《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 60: Negotiation with the emperor (IV)


“Constructing a way back to our world !?” Makoto and Yuuko are surprised when hearing Lexar’s suggestion.

Xavier remains silent for a while, not saying anything, then opens his mouth "What do you intend to do?" His words are stern as the topic of bringing up the summoning ritual comes up again.

"We will do the same thing that you exactly try to do. We will summon people from our world to this world." Lexar answers "Of course, this time, it is not a bunch of students, but people with full expertise, knowledge, and capability to pull out the revolution that you originally wished for."

"*gasp*" A surprised sound comes from the girls, representing everyone's shock toward the idea.

"And here I thought that you, Japanese people, are against the idea of kidnapping people from the other world?" Xavier chuckles, his smile indicates that he has found something amusing.

"No, you are misunderstanding my intention. We will summon people who are willing to come here this time. We will not bring people here by randomness, but through careful selection." Lexar slowly explains "We will establish a both way road between two worlds, ours and yours. Using it, we will travel back to our world, then send people back here to help you out."

"What an interesting proposal. However, how can I trust that deal can be done? Won't you just simply go back to your world without sending any people back here? I don't see any reason why you will keep your words."

Reasonable enough. If Lexar, Makoto, and Yuuko get back home, the first thing they need to deal with is to fight against the evil mastermind behind the school and hospital massacre. They need to regroup with Hinami, form a plan, investigate, and counter-attack. There is also an impending doom falling on their world within a year. Meddling with the issues in this world is not a good idea.

However, Lexar has an idea. Since their enemy, Taiga Shindo, has a force and an organization of his own, he figures that the girls and he also need help from an organization to back them, a strong organization that can combat supernatural enemies and big enough to help them with various aspects. Their enemy is too strong, too big, and has prepared so much than them. Going against such enemy on their own is very risky. Thus, he needs to get the girls some allies. And the chance to have those allies is at this moment, from the negotiation with the king of a country from another world.

"I'm afraid that I will have to object that notion. After all, there are many reasons why we want to visit this world again. And since we want to return here, we would like to establish a long-term relationship with the local people here, so that we can get the help we need when we return to this world.” Lexar explains his motive.

“Interesting. So not only you want to return to your own world, you would like to return here another time. Let me guess the motive. To prepare an escape place from your enemy, right?” Like reading the cat's mind, Xavier points out one of the reasons Lexar wants to come back to this world.


“Yes, that’s part of a reason.” Lexar calmly admits it.

“And if your enemy comes here through the path between two worlds, my country has to deal with another enemy from another world aside from the demons. Do you think I can accept such a deal like that?” Xavier coldly says.

“You will accept, in fact, that’s what you want to do.” Lexar refutes.

“Why do you think so?” Xavier tilts his head.

“Because you are the man who embraces the change, the man who seeks to create a revolution under his name to renounce in the history. You have a very big ambition. This country alone is not enough for you.” Lexar continues “I have been analyzing your thinking up until now. You sought to summon the heroes despite the taboos, to create a decisive move and prepare to win over the demon. And once you win, you want to expand your power and influence by taking over the land of the demons. At that stage, it will be not the demon that is your opponent, but the other human countries. They will fight together over the spoil of war, and decide their position in the new world’s order.”

“Oi, oi, you have been jumping too far ahead, little cat. All I wish is to end the war with the demons with a victory.” Xavier denies it but his smile and eyes do not do so.

Knowing that he is walking on the right rope, Lexar continues “After all, a good king is one with an ambition. An unambitious king is not a good king as he will not have a guideline, a good image of what he wants his country will be. That is the same as a coachman not reining over his horses, letting them roaming freely as they like. And I know you are not that kind of king.

And for a good king, he needs to see further in the future, especially for the king who is embracing new changes, a revolution. Opening the pathway to the otherworld sure has its risks, however, a lot of opportunities are also present there. And I am sure you can understand the opportunities that the pathway between both worlds present.”

“Such as …?” Xavier asks.

“In addition to getting the people with the knowledge to help you with your revolution, you can also go over to the other world to learn firsthand that knowledge yourself. I’m sure you have already investigated our own world from the summoned heroes. If you didn’t do so, would the revolution based on those summoned heroes’ knowledge be incomplete? After all, understanding better the country they are living reflects part of the result of those revolutions. And aren’t you interested in traveling to a certain country, the place where Chinese is originated and spoken?”

