《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 50: The second battle of Brendhill town (III)


Time went back 30 minutes ago.

“Judging from their equipment, those 20 goblins are probably elite squads and have their own classes. They have warriors, mages, shamans, and scouts. A team full of specialized members in different areas, and they are all well trained too. I expect that they have good team working skill. Take out as many as possible the fastest you can, that way they cannot pull off any of their cooperation attack or tactic. You take on the 4 mages, then the scouts. I will detour on their back and strike the 3 shamans.” Lexar devised the plan as they headed to where the suspicious goblins were.

“Got it. I will strike with my strongest attack at them.” nodded Makoto.

The two ran across the hallway then split off. The cat jumped out off the window and disappeared under the dark sky, while the girl continued running on the hall. After turning at the corner, the girl finally caught up with the targets.

“Fire blast!”

Her hand extended out and a wave of fire covering the entire hallway came at the goblins. The intense heat wave burnt up all the torches in an instant, and melted the surface layer of the stone wall. When the fire disappeared, the road in front of her was glowing in deep red of heat. Makoto was expecting that the road of heat would continue all the way until the end of the building.

However, in her eyes, a thick layer of steam filled the area, blocking the visibility of anything behind it. But, at least, Makoto could see the outline of those who stopped her fire blast.

3 short figures were leaning on the staffs, breathing heavily. Their clothes were tattered in pieces, and under those clothes, the green skins were all burnt heavily with black marks, not because of the fire, but the hot steam rising. Makoto suspected that they had cast a spell called water wall or ice wall, and built a very thick wall, so thick that could negate her most powerful attack.

Fortunately, her attack was not a complete failure. Below the standing mage goblins’ feet, there laid the corpses of their comrades: one mage and three warriors. Her attack had depleted all of the mages’ power to cast a defensive spell. It was the best chance for her to cast another spell and finish them off.

“Fire blast!” The fire lit brightly in front of her palm again.

But the enemy would not let her finish it her spell. Several needles flew at Makoto from behind the steam. Still keeping the fire in her hand, the magical girl flicked her hand, creating an ice wall blocking the incoming projectiles, and completed the spell.

The fire wave erupted again, this time, melted the hallway until the end and cleared all the steam inside. Contrary to her expectations, she could see that only the 3 mage goblins were caught in her attack. The rest of them were nowhere to be found.

“These guys are quite fast. To be able to run fast enough to hide behind the corner and escape from my Fire Blast. This world’s goblins do really get a buff after all. Who the hell classified them as a low class monster? I want to complain to that person.” Makoto muttered.


On the other side, the goblins that managed to dodge Makoto’s attack did not have a good expression though. Several of them collapsed on the ground, agonizing in pain.

“Curse! The intel is completely wrong. This town has a higher level 40 mage. We lost so many high goblins in that attack just now.” A goblin cursed in goblin’s language.

“That attack power is not some simple level 40 mage can do. She must be a mage specialized in fire spell. Remember how easily she can cast off two powerful spells consecutively. Her level must also be above 50.” A warrior goblin analyzed.

“The problem is why such a powerful mage followed us. Isn’t she supposed to deal with the Earth Snakes outside? Did they catch our plan … Buwahh” A shaman goblin joined the conversation but suddenly coughed blood due to a strike in the heart.

“Fuck, a high-level assassin! Protect the shamans.” The warrior goblin readied his weapon and issued the order.

Before the rest stood up, a 2nd shaman goblin had his heart pierced. The remaining shaman immediately hid behind the other warriors and cast a spell.

“Light magic: Remove concealment.” A light illuminated the whole area, revealing a shadow of a cat with its claw digging inside the dead shaman’s heart.

Seeing his camouflage dispelled, Lexar hissed at the remaining shaman, then quickly disappeared in the goblins’ view. With the agility’s value higher than Yuuko, it was impossible for any goblin to catch his movement. He jumped up to the ceiling, then used it to shoot toward the remaining shaman protected by the warriors.

However, as his claws nearly reached the shaman’s head, a metal surface blocked it. Spark flew as the two weapons collided and separated from each other.

In Lexar’s view, several strange creatures were guarding the shaman, protecting it from his claw. Their backs were as bulgy as a turtle shell, consisting of many pieces of metal connecting each other without having a single gap. All of them had the color of obsidian. Lexar did not know whether they were made of real obsidian or not, but their hardness was undoubtable, as he could only make a dent on their shell.

Before Lexar could attempt a second attack, several sharp blades were coming at him. The blades attached to the tentacle moved as agile as the motion of a whip, making several slashes at the same time. Lexar jumped up and dodged the attack, while being astonished at the figures of several goblins with tentacles on their bodies.

Aside from the blades, some tentacles had the carnivore plant heads attached, revealing their sharp teeth as they opened and aimed at where the cat jumped to. The plants opened fire and a barrage of acidic shots came at him like a storm. The ceiling where the cat was used to be disappeared and revealed the scene where the Earth Snakes rising high in the sky.

“What on earth are these creatures? Are they fucking real goblins? No matter how I look at it. They look more like aliens in scifi story than a fantasy creature.” Lexar complained as he dodged the attack.

“Nature magic: clear mind, nature magic: sharp sense, nature magic: harden defense.” The surviving shaman cast three boosting spells, powering up their allies.


