《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 56: The emperor is a cultivator


Passing through the teleporting gate, Makoto, Yuuko, and Lexar arrive at the capital of Vahallad.

On the other side of the gate is a very busy station, consisting of a very large plaza connecting with many teleporting gates. Like them, many people are going in and out of the gates, bringing stuff back and forth. It is clear to see who go out and who go in.

People with injuries, dirty clothes definitely come from the other sides, where many harsh battles are ongoing. Their identities vary, from normal people to soldiers, merchants. There are also some clean people too, but judging from the high-quality clothes they are in, it is not hard to guess that they are some VIPs or nobles who evacuated from the battlefield. Yuuko frowns her eyes when she sees a fatty man clutching a chest with gemstones ornament on it while looking around cautiously, like somebody is going to steal it from him.

For the people who go into the gate, they are soldiers, priests, adventurers and bulky men bringing a lot of supplies. Those bulky men stand out a lot as they are all wearing the same brown thick leather uniform, differentiating from the other people. In addition, they consist of more than half of the people in this station. They all are bringing supplies in form of barrels, chests, and bags through the gate. Seeing the two girls curious at those men, Hitomi explains.

“They are the militia, citizens who are drafted in an emergency. Their main job involves a lot of tasks that are not related to combat such as moving supplies, constructing buildings and defense structures, making food for the soldiers and so on. In summary, they are responsible for logistics.

After some time has passed, the other side must have secured the frontline and area for transporting goods and supplies. That’s when the militias come in and go through the gate.”

“Amazing, seeing so many people moving in such an organized manner is awe inspiring. I can see the panic and hurried look on them, but there is no disorder here. It’s like they practiced properly beforehand.” said Makoto.

“Agree. At first, I thought that we are in a medieval fantasy and the culture is undeveloped. But I guess we were wrong. Everyone here is quite cultured and educated, to the point that even us modern people can be ashamed in some areas, especially in the time of disaster.” Yuuko sighs.

“Yeah. We were also quite surprised at first too. To be honest, the level of education and culture in this world is quite high. They already know concepts like compulsory education until 12, and that compulsory education involves a lot of practical subjects such as economics, literacy, laws. Furthermore, in this world full of monsters, the government established a set of procedures and practices what to do in what situation. The kids all learn them and everyone knows what to do in the crisis. Even we, the summoned heroes, have to learn them too and find all of the subjects useful. The Japan government should learn one or two things from this. Stop cramming all the difficult stuff in us, students.” Airi joins the conversation.

“Um, um. If you think about it, a lot of the things we learn are used for getting into the university. If you fail, you never get to use 80% of them. If you pass, you use 40% and discard the rest to put new stuff into your head. What an inefficient education system.” Yuuko nods in agreement.


“*puff* Hahaha. You are making me feel good for being in this world, now that I don’t have to deal with the whole deal of university entrance exam.”

The Japanese girls start chatting happily, reminding themselves of the things back in the modern Japan. The topics vary such as their student lifestyle, convenient things and services back in Japan, Japanese food, to the recently popular songs, animes, mangas, and so on. Those common daily chat topics in the previous world now have an important meaning to the summoned heroes, now that they are in another world, with a high chance not being able to come back home forever.

They try to lower their voices as not to disturb the tense atmosphere, but cannot help it since they become too engrossed in talking about stuff in their old life. To them, a few months in this world feels like years away from home.

After half an hour since the knight captain left, he returns and asks Makoto and Yuuko to have a meeting with his supervisor. The girls part way as the summoned heroes have other tasks to do. While walking through the busy corridor, Lexar jumps on Makoto’s shoulder.

“How’s the investigation?” The cat quietly asks.

“Our luck is still good. 90% They are from the same world as us. Most of the things we chatted are pretty much things we all know. Be it lifestyles, common sense, important events, places and even the recently popular songs, animes, and mangas. Things are exactly as we know without much difference. Furthermore, they are from the same school that we’ve heard of. The possibility of them being from a world parallel to ours is low. However, there is something that bugs me.”

“What is it?”

“They said that the time they were summoned was in July 2014, and they were all summoned at the same time. This means that in our world, there should be a report of a big missing incident or something like that. But I don’t remember there is such news.”

“Either there is something related to the summoning, or they are from the same world that happens to be the same as ours.”

“The former is more likely. As I touched their bodies, I was able to analyze a little bit. They have the same body as us, different from the native humans in this world. That is the first. They also show sign of being modified by the program and system too. However, the integration degree is higher than us. If we are modified about 30-40%, then they are about 80-90%. Our awakening also contributes to the resistance of modification, but I think the summon ritual is probably the main cause. It does not simply transport people from the outer world, but also does something to them too. For more information, I need to get into contact with the ritual itself.” Makoto gives her finding.