Silence fills the hall again, and Xavier sits in throne, deep in thought. As expected, throwing in traveling to China does work its trick. After all, it is strange how Chinese is spoken by the emperor in this world. Even his family name is a Chinese one. This world ancient history is all tied to the cultivators, a concept that is originated from China. If his deduction is correct, the previous summoned hero is someone coming from China, or at least, related to China someway. It is unknown how that person has so much knowledge that was enough to create development that the historians in this world called that time a golden age of human. But regardless of her achievement, the probability she is related to China is high. And betting on a high chance car is his way to go.


Xavier remains silent for a while, not saying anything. Then his next question comes “Can you do it?”.

YES! Lexar tightly clenches his fists in his imagination. This means that the king has finally allowed them to get close to the summoning ritual. He prepared many more reasons to appeal to his approval. However, the China card worked surprisingly well that he does not need to use them, thus allowing him to have more leeway in the future negotiations.

“We can do it. We have our method.” Lexar then turns to Makoto “Makoto, please demonstrate your ability.”

“Ah.” Hearing Lexar’s word, Makoto nods then stands up. From a pouch behind her waist, she takes out an object.

“What is that?” Xavier’s eyes are on the small whistle on Makoto’s hand.

“This is the device that the goblins used to control the big snakes. Before we finished the mutated goblin, it took this out and blew it. This was probably used to signal for the snakes to act in rampage that the plan had failed. That’s the reason why those Earth Snakes started rampaging after staying still for a long time.” Makoto explains.

“I see. What a surprising catch you have there. It must be related to how the goblins control those monsters, and with this device here, once the scholars examine it, we can figure out how this device works, and think of measurements. Then? What are you trying to show with this?” Xavier turns his attention to Makoto, asking her in curiosity.

“I can tell you all the details about this device, right now, without the need to summon the scholars. This is how I do it.” Finishing her word, a white flame erupts from her hand, engulfing the whistle.

“Hoo! Amazing! That is the power of the otherworld.” Xavier does not bother to hide his amazement, looking at the white flame in enchant. His expression looks like a man born of curiosity rather than a man of power, a man seeking knowledge and discovery.

With the flame engulfing the whistle, the object gradually disappears and Makoto closes her eyes for a while. Silence fills the place, and no one speaks anything. Everyone is waiting for the girl’s result. A few minutes later, she finally opens her eyes.

“The analysis is done.” She says “This whistle is called monster whistle. Although it looks simple at glance, this is actually quite a high tech product. It works like a specific signal transmitter than a simple whistle. Each whistle is paired with a number of specific signal receivers. These receivers are attached to the monsters somewhere on their bodies. When the whistle is blown, it creates an inaudible sound that only the receivers can receive it. The receivers then decrypt the signals into commands that instruct the monsters to act as desired.” In her hand, the whistle appears again, while Makoto is showing a worried look.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you continue?” Xavier urges.

“Yes. This device, despite some limits, is quite powerful. The current whistle is set to only give three signals: go back home, stay silent, and go rampage. It is designated for the goblins to be easy to use, as they cannot blow properly with more complex signals. They cannot command the monsters to attack at designated target, cannot move to the defined place, or do anything else. Aside from that, everything else is perfect. Its signal can be transferred for a very long range, a radius of 5 km. The signal is encrypted, and very specific to the receiving devices, that means it is difficult to eavesdrop the signal. In case there are multiple whistles with different monsters, the goblins can control different types of monster silently, over a long range, and do not interrupt each other’s command at all. That’s how powerful the device is.” Makoto concludes.

“And if there is someone smart enough to use the complex command, the whistle can be set so and used to give more specific command to the monsters. Is that correct?” Xavier asks, replied by Makoto’s nod.

“Anything else you have found? Like how do they actually control the monster? What do the receivers do to the monsters? Furthermore, can we do something about it?” Xavier keeps giving questions.

“The receivers just only receive the signal and relays it to the monster. The thing that is used to control the monsters is something else. For that, I do not know, but we can find something if we dissect the snake corpses. There must be something else installed on their bodies aside from the receivers.

However, with the current knowledge, I have an idea how to negate their tools. I can design a new device, one that can jam the signals the goblins send to the monster. If the signals fail to deliver, they cannot control the monsters at will.” Makoto confidently replies.

“I see. The ability to analyze the object at hand. It’s quite a convenient ability for the researchers. So this is your bet on how to analyze the ritual and use that to create a pathway between two worlds. Very well, I accept the proposal.” Xavier says in satisfaction.

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