“Tch, what an annoying enemy. To think that I failed in killing such an important target. No choice besides going all out in a frontal battle.” A layer of mana enveloped the cat’s body as he began getting serious.

“*Roar*” A lion roar echoed the whole place, vibrating the eardrums of the goblins violently.

“Lexar has gotten serious. As expected, the enemy is quite strong. This will be the first time we are fighting while being out-leveled by the enemy.” Hearing the roar, Makoto caught up where the enemy were hiding.

The goblins were all startled at the sight of the mage girl entering, but soon gained their calm and began organizing.

Seven turtle goblins surrounded the shaman, making a tortoise formation with their backs. Spikes extruded from their backs as they completed the formation. The 3 tentacle goblins all focused their attention on the black cat, ignoring the mage girl completely.

“You dare to underestimate me? Fine, I will incinerate you turtles together. Fire blast!” A wave of fire came at the tortoise formation, engulfing them in the extreme fire.

Back to when the group was ambushed, the mage goblins did not react fast enough to cast the ice wall. It was the warrior goblins in the back that reacted in time and transformed into the turtle form. They shielded the mages from the fire temporarily, giving them the chance to cast the ice wall to protect those behind them. However, because they contacted the Fire Blast directly, their shells were melted away, killing them in the process.

The same scene repeated again. Parts of their shells started melting and glowed under the extreme heat from Makoto. But the melting stopped when a spell was cast.

“High nature magic: high magic resistance, High nature magic: High fire resistance.” The shaman goblin cast two high tier spells at once.

When the Fire Blast finished, the tortoise formation appeared again, with smoke rising out from the shells. At the frontal part, the shells were deformed horribly that they looked like a bunch of ugly rocks piling up together. Nonetheless, all the turtle goblins survived. This scene shocked both Makoto and Lexar.

“Fire Blast!” Another wave came again but the tortoise formation stood still under the spell again.

“I don’t believe that you can withstand it forever. Take it! Fire Blast!” Another Fire Blast came and engulfed the turtle goblins.

“One more time! Fire Blast!”

The formation still remained stable under the 4th Fire Blast spell. Although the shells glowed very brightly, the shells’ shape remained the shape, not deforming any further. Makoto had stopped attacking further, but her hand still extended toward those shells.

(I see. Even though they are defending nicely again her attack, they cannot keep it forever. Sooner or later, they will have to bring down those shells, either due to exhaustion or arising situation. At that time, Makoto only needs to strike down. In that case, I have to wrap up the battle over here.) Lexar realized Makoto’s intention.

While dodging the acid shots, Lexar still paid close attention to the other battle. He had no idea why the warrior goblins went so far to protect the shaman. But after looking at how they could struggle against Makoto’s strongest attack, he could not help but feel amazed at how fatal the shaman was in their formation. Luckily, they managed to kill all the mages and 2 shamans. Or else, this battle would be much more difficult than imagination.

Cladding in a layer of mana, the cat’s speed increased about 1.5 times. Do not underestimate the 1.5 multiplier. In Lexar’s case, even when he was still level 1, his agility was already 152. Not mentioning, his level was now level 5.



Cat, (error cannot process)


(error cannot process)


5 (1)


103 (56)


143 (70)


121 (66)


273 (152)


(error cannot process)

Magic reistance

143 (80)


Enhanced Strength (Lv 3), Penetration (Lv 4), Assassination (Lv 8), Mana Enchantment (Lv 10), Shadow magic (Lv 10), (error data overflow)

With the effect of mana enchantment, his agility point jumped up to 409, far surpassing the speed of any normal creature. When the acid shots nearly hit him, the figure of the cat suddenly disappeared.


The head of one tentacle goblin suddenly exploded, as well as his heart. In the next second, the two other goblins met the same fate. The vigorous tentacles all became sluggish, losing all the life force and collapsed on the ground, burying the small goblin bodies underneath.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

“Heh, so many level ups! These guys are really good exp sources.”

(Lexar finishes over there. I guess I should wrap over here too. You think that covering 360 degree is enough, huh? Sorry, but you are deadly wrong. There is still a big gap.) Makoto clapped her hands strongly, focusing the imagination in her mind.

“Spiral earth spike!” A strong earthquake came and a big drill shape spike thrust from beneath the tortoise formation, shooting all the turtle goblins in the sky. Or that was what supposed to be.

Behind most of the shells were the wrinkled mummies of the small monsters. There was no trace of life from them as if they were left to dead for a long time ago. The same state also applied to the shaman goblin whose corpse also flew in the air.

Amongst those mummies, there was only one goblin still alive.

Its skin glowed in deep magma red color while being covered in some obsidian areas. The turtle shell was bigger than normal goblin shell. The five finger limbs turned into long crescent blade arms, making the monster stand on the ground like a spider.

“That thing can evolve?” Makoto became stupefied as she checked the stat of the chimera goblin in front of her.

“Did all of the other goblins perform some kind of ritual, concentrating all of their energy into one member then make him evolve? What an outrageous creature.” Lexar was shocked at the development as well.

Right after showing its new appearance, the shell on its back glowed brightly in red, not the red caused by overheating things but concentrating energy inside. Making a dash stance by bending its back, the chimera goblin stood up and disappeared.

Behind Makoto’s neck, a sharp blade infused with fire stroke in a flash of light.

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