《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 49: The second battle of Brendhill town (II)


“What a lethal poison.” Yuuko takes out the needle “Luckily, we have come up with the measurement for dealing with poison attack before. Or else, I would be dead right now.”

On her shoulder, a white flame appears and spreads on the purple skin area. The flame has the property to burn anything it comes into contact with aside the owner. The poison under her skin is burnt before being able to spread through her whole body by blood, and she manages to keep her life. However, the cells damaged by the poison still remain, making her left arm unusable.

Perhaps being shocked by the girl still standing after being hit by the poison, the attack stops for a long time until Yuuko starts moving again.


The needles are shot again, but there is no cover from the explosive arrow this time. Although the needles are very small and fast, Yuuko can still see them and let them hit the armor on her arm.

Her only usable hand which is holding the katana moves back, hanging the weapon around the waist. Mana channels through her arm to the katana, warping both in a blue layer of illuminating light. Air starts to gather and coils around the blade, giving a screeching sound as if it is sharpening the blade. The blue mana on the blade forms razor edges and moves at the high speed.

The moment the attack is ready, Yuuko crouches down and releases it.

“Kurosawa style: Iai air eater!”

A quick horizontal slash creates a wave of sharp air blade toward the place where the needles are shot from. While flying faster than the bullet, it destroys everything in its 5-meter diameter surrounding, cutting the concrete like tofu and blowing away all the smoke and dust. That air blade destroys the building, turning it into a pile of rubbles.

Such an attack is definitely an overkill for any goblin she has seen so far. However, Yuuko still does not drop her guard as she senses the danger still lurking around. Her warrior instinct warns that the enemy has not died yet.

True to her instinct, the rubble of the building starts moving, and from inside, a goblin rises up and pushes away all the stones on it. No, rather than calling it a goblin, it is now a completely different creature.

On its back, several green thick tentacles grow and support the goblin body standing on the ground. It is also those tentacles that push away the rubbles and bring the goblin out. It is more accurate to call those tentacles as vines. However, aside from the shape and green color of vines , those tentacles are too thick.


Each tentacle is as thick as a 10 cm log. What disgusting about them is the slippery sticky gel on the surface. Perhaps because they came from the goblin’s back, she can see red traces on the tentacles. What stands out the most are the tips of those tentacles, flower buds. Yuuko would consider those flower buds beautiful, if they did not come out from the goblin’s body, being dyed in bloody red, and get attached to those tentacles.

“Grrrr!” The goblin growls angrily as it looks at its arm, which was gone from Yuuko’s attack.

“This is completely unheard of. I did not know that the goblins in this world can be such a terrifying monster.” Yuuko stares in disbelief as she observes the scene in front of her.

Behind the goblin’s back, those flower buds start blooming and expose their true face. On the petals, pairs of sharp teeth line up, expressing the carnivore nature. Some buds, instead of blooming into a flower, have sharp sickle blades growing out. What catches Yuuko’s attention most is the drool coming from the flowers’ mouth. It is quite faint but she can hear a sizzling sound in the direction of those flowers.

Yuuko readies her sword again, witnessing any movement from the monster in front of her.

“Roar!” Two plant heads close their mouths and bend backward. They then uniformly leans forward, spitting something at the direction of Yuuko.

Yuuko dodges the two spits by stepping sideway, leaving two big holes melted by acid next to her. Before Yuuko can shudder, imagining how scary it is to hit her, the goblin makes an unimaginable movement.

Many tentacles coil around the goblin’s leg, turning into a spring. With a strong compression, the goblin flies itself at Yuuko’s with extremely high speed. The plant heads are not free either. They spit out the acid shots at Yuuko consecutively. A bizarre barrage of acid shots rains on the samurai girl like a volley of arrows.

The acid shots all hit on the girl, punching many holes on her and the ground behind hers. The sound of sizzling because of dirt melting fills the whole area.

“Kurosawa style: Illusion sidestep.” A girly voice comes.

To the goblin’s disbelief, the image of the girl with many holes starts moving as if she is unhurt. On closer look, the holes on her start filling up, returning to its former state, as if the girl starts healing herself.

