《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 48: The second battle of Brendhill town (I)


Makoto stands on a platform, looking at the never-ending black space in front of her. That black space expands to the extremity of what the eyes can observe, be it above her, under her, to the left or the right. Beside the big building which looks like a museum behind her, she does not see anything else in that black space. Unlike the black sky at night, that black space is so empty, so lonely that she feels so overwhelmed by it. However, because of that, it also helps her refresh her mind, cleaning any messy and random thought in the head.

After staring into nothingness for a few minutes, the girl turns back and heads inside the museum.

“There is no change observed today.” Makoto notes in her record.

This is the ninth time she has entered her consciousness. Aside from the first time, every time she enters this place, she records any change happening here, in order to investigate her own ability, and manages to figure a lot of things. Her own consciousness has a form of a museum, full of old antiques. They are human inventions, dating back from the stone age to the current age. She even finds an iPhone, and a VR headset. Sadly that it is the first generation, lack of modern apps like Facebook and Google.

Outside the museum is a vast empty space she just visited. Aside from knowing that it is an endless space without any object, she does not figure out anything. No, there is one clue. It is that this space varies from person to person. In Yuuko’s case, there is a very long staircase leading to somewhere. She has inquired Yuuko whether she has tried to walk on that staircase and she has tried that. However, no matter how long she walked, she could not see the end of the stair.

“Why is there a long staircase in Yuuko’s space? What does that staircase represent? Where does it lead to?” Makoto asks these questions again and again many times, hoping to solve the mystery behind it. By asking the questions from many perspectives, she hopes she can discover a clue or some aspects she is missing. That trick has helped her solving a lot of questions since arriving in this world. However, despite doing so for a long time, she still does not learn anything about the black space.

“Forget it, let’s focus on the potions first. There are many potions that I need to figure out how to use them.” She then heads to another room inside the museum. Different from the display area with a historical feel to it, this room looks like coming from a futuristic, science fiction fantasy. It is separated from the museum, acting like an extension, a newly built area for the museum, instead of being built there from the beginning with the museum.

In that new room, there are several objects floating around. They are the things that Makoto absorbed and turned into her power. At the center of the room, there are six columns of light, each holding a special element inside, representing her most special abilities.

White cloud: ability to control white air and wind, obtained from absorbing fire extinguisher.

Ice shard: ability to freeze water, obtained from absorbing an ice cube.

Water ball: ability to manipulate water, obtained from absorbing water bottle.

Electrical spark: ability to generate electricity, obtained from absorbing a socket.

Fire: ability to control fire, obtained from absorbing fire.

Dirt cluster: ability to control earth, obtained from absorbing dirt.

The museum represents her inner consciousness, her personality, while this new room represents her power. She names it the power laboratory, because this room works like a laboratory. Whenever she absorbs an object, it is transported to this room, then analyzed by many machines. After that, it is turned into a form representing her power and gets stored inside a column of light. That is the mechanism of her power: turning the object she absorbs into her own power.


At the same time, there is a report detailing all the data gathered about the object. This is another feature of her power: gathering data about the object she observes. This feature has helped her learn many things about this world, whether the program installed in her body or the truth regarding this world.

Without a doubt, her power is enough to be considered a cheat, like what many main characters have in stories. However, it is not omnipotent, there are still limits to it. First, there are only 10 columns of light, including the six occupied columns. This means that she has only 10 slots for storing the new abilities. Once she has filled up all the columns, she cannot absorb and add any extra ability. If she tries to do so, she has to replace with one of her current abilities. The six elements are the core of her attacking power and have many other uses. Therefore, she will not replace any of it, leaving only 4 slots left. She has to be careful which power to add in, especially when she needs to leave one or two empty slots to store the power to leave this world and go back to her own world.

It’s not like the number of slots cannot increase any further. In the past, she used to have only 3 slots, then increasing to 5 slots after defeating the black liquid monsters, and now she has 10 slots. This proves that her power has the ability to grow. However, that growth relies on defeating the black liquid monsters.

In this RPG fantasy world, even though she has leveled up many times by fighting monster, her column capacity does not increase, and the ability to control the elements does not get stronger. Using only the Animium (Makoto named the power of white flame Animium), her power output remains the same as when she was still lv 1 despite the sharp increase in magic stat. To demonstrate the power suitable for her level, she has to convert the Animium into mana first and uses the skill system to materialize the effect she wants. This makes her realize how different the magic in this world and her original ability.

The magic skills and the other skills she gains from fighting in this world all rely heavily on the system installed inside her. Even though she uses the Animium to consume the bit inside her body and enhance herself, only her physical body is strengthened and amount of Animium she can use increases. The new skills gained from the system will disappear when she leaves this world.

Although she can reproduce the skills with her own power, the proficiency is not very ideal. For example, with the fire magic skill lv 7, she can create a volley of fireballs that shots continuously. However, without the help of the system, she can also make a fireball volley but the frequency, speed and power output are only about a third of when with the system.

