How long does this go on Little Bird?" Sister Valfina picked up a stray feather and tossed it into the basket. "And how many time of year does it happen?"


Khuk paused to pluck out one suborn feather. "Only once a year, taking about six weeks, so another four weeks or so."

Valfina fingered one of the clipped pinion feathers. "They are so soft and fluffy, they'd make wonderful bedding."

Khuk picked up her brush then sighed. "They would, if they weren't quite so large. Here, can you get my back, right between my wings?"

Valfina took the brush and went around behind Khuk to help her. "Quills then?"

Khuk sighed in pleasure. "Yes, if you want them. Have you figured out how to reduce your weight so we can go flying together?"

"Uhm, not yet."

"Having second thoughts Sister?"

"Well, storm season starts in another three weeks or so..."

"Ah, yeah, that is no time for first-time flyers. If we get a break in the weather, and enough time off, we could head up into the mountains, find a cave to snuggle down in."

"Oh? You wouldn't prefer the comforts of Padan?"

Khuk bobs her head. "I grew up in the wilds, learned to fly and live there. A cave may not be all that welcoming for a city-dweller, but if I can get a weekend or two to prepare in advance, I can make up a nice nest..."

"Mmm, that sounds nice. Lean forward so I can work on your tail?"

Khuk did so, letting the sun warm her feathers. Soon she would be back in the air where she belonged.

Aflia Cencin eyed the target set before the scorched berm. "Nothing I have can reach that far."

Yarizos snorted, smoke pouring out of his nostrils. "Precisely. No spell, cast by the book, can reach that far. You already are practicing your metamagic disciplines, so you know that as a sorceress, you can twist a spell to suit your needs on the fly. Try twisting the strands of a bolt spell back on themselves, tightening the spell down, and take a shot.


Aflia considered her father's words for a long moment, visualizing just how such a modification would flow when she cast it. Just making it 'tighter' won't do much on its own, but what happens if is impart a spin? Arrows and crossbow bolts that spin go further and more accurately, so perhaps...

She first made the attempt with a Fire Bolt, but the flames were stubborn about compressing. They flared and flickered, burning hot and free, disrupting the spiral Alfia was trying to impart.

"You are on the right track, but perhaps you should try frost before flame?"

Aflia sighed and lowered her arms from her casting stance. "I would if I knew how to cast a Frost Bolt."

Yarizos' head twitched ever so slightly. "The tower only taught you fire spells?"

Aflia shook her head. "I had to teach myself. The instructors there despised Tieflings, but couldn't kick me out without offending you."

"Then let me show you..."

Twenty minutes later, Aflia's first Frost Bolt put a spike of ice into the target's head. Ten minutes after that, she put a blue-white Fire Bolt into the same point. Where the ice had pierced, the fire broke free, pitching the target on its back.

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