《I Came, I Ran》Making Friends


The boy and Teq lightly approached the tree they were on a long time ago. A completely new sight greeted him. Magical floating lights greeted each tent entrance, most of the tent insides being dimly lit or completely dark. He saw some guards marching around, most having spears in resting on their shoulders as they walked.

But the best thing was how the commander's tent was well lit up, meaning that Teq and his job was made that much easier. ‘They’ll never expect an attack when everyone’s awake.’ It was then that Teq laid out the plan for them both. “Alright, you need to find yourself a disguise, as you can’t blend into the shadows as well as me. Once you finally find it, go to the big tent over there and be nearby. Got it? Good!”

Without giving the boy the slightest chance to respond, Teq disappeared. Sighing, the boy jumped off the tree, and went to look for potential targets.

Currently, no one that was his size was close to the edge of the encampment guarding its perimeter, so he sneaked around to see if he could find any guards that matched his size. After five minutes of careful sneaking around, the boy found one person that matched his size... if not for their lack of left arm.

The guard wore some dirty armor, helmetless and looking very tired, like he was about to collapse any minute. So, the boy got to attracting him into the forest. He whistled a bit, and that caught the guard's attention, making them swiftly turn their head to his direction. “Who’s there?!” The guard let the spear of their shoulder, pointing in the direction of the forest.

The boy made a softer whistle, trying to imitate what a ghost might sound like. Whether it was the sleep deprivation or the general fear of the forest, the guard fell for it and started to slowly approach the tree the boy was hiding behind. ‘Fucking idiot...’ The boy waited for the guard to be close enough, before grabbing his face.


A muffled scream came out from the guard before he was quickly silenced with a hit to the windpipe a quick snap of the neck. Sighing, he took off his clothing and put on the guards. Putting the spear onto this shoulder, the boy walked out of the forest and back to where the guard was supposed to be. Then he left his post discreetly and headed towards the main tent.

[You have defeated a plebian and have received 5 EXP! You now have 0005/6000 EXP to LVL. 7. Good Luck!]

On his way there, the boy noticed a lot of joyfully drunk soldiers. Some sat around campfires, others walked shoulder in shoulder, arms interlocked so they wouldn’t fall over. The boy smirked when looking at these soldiers, guessing that tomorrow was going to be a hard day for them if they were all drinking this much.

As he continued on his way to the camp, which was quickly getting bigger, the boy grabbed a helmet off the floor and brought it to his head. It fit him well, and gave him less of a chance to being recognized.

Upon final arrival to the tent, he found two sober guards guarding the entrance to it. He walked up to one of them; the more tired looking one, and hoped that they wouldn’t ask him anything, as he still didn’t know the language that any of these soldiers spoke. The soldier that he approached made a relieved sigh, before saying some short word, to which the boy just nodded.

Standing, the boy looked to see if he could find any semblance of Teq. He then felt a blade against his neck, “You should be more aware of your surroundings, thirty-one.” she whispered. The boy sighed, before he felt the knife disappear from his neck. He turned to see the other guard with the knife through his neck.


Teq slowly let the corpse fall to the ground, making it look like the guard was sitting down rather than falling over dead. Then she went in, and the boy followed, inside the boy found a man sitting behind a table, a very “military commander” feeling coming off from him. “Yes?” the man asked.

The bot off his helmet, before saying to the supposed leader: “I’m sorry for what’s coming next, sir.” The man looked up from his work, just in time to catch the blade that was supposed to go into his neck. “It seems assassins these years have lost their... edge.” At that moment, the man grabbed Teq’s hand, and threw her at the boy.

Teq teleported mid-flight, just in time for the spear the boy was holding to get thrown at the man. He caught the spear, before tossing it right back at the boy, who was didn’t expect to have to dodge. AS he saw the spear was halfway to him, he activated Eyes and Gait and dodged the spear, running out of the giant tent.

There, the boy found himself surrounded by a lot of soldiers, who all seemed to be very not drunk. ‘Now how do i get out of this one...’ Before he could even move, the boy was teleported somewhere fifteen meters behind the encirclement. He saw Teq laying on the ground, unresponsive, and most likely unconscious.

The boy picked up her small body, before gunning it towards the place he left his actual clothing. On the way there however, he found an army of soldiers chasing after him, all screaming and pointing spears at him as they ran. He ran to the end of the camp, managing to take off most of the clothes on the way there.

Picking up his clothing, the boy kept running and the soldiers kept chasing. This went on until he lost them, and hid up in a tree. Resting, the boy took off the pants and put on his own clothing. Sighing, and trying to remember how to get back to the cave system, the boy picked up Teq and-

He remembered about the mind-controlling thing.

Placing her back down, the boy spoke. “Hey Folo, can you get the thing that was trying to control me out of her?” Folo warbled in a “yes” movement, before scuttling off of the boy’s back. He then went up to Teq’s face, and like a perfect recreation of the face hugger, enwrapped her face.

The boy saw Folo moving about, sometimes shaking, but eventually he came out and went back to his spot. “Did it work?” Folo moved in a “yes” motion. The boy smiled; it was time to start his revenge plan against the slimes!

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