Therefore, simply burning the bit is just only a crude method to strengthen themselves. It’s like using the crude oil directly for combustion activity. The best way to utilize crude is to refine and separate it into multiple products such as gasoline and kerosene. Not only the burning efficiency is higher, there are other benefits like chemical reagents for pharmaceutical and plastics. The problem that Makoto needs to solve is to find the way to maximize the benefit gained from this system once they return to their own world.

The answer lies in the two objects that are still being analyzed in this room: the program and the seed of life.




Sounds of metals hitting each other echo in the training area of the barrack. Yuuko is now teaching Johnno how to use a sword. She lets the boy strike the iron rod she is holding, then uses the momentum to either deflect his attack or knock off the sword she is holding. This way, she can explain to him clearer the importance of basic things such as stance, how to hold sword and the way to direct the force.

On the side, Lexar is observing the pair of teacher and student with some solders. Perhaps they are already on the break, that’s why they are being relaxed and comment on how the girl teaches the way of sword.

Yuuko’s sword art is a style that uses a lot of counter attack technique, utilizing the openings caused by the opponent when attacking and striking back. It is derived from her family style martial art, her own experience with kendo, and also the sword technique she obtains after awakening. The principle is to turn the force of the enemy into one’s own force and combine with one’s own force, doubling the attack power. At the same time, that attack will aim at the opening, the weakness of the enemy, further increasing the effectiveness of the attack. Truly a terrifying combo for any enemy.

If there is anything to complain about, it is a very difficult art, requiring good timing skill and techniques. It is something too difficult for the current Johnno to learn. That’s why Yuuko needs to drill in him a lot of foundations, before teaching him any technique. Right now, he only needs to know how to some basic attacks and simple evading movements, enough for him to barely fight for his mortal enemies, the goblins.

The training lasts for more than an hour. At that time, Lexar suddenly has a disturbing feeling. “Something bad is coming.” His sixth sense alarms so.

He uses his clairvoyance to observe the surrounding but finds nothing strange. As time passes, the danger alarm inside him is ringing more strongly.

“Hm, why is that statue shaking? Wait! Shaking!? The ground is shaking!” He senses a gradually increasing vibration beneath his feet.


A strong earthquake comes, shaking everyone under their feet. Several people with unstable standing fall on the ground while many have to lean on the wall. Sounds of several objects falling and breaking occur everywhere. But that is just only the beginning.


Suddenly, several pillars rise up from the ground, turning the buildings into rubble. The black pillars rises up to 20 meter high then stop. On top of them, pairs of big yellow eyes are staring down on the humans below, along with the sshh sounds. Only then, the identity of those pillars are clear.

“It- It’s the Earth Snake!” A solder yells out.

“Fuck. What the hell are yellow zone monsters doing here?”

“You moron. This is not the time to think about that. Hurry up and signal the warning. Prepare for the evacuation of the citizens.”

The solders express both fear and belief when knowing the identity of the attackers, luckily, some high-rank officers regain their calmness and order the troop into position.

“Makoto!” Yuuko shouts out and is ready to rush to collapsing buildings.

“Wait, Yuuko! Makoto is fine. The place she is in is far from the attack. When facing the crisis, what you have to do is to stay calm first and analyze what is going on.” Lexar stops her.

Yuuko takes a deep breath, calming down the panic inside her “Thank you. Sorry, I lost my cool.”

“Sorry, can you tell me what monsters are they?” Yuuko catches a solder’s arm and asks him.

“They are Earth Snakes, belonging to a giant snake monster group. They are known for the excellent ability to dig tunnel very fast in the ground and big size. Just that alone is enough to cause massive destruction, especially to the cities. They can make the whole base under the city empty and let it collapse in a night. A monster of danger rank B. Anyway, that’s all you need to know. You have to get out of here. We cannot defeat them. Their level are usually above 40. If there is only handle one or two of them, we can handle, but not with multiple of them. This town cannot hold for long. You should evacuate with the citizens and escape here.” He warns her then rushes to the army meeting points.

“What should we do, Lexar?”

“You guide Johnno to the town’s center and let him gather with the evacuators. I do not see any snake heading over there so it should be safe. They are only attacking the barracks and town mayor’s home. I will go and help Makoto. She is fine, but there are more problems than expected. The goblins are attacking as well.”


“I will explain later. I have to rush to her first. Be careful.” Lexar then quickly dashes to the direction of the snakes.

Behind the debris, the body of the Earth Snake is sticking out from a hole. Wrapping around the body, a circular container with hatches is opening. Short ugly green creatures are slowly climbing out of it.

“Gigigigi” The goblins are exchanging something then spreads out to different directions.

However, before even spreading out, a gale passes through the area, blowing the dust all over the place. In the midst of confusion, several fire balls come and hit the goblins, incinerating them in an instant.

“Using the big snake as an underground train. Good grief. The goblins in this world are really buffed on many levels.” Makoto complains as she finishes off the third group of goblins.

The attack came when she was in the middle of examining and thinking how to use the potions. The room she stayed was far from where the snake came, therefore, she was nearly harmless. However, when she checked the demolished site, some goblins came out and attacked her. They were all trained goblins with their own classes, different from the wild goblins, but they were still no match for her. Later on, she detected the compartment transporting the goblins on the snake, but that was already too late. The goblins already spread out and killed any human nearby. Until now, she has seen a lot of corpses of people living in this place, and there is no survivor.

