《I Came, I Ran》Discovery


He tried to look at his “stats,” but no matter what he said, the boy couldn’t access them. It was like he was locked out of the seeing them. Putting the currently unachievable aside, the boy went to the achievable; learning to teleport.

‘I need her to train me... let’s start.’ The boy started to slap the little goblin. After a few slaps, she awoke, wide-eyed and instantly going for a punch. He activated Eyes, and grabbed her fist an inch away from his face. “Good... what time of day is it?” Teq stared with askance at the boy: “Why am I still alive?” The boy smiled.

“Because you will teach me to how to teleport like you!”

Teq looked at the boy with a “are you fucking kidding me” face. She then said to him “You’re too slow to even begin to comprehend that.” The boy’s smile disappeared; “Then teach me then.” Teq laughed, her toothy smile growing in size. “... fine, but first we go and raid!”

Teq jumped to her feet near instantly, motioning for the boy to follow. She ran into the hallway leading out of the room, the boy hot on her heels. Five minutes of running later, the boy and Teq both appeared before the king in his throne room. "I think he’s ready for his first mission.”

“THAT IS WONDERFUL! BEFORE YOU GO OUT HOWEVER, WE MUST FIRST DO THE “PROCEDUERE.” HOLD HIM DOWN, BOYS!” Suddenly, a lot of slimes came from out of nowhere, jumping the boy. But before came Teq, her usual smile gone, her eyes turned dull grey.

The boy tried to resist, but he was too late. With slimes literally on every inch of his body except his head, he couldn’t do much but watch the king grow hid limbs and approach him. The king kneeled, and put both of his “hands” to the boy’s ears. The boy felt something going in, and tried to struggle away; the king just grew some tentacles to hold his head down.

The boy’s world went black.



[You have been affected by an abnormal status! You have been affected by status “Mind control.” Calcula-**()*&&^&^[email protected]#&

Status has been resolved.]

The boy opened his eyes, and felt that all the weight that was on him previously was laying and standing beside him. He felt Folo slowly slither away from his head, before he noticed how the king was sitting on his throne.

“LOOKS LIKE THE PROCESS IS DONE. TEQ, TAKE HIM TO THE NEAREST HUMAN CAMP AND TEACH HIM OUR METHODS.” Teq’s dull grey eyes returned to normal before she also got her smile back. Looking like a psychopath, Teq said: “Let’s go!” The boy followed, a plan forming in his head on how to overthrow this kingdom.

Teq and the boy came out of cave system, him trying his best to memorize how he even got here in the first place. Whispering, the boy said: ‘Hey Folo, when you looked into her head, did she have the same... thing inside her?” Folo moved on the boys back, somehow indicating confirmation.

The boy whispered: “Can you take it out from her too?” Folo moved again in confirmation and the boy’s plan began. He followed Teq for what seemed to be hours, before finally approaching the human “camp.” However, it was better to say encampment, as the size of it was way too big to be called a “camp.”

It was more of an army encampment. He saw lots of different tents, leaving the boy to wonder what he was really doing here. But the oddest thing must have been the large camp in the middle of it all. ‘Talk about revealing where the important people are...’

“Listen up thirty-one, we’re aiming to kill the person, or people in that big tent over there.” The boy looked at Teq; “And how do we get through all of them guards?” The boy looked inquisitively at Teq, awaiting at an immediate and brilliant response from his mind-controlled master.

“We shall wait till night-time, and then head in.”

“... Wake me up when we’re about to go in.”


“DON’T GO TO SLEEP YOU SOW!” Teq scream-whispered while punching the boy in the jaw. The boy didn’t have time to react, so he heard a nice crack in the back of his neck. ‘While we are waiting for nightfall, let me teach you about the shadow teleportation technique.”

Teq teleported off the tree branch that she and the boy climbed some time ago, and motioned for him to follow. He sighed before jumping down and rolling unto the ground, before standing up and heading after her. Five minutes later, the boy was sitting in a somewhat bizarre lotus position.

“Now to start, we must first find out what teleportation is! Tell me what you know about teleportation.” The boy sighed before explaining the science behind the displacement and reconstruction of matter between two or several locations.

“... I only understood around 10% of what you said. So, whatever you know, throw it out the window because it is wrong!” The boy sighed again; this was going to turn out like any other lesson with the goblin. “First the fundamentals! We must first see what type of teleportation will fit you best.”

The boy expectantly for Teq to continue. “You must first learn to know yourself. We will start with learning about what is inside of you!” The boy groaned; ‘I hate spiritual shit like this...’ He listened to instructions on how to meditate, so he followed in hopes that Teq would shut up and let him learn in peace.

He breathed in and out, trying to empty his mind of thoughts; this would’ve been far easier if he wasn’t concocting plan after plan to escape and relax somewhere. He put aside everything that was currently in his mind with great difficulty, nearly earning himself a headache or popping a vein in his forehead.

Almost like she felt that his mind was fully cleared, Teq started to talk. “You must ponder on how to achieve the highest form of movement. How do you achieve the maximum speed? Some philosophers have been...” Teq trailed off in a slight rant about history, but the boy ignored her. All he needed to “ponder” about was speed.

He remembered all the times he ran, and how that in avertedly led to him to more problems. He foresaw how his speed wasn’t enough to survive in this world, and how he would need to change that...’Naw, I just need to be faster!’

He kept imaging what it was like to be faster, to be so fast that the ground quakes before your every step, that you outrun the wind, outrun light itself! These thoughts came in and out at unimaginable speeds, and then something else happened.

From the corner of his inner sanctum, where all the fast thoughts played in and out, the boy saw a thing. It shined brightly into one of his eyes; the boy stopped everything, and slowly approached the shiny thing. Floating around his shoulder level, the boy reached out and grabbed the object.

Suddenly, the boy and his inner sanctum lit up like an inferno during the midnight. Thoroughly startled, the boy started to run, letting go of the object. Running back into the darkness, the boy smiled, seeing that the light... followed him; it was getting very hot where the light was.

Upon seeing the light grow even the slightest bit, the boy sprinted in the other direction. Rightfully so too, as the light shot out, almost like it wanted to catch him. The boy ran hopelessly, as whenever he looked back the light got closer and closer. He ran, but felt himself getting tired, and just when he was about to be caught, he awoke.

He found Teq staring deep into his face, studying it for no apparent reason. “Good, you’re awake now thirty-one. Let’s go and do our mission.” She said in a whispering tone; it took a moment for the boy to understand why. He first noticed how it was dark outside, then noticing he was sweating all over, and lastly how there was a lot of light coming from the direction of the encampment.

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