《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 59: Negotiation with the emperor (III)


Revolution is usually associated with a forcible overthrow of a government or old social system in order to replace a new one. That is a political revolution. However, in modern time, that word has wider use and is often more associated with the technology, signifying a time where many old technologies are replaced by new ones, a technology revolution, or an industrial revolution. During an industrial revolution, it is not only the technology, but also many things related to human behaviour is changed. How the economy runs, how people’s thinking changes, how the government is restructured, and how the management practice are revised. All of these are done to cope with the revolution, to survive in an environment that is heading to a completely new direction.

To be honest, Lexar does not know whether the Japanese students can actually manage to pull off anything so grand that it is considered a revolution. They are having problems handling the pressure of the current situation. They have to fight and train every day in order to become stronger to fight monster. They need to spend time learning about this world in order to live here. Where do they get the time to perform such a grandiose thing called revolution?

That’s not the only obstacles. They are only a bunch of highschool students, which means that their knowledge and specialty is seriously lacking. A revolution is a combination of efforts from many specialists in different fields. They are engineers, mathematicians, economists, scientists, politicians, and so on. There is no way these students’ knowledge can match these people when they are still in a period of receiving common compulsory education. And there is also a problem that all students in this world complains: the knowledge they learn is used to pass the test and get high score, they serve little to no practicability.

In the novels, the modern world protagonist can apply what he learned from his old world easily, perfectly replicating human inventions from time to time. Sure, it is possible for the impractical knowledge in modern world to become useful in the other world. But there is a problem. Those novels’ main characters have perfect memory and their knowledge are beyond the extend of a normal people. They keep calling themselves normal, but in reality, they are the kinds of people that can launch a successful business in their own world if they decide to work hard enough. In fact, those normal people are actually amazing people instead. In the reality, human’s memory is one of the most unreliable things on our minds. Learning without actually applying often leads to forgetting it. It’s basically like asking the adults to retake the highschool exam. Even if they scored high and passed it during student time, they cannot do that anymore unless studying again. Leaving them alone a few years and they will forget mostly everything. To add to that, in this world, there is no Google, or no Bing, or any search engine or book that can help them to find the reference for.


From the beginning, Lexar is skeptical of the possibility whether the summoned heroes can actually provide anything useful knowledge to this country that summoned them. To his surprise, they actually managed to make some drastic advancement or changes from the measly knowledge of the students. He has a feeling that the people in this world, though dressed in Middle Europe, is actually quite intelligent and very open-minded to a new way of thinking. Giving them only a little hint and they can figure out the rest on their own.

Despite the initiate to start changing on their own, the new development is not widespread yet. It is probably in development stage, or they need some adjustment to make the new things suitable for this world. This means that they are already a step later than the goblins in changing themselves.

When preparing for a war, the biggest advantage a revolution can bring is getting an edge over the opponent in a preemptive strike. While the enemy is caught in a surprise, you can use that edge to keep snowballing, dealing more and more damage to the enemy before the other side finishes analyzing it and catches up.

Sadly, in this situation, the goblins are the ones that has the edge and the human has to catch up with them. In the previous fight, he has a basic understanding that the humans still fight in the same manner as cold weapon era. Soldiers fight in formation, using cavalries, archers, and footmen to fight. There are unknown tactics too, as this is a fantasy world, with magic and fantasy creatures present, so there must be some kind of flashy ways of fighting that he does not know. Even so, by putting himself in the shoes of the human here, seeing the goblin develop and change faster than themselves is like a slap to their face. Not to mention, there is also the demon side behind, and probably an unknown enemy too.

Xavier, the emperor, does not even consider the goblins a thread at all. But it is a different story if it’s related to the demons. The proof is that while his country is suffering from the goblins, the king still sends his strongest to face the demon army at the border, leaving the goblins to the heroes in training.

However, learning that this is possibly a demon’s scheme, he is thinking of the possibility that the demon has begun their own revolution as well, and learnt something from the goblins. A lost of initiative to the goblin is now the same as a lost of initiative to the demons. The war between human and demon has started, and the demon has made a preemptive strike and secured their advantage while snowballing the damage caused by the surprise.


“I’m sure you must already know the advantage of seeking an initiative by a revolution, right? After all, I believe the reason you summoned the heroes is to prepare this decisive advantage after all.” Lexar looks at Xavier.

“Hha hahahaha.” Xavier laughs out loudly. His laugh echoes the hall, surprising everyone inside.

“Haaah. This is the most surprising thing I have ever heard in my life. To think that there is someone can see all through my planning. You are correct, my reason to summon the heroes is to create an initiative in the incoming war. We both have warred for so long, so long that we know each other so well, that we have reached a stalemate. For that reason, in order to make the scale tip over again, a big surprise element is needed. When a completely unknown force strikes at the enemy, it can cause a lot of damages, and by riding the momentum, the damage can scale up to a great scale. Of course, the surprise must not only be big, but also mysterious enough, hard to solve, and hard for the enemy to copycat.

Certainly, it’s very worrying that if the demon is actually behind the goblins’ movement and they have started their own revolution. However, if that’s really the case, it’s too shallow. We have our own cards and haven’t played it yet. Only when we strike those hands, it will be the real beginning of the war. The demon, they play it surprisingly enough but it’s not decisive enough. Everything is still under control.

I think we have a good affinity with each other. No one has figured out so much of my thinking before. I had to spend a lot of time with the royal palace and the generals to explain it, yet they seemed to only grasp a little bit surface of my thinking. You cannot point to the reason that it’s the knowledge of the other world. After all, the summoned heroes spent a long time with me, yet they did not even figure out a single bit. However, despite our first meeting, from just the information alone, you can figure out my whole reasoning behind the summoning heroes. Although you are a cat and an otherworlder, you are still on a human side and try to help me by explaining the situation. I think it’s fate that we meet here today.”

The emperor has more cards hiding? Lexar cannot help but doubt that. It’s the other world after all, and there are things the emperor is hiding that he cannot imagine. This guy looks exactly like a last boss type, and he obviously has secret weapons that make him deserving the boss title. But Lexar has a hunch that the emperor does have hidden moves, but he does not want to use them yet. The hypothesis that the demon starts working on revolution did make him uneasy, and he has to adjust the plan because of it. In that case, he still has a chance to negotiate.

“I’m thankful for your words. I did not expect that my wild delusion can catch your interest and match your thinking. Although I don’t believe fate myself, it must be good luck that I can meet you here.”

“If you are thinking what you said is just a delusion, I must say that you have a quite far view and realistic sense of imagination. Let’s resume our conversation. What are you trying to say when we lose our initiation? I’m interested to hear the rest.”

Lexar pauses a little bit before continues “As I have said before, revolution is a wide spread thing. It can be learned and mimicked. That’s true for the enemy, but also for us. After some time observing, if we still have our ground, we can analyze and learn from the enemy, applying the revolution to ourselves. However, that also applies to the enemy. If they can stand after bearing your surprise attack, they can learn and attempt the same thing. As war stands, both sides learn from each other and applies on the field. In the end, it will become a war of attrition, same as the past. The one who holds out longer will win and vice versa. That’s not the outcome you are wanting from this war, right?”

Xavier scratches his chin, pondering, then speaks “Well, now that’s an undesirable outcome. I can see where you are getting it from. Let’s get to the point. What are you going to offer when we agree to let you analyze the summoning ritual and let you and the heroes make a way to come back home?”

“Your highness, in fact, letting us analyze the summoning ritual and construct the way to go back to our world is the key to resolve this whole problem.” Lexar says.

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