Illusion side step is a moving technique in Yuuko’s sword art. By wrapping her entire body in a thin layer of mana, combining with the high-speed movement, she can create an after image in her previous location. The afterimage can cause confusion for the enemy, making them miss the attack. However, that is not enough.


Afterimage is only effective for those who are unable to catch her movement, those on the level of small fries. That level is not applied to the monster in front of her, which is capable of dodging and surviving her Iai air eater. Although it can be attributed to the far distance between her and the goblin, it is still undeniable that it has good instinct and agility to dodge her attack.

For that, another technique is imbued in Illusion Sidestep: Shadow magic. Yuuko does not know how to cast magic in this world. However, one time, when she tried to use some special skills in this world, the system mistook them as part of the shadow magic, giving her this magic skill.

Shadow magic, as its name implies, is a type of magic involving shadow. Different from Makoto’s magic skills, it is not attack power oriented. It manipulates people’s senses: be it hearing, seeing, tasting, sensing, and smelling. It is a perfect magic for those who are involved with scouting and assassination.

In Illusion Side Step skill, shadow magic erases her image in the opponent’s eyes, leaving only the after image visible. All she needs to do is to do a quick side, leave an after image, let the enemy hit the wrong target, then strike in the unexpected moment. A perfect counterattack skill.

Describing the scene is lengthy but what happens only lasts an instant. With an intact body, Yuuko suddenly shows up directly in front of the goblin. Her arm shows a flash, and then the girl’s image disappears before the monster’s eyes.

The world seems to run in slow motion. There is no sound occurring from the surrounding. No sound of panic of the people in town, the sound of battle going on in the other places, or the sound of fire burning. The goblin cannot hear anything or move around. Only its eyes can move and see the pitted ground caused by the plant heads on its back. Never in its life, its head feel so tranquil that it hopes for this silence and stillness to last forever.

But the clanking sound, the sound of katana drawing back into its scabbard, break that moment of tranquility. The world in front of the monster’s eyes suddenly breaks apart and turns into darkness.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Hearing the notification, Yuuko makes a smile as she turns back and looks at the piles of flesh cut by her. It is the remnant of the strongest monster she has fought in this world except for the snakes. The exp she gained is many times more than any normal, thus letting her level up 5 times.

Yuuko Kurosawa


Human (error cannot process)


(error cannot process)


10 (4)


230 (120)


325 (200)


190 (146)




??? (error cannot process)

Magic resistance



Language Comprehension, Archery (Lv 7), Enhanced Strength (Lv 6), Precision (Lv 8), Penetration (Lv 5), Sword Master (Lv 2), Close combat master (Lv 4), Assassination (Lv 5), Mana enchantment (Lv 7), Shadow magic (Lv 7)

“Amazing, so this is the power of leveling up. So much power overflowing inside me.” Yuuko mutters as she feels the change in her own body. ”To think that such a strong monster is originally a goblin. This monster is stronger than we have thought. We need to reevaluate the danger level of this thing and tell everyone, or else everyone is going to be in danger.”

The samurai girl dashes off to the next battlefield to do what she should do.


In another area, a fierce battle is going on. Lexar and Makoto are struggling against only one opponent. It is also a goblin, however, its skin is glowing in red color, with yellow veins popping all over the place, suggesting it as a creature living in volcano or lava. No, it cannot be called a goblin anymore. Except the head and torso remaining the same as goblin, its arms and legs completely change. The five finger hands are replaced by long sickle blades, the same with the feet. On the back, there is an obsidian turtle shield.

Chimera goblin- Prey mantis and lava turtle fusion

















Magic Resistance



Enhanced Strength (Lv 4), Penetration (Lv 3), Endure pain (Lv 8), Fire resist (Lv 8), Close combat (Lv 6), Sword combat (Lv 3), Fire magic (Lv 3)

Description: A variant of the chimera goblin species, fusion with prey mantis and lava turtle. It has two pairs of nimble and sharp sickle blades from the prey mantis, and the back shield with the skin of the lava turtle. Although its physical resistance is fragile, it makes up with extremely high agility and magical resistance. Its special attack is to infuse the flame with its blades and attack.

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