“Makoto!” Lexar reaches out to her.

“Lexar, you are ok. How about Yuuko and Johnno?”

“They are fine. Yuuko is guiding the kid to the safe point. She will come back here after that.”

“Good. Can you tell me the situation.”

“As you have seen the compartment with the goblins inside, this is an invasion from the goblins. There are currently 8 giant snakes, and 150 goblins attacking this place. 40 were already killed by you. So there are 110 remaining left. 90 are engaging with the army inside barracks. The other 20 are sneaking around the mansion, avoiding the humans.”

“Probably a diversion tactic. They are planning something else under the cover of the intense sneak attack. Do you know where the other 20 are going for?”

“I don’t know but they are more armed than the other troops, and also look stronger too. By the way, do you learn anything from those snakes?” Lexar inquires her.

“Here, take a look at it.” Makoto shows a table in front of him.

Sahira Desert Earth Snake


Giant snake















Magic resistance



Ecdysis (Lv 4), Hardening (Lv 6), Digging master(Lv 2), Enhanced Strength (Lv 7)

Description: A member of the giant snake family. Famous for the ability to dig into the ground very fast and efficient. Aside from the famous skill of their family, Ecdysis, they can harden their skin to be as hard as metal. Their special attack is metal body slam.

“Ecdysis?” Lexar asks.

“The ability to shed their old skin. These snakes can cast off their old skins, during that process, they will also remove a large portion of injury on their bodies. This makes their recovery ability quite fearsome. Furthermore, these Earth Snakes have a hardening skill, making their skin extremely tough. The stat you see is just only their original stat. With the skill activated, their defense (aka resistance) nearly doubles, amounting up to more than 600. That’s not something we can break simply with just our ability.” Makoto explains with a stern expression.

“I see” Lexar sighs deeply “If that’s the case, the only thing we can do is to quickly clean up the goblins and stop them from achieving their plan. Luckily, the snakes remain standing still after the initial attack. They are probably waiting to disembark all the troops and wait for them to get back inside after accomplishing the objective. “

“That’s the plan. Let’s go, Lexar.”

“Um.” The cat nods and dashes forward.

“Is the town going to be ok, sis?” Johnno worriedly asks.

“I don’t know. The current situation is too bad for our side. The only thing we can do now is to try our best to defend this place. Anything after that will come as we handle the situation. Ok, that’s enough. Time to show your ability to keep the promise. Find a safe place and know how to keep your life intact. If you get a single injury after this event, I will kick you out of the team.”

“That’s too high a hurdle, sis!”

“That’s my standard. Learn how to cope with it.” Yuuko pats Johnno’s head then heads back to the barracks.

“Such a strong blood scent. The battle has already started.” Yuuko knits her eyebrows as she arrives at the barrack.


Yuuko deflects an arrow aiming at her neck. It is an ambush from the 3rd floor of the building. Multiple goblins with bows in hands aim at her and fire at her simultaneously after the sneak attack failed.

“Child play.” Yuuko deflects all the arrows coming at her. At the same time, she scans the positions of her enemies, then throws the knives at them.

It’s not a simple knife throwing. These knives are all enhanced by mana, as well as the force throwing them. In addition, this attack is buffed by three more different skills: penetration, precision, and enhanced strength. Penetration allows the attack to ignore a portion of resistance, and with Yuuko’s Lv 5 Penetration, it ignores 25% of the enemy’s resistance. Enhanced Strength increases the power of physical attack. Precision increases the accuracy of the attack, giving better chance for critical strike.

The knives fly like blue streams of light, traveling at the speed of bullet, and pierce through the heads of the goblins, shattering their heads into pieces.

However, thing does not go as she expected. One goblin evades the knife completely, quickly hiding inside the building after seeing how powerful Yuuko is. And Yuuko does not miss seeing him.

“A goblin with cloth covering its whole face. Looks like a get up as an assassin. Furthermore, judging from its speed and reaction speed, its level is quite high.” The girl calmly analyzes the opponent.

As she walks slowly toward the building, grey smoke start coming out from the windows, covering the entire upper floor. There is no fire so she guesses it is the effect from an item similar to smoke bomb.


An arrow comes out from the building again, but this time Yuuko does not dare to deflect it. It is because on the body of the arrow, a red stone is attached on. Its identity is a dynamis stone.


Yuuko has evaded the explosion from the arrow. However, the explosion is only a decoy, covering another type of attack.


Three tiny needles are fired at her the moment she evades the arrow. An attack with extremely good timing. The explosion covered the sound as well sight of needles shooting through the smoke. When the stone exploded, it shone very brightly for a fraction of second, making her blind for a short time for a short time as well. That frame of time was so short but so fatal for her.

Two needles hit the shoulder armor, but the third one successfully went through the gap between her armor and hit her flesh. The needle does not even manage to pierce through her skin, but the poison smeared on it already takes effect on her. Her shoulder blade skin gives a rotting smell, and turns purple. More importantly, she cannot feel anything on her left arm anymore.

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