“We are much closer to our goal than we thought now. I think we should focus on how to get contact with the ritual first. Such an important thing like that will not be easy to find, not mentioning getting close. We should get in touch more with the summoned students to get a better idea about this place.” Lexar suggests.

“Yeah, the students are the breakpoint. I hope that getting in touch with them will be easy.”


While the magical girls are discussing, the royal knight does not miss that conversation. Although he doesn’t understand anything at all, after staying with the summoned heroes for sometime, Victor can at least learn that it is Japanese. It is not uncommon for the heroes to chat within themselves in Japanese, despite being able to speak in this world common language very easily thanks to the skill. Perhaps, they haven’t realized it, but whenever they chat freely not minding people hearing, the heroes speak in the common language. But when it involves something secret, they instinctively switch to Japanese. Their conversation asserts him more about the girls’ identities.

(Did someone secretly perform the summoning ritual? Or is it a country or an organization? Or is it by accident? This time we have summoned 30 people, many more than in the past. Did that cause the accidental summoning?) Victor cannot help but ask himself.

Before long, the group arrives in front of a big gate with extravagant decoration and carving. There are two guards standing on two sides. The size of that gate can tell that it leads to the grand royal hall. Behind it, there is a very important person.

Makoto becomes perplexed, not because of the beauty or size of the gate, but the power of the two guards standing on two sides.

(Level 60, class Royal Guard, strength above 500 value, other stat about 300 to 400, defense is extremely high, above 800. And that long list of skills. There are more than 20 skills there. These guys are more like monsters than the giant snakes. Even a knight captain cannot be compared to.) Makoto analyzes quietly with her skill.

The gate opens and a majestic hall appears. Inside is a vast area that is wider than Makoto’s schoolyard. The white marble floor is divided into two by a large long red carpet in the middle. On two sides of the carpet, 10 guards stand there solemnly. Each of them is either about strong or stronger than the 2 guards outside. At the end of the carpet, there lies a big luxury throne.

Different from the kinds of throne in European often seen in medieval fantasy, this throne has an eastern feeling to it, with the handles and the top having the long dragon decoration. The width is quite long, more than 2 meters, enough for a person to lie down. On the seat and the back, there are soft red cushions. To sum up, it is a throne in sofa form. Sitting on it is a man in his 40s.

The man wears a sleeveless red tunic, a black long-sleeved undershirt with open neck, a red sash, and black pants. His blond hair is styled with Caesar cut, paired with the shaved bread, giving him a clean and serious outlook. He is currently reading a document from a pile of them on the table by the left side. Despite his straight face, his loosen carefree body gesture says that he is not worried much about the situation.

“Your majesty, I have brought them before you.” Victor bows before the man.

“Un, you have done enough. You may leave now.” The man throws the document on the seat, puts the arms on the legs, and leans forward “You don’t need to do anything like bowing in front of me. After all, you are not from this world and it is quite rude to make the guests from outer world lower themselves for such a pointless gesture. If I want to demand any respect, I’d like to have it from the bottom of your heart, not something through superficial display.”

Even so, the girls offer a greeting bow to him “Your words are truly generous, your majesty. It is quite an honor for us to be accepted as guests in this world. We deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.” Realizing that the other side has figured out their identities already, they do not need to hide it anymore.

“Oh, quite a solid attitude. Although you look the same age as the others, you seem quite experienced in this situation. When they first met me, they were acting in panic and disorder. When the representative came out, he stuttered a few times. It gave me an experience that the Japanese are shy people.”

“They must have been panicked when they were first summoned here. Unfamiliar circumstances and the suddenness of being in a different place is a big source of stress and fear. I believe they were not really themselves at the time.”

“I believe that is the case too. After associating with them for a while, they all act differently from then now. Well, we have strayed too much. Let me introduce myself. The name is Xavier Wang, the 12th king of Vahallad.”


“’Wang’ in King. It is really a fitting last name for those who receive the throne from generation to generation, isn’t it.”

“Forgive me if I ask. Do you know that it is a word from a language called Chinese?” Yuuko worriedly asks.

“Correct. And this king also knows how to speak Chinese too.” Savier proudly confirms that.

Both girls look at other in awe. To think that the king from another world knows a language in their world.

“Can you really speak in Chinese?” Makoto suddenly asks him in Chinese.

“Hou! Amazing. To think that you know the language of the ancient royalty.” Savier claps and replies in Chinese “You have impressed me quite a bit, mage lady. How about it? Do you want to join my personal royal squad? They have better treatment than the heroes. Higher salary, higher power, higher rank, access to higher level secret of the nation. Or if you want it, I can give my son to you. Being a princess can give you some special privilege.”

The group is shocked at the offer. Just by being able to speak Chinese, the king offers such a generous condition. Is this only a joke by the king or there is any deep meaning behind? It would be good if that was just a joke. But the words from a king cannot be taken lightly. Furthermore, Xavier Wang is not just simply a king. He is the one who has that legendary job: a cultivator!

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