《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 45: The Brendhill town battle (3)


Unknown to everybody, the goblin knights had changed their mounts to a completely different species. The short white wolves were replaced by two huge brown bears. Their furs were thick enough to defend from iron weapons. Their sharp front claws were strong enough to tear away the tree chunk. Furthermore, their height was already more than 2 meters while on 4 legs. In a defensive battle, a bear was more suitable mount than a wolf and a horse. In the goblin knights’ hands, the thin iron spears were replaced by thick big poleaxes. The sights of the two goblin knights were like two executioners waiting to behead any trespassing prisoners.

“Do you think that is enough to frighten me? CHARGEEE!” Tyson yelled out a war cry as he charged at two bear riding knights.


The hammer hit heavily at the chest of one goblin knight, shooting it off the bear and roll many times on the ground. The armor had bent inward, pressing and crushing the creature inside. However, it was still living, breathing, and coughing blood as it tried to recover from a powerful strike of a hammer commander.

With the hammer had it as the second target, the other goblin knight had a chance to block it. The two poles connecting the deadly heads locked each other with sparks flew when they came into contact. That moment delayed the movement of both riders, rendering them immobile for a second. Unfortunately, that second was fatal to Tyson.

Both the knights and their bears had a common target in mind: the commander’s horse. The bears all slashed their claws at the defenceless mount without mercy, cutting it into several pieces. Tyson immediately fell on the pool of blood and meat of his horse.

“*Roar*” The bear without rider immediately jumped on the small human, intending to crush him under its own weight.


A cloud of dust formed as the bear slammed the ground. Nobody saw anything underneath it but the blood pond there gave everyone on the human side an ominous feeling. However, before the adventurer leader called out the name, a stepping sound occurred on the bear’s back.


Tyson, who was supposed to be under the bear, jumped on the bear just now and punched the face of the remaining goblin knight, knocking it off the mount.

“Do you fucking think that is enough to take me down? Huh!? You filthy creatures are 100 years too early trying to defeat me.”

However, in response to Tyson’s words, the goblin knight just made a wicked laugh. While still lying, it rose its hand up and gave Tyson a middle finger, then gave a thumb down. Across the battlefield, the leading goblin held up a horn and blew it again.


Behind and on two sides of the arrow formation, the grass and dirt suddenly blew up, and from there, goblins wearing armors and holding weapons climbed out and surrounded the human cavalries. It was the worst moment for the humans to meet the ambush.

Formation fortification was a great skill, but it also did have limitations. Once the formation was broken, the effect also disappeared immediately. The arrow formation was a strong offensive unit arrangement. However, there was a weakness. If the arrowhead, Tyson, was removed from the rest, the formation would be considered as broken.


In reality, the arrowhead could be replaced by the one right behind immediately and the formation could still work normally after that, but the skill would not be in effect anymore. To activate the skill again, several conditions were required. The cavalry unit would have to charge forward without any obstruction at high speed first. Of course, it was impossible to do it in the current condition.

The goblins immediately jumped on the horses’ sides and attacked both the riders and mounts. The soldiers’ levels were at least 15 so they could fend off the surprise attack, but their horses were not that tough. A lot of horses were killed in the first attack.

“You bastards!” A solder beheaded a goblin that stabbed his horse in the stomach.

With the formation crumbled, the soldiers had no choice but to dismount and engage in the melee with the goblins. They were now in a dangerous position as the green goblins were everywhere in their sight with the number over 1000. Furthermore, they were all above level 5 goblins with specialized classes.

“Fuck! So this is all planned along.” Tyson grinned his teeth as he glared at the two standing goblin knights. Their faces were completely covered under the helmets, but Tyson knew that they were smiling mockingly at him.

“This is bad. We are surrounded.” The female mage adventurer said.

“Don’t give up yet. We had to hold out. We still had another army in the town. The commander would definitely send out the reinforcement.” The leader adventurer said.

“…..” Tyson remained silent after hearing his word. It was what he was hoping for too. However, the situation would not go as expected. The reason was that he could saw the catapults afar moving.


“Sir, multiple catapults detected at the other sides. Their number is 30.” A soldier reported.

“So this is what they are planning. They want to lure out and destroy our cavalry unit, while creating the chance for the catapults to come out and destroy our wall. Good. Really good. What an excellent strategy.” Brian said each word slowly, anger was contained in each of his words. “But that’s not enough to capture this town. We will show you how terrifying human is.”

“Prepare Nazgul for me.” He turned to his aide and ordered him.


“Die!” A soldier pierced through the heart of one goblin. However, in that moment, he was also attacked by three and four goblins nearby. Such pattern repeated many times at many places in the battlefield. The soldier had managed to stand firm due to his lv 20 endurance, but he nearly reached his limit. After all, he was stabbed by different weapons more than 20 times already.

The human side had already reduced more than a half, but the goblins did not have it easy either. The kill ratio was six to one, meaning each human cost six goblins to kill. It was a heavy trade. In addition, the adventurers Tyson brought together eased the burden of the army greatly by killing more than 200 goblins on their own without losing anyone.


“Hahahaha. Hahahahaha! You are just a bunch of loser dogs after all. Nice job making me surprised out there but it’s over now.” Tyson laughed at the sight in front of him.

Two bears, two goblin knights were now reduced to two heavily injured goblins, one disabled bear, and one dead bear. On the other hand, besides a few cracks in the armor and blood dripping out of his mouth, Tyson did not suffer any heavy injury. However, the surprised one was Tyson. The bear was one thing, he did not expect the goblins to hold out that long. Their teamwork was perfect, the skill was above the average solder warrior, and their armors and weapons were surprisingly sturdy enough to protect them from his hammer several times.

Seeing how the situation developed so badly despite the plan, the goblin knights decided to use their trump card. Reaching into his pouch, a syringe with red liquid was taken out. The knight immediately took off the seal and stabbed the needle on the bear next to it.

“*ROAR*” The bear suddenly rose up and stood on two legs. On its body, bulging muscles started wriggling in a disgusting manner and expanded like sponge cake. The bear’s eyes turned red and drool dripped out of its mouth continuously like a mad dog. Its claws extended longer, and from the tips, strange purple liquid dripped out and fell to the ground, making a sizzling noise. The smell from it was stringent to the point of vomiting.


The bear slapped at Tyson with extreme speed, a speed that was faster than before thrice. Tyson only managed to put the hammer in front of him to block the claws, and still ended up being thrown away 20 meters away.

“*cough blood*Bastard!”

Not missing their chance, the goblin knights rushed up to Tyson and slashed at him. Their axes had a blue color of mana enhancement aura on them. A skill made their weapons sharper and harder than normal.

*metal breaking*

The axes successfully slashed through the commander armor, causing red blood to stain on their blades. It was a successful attack, but something unexpected happened. The axes could not move no matter how much the goblins tried.

“Caught you now, you sly creatures” Tyson smiled as ice formed at the places where his armor was broken through and bound the blades to stick on the armor.

“You think it is a normal iron armor, but it is a magical armor. Its special property is to automatically form ice where it is damaged, fixing the gaps in my armor. When immediately activated, the ice will stop the blade from moving to prevent it creating a deeper wound. Your weapons are useless now. Furthermore ….” Two hidden knives immediately shot out from Tyson’s gauntlets, hitting the goblins at their necks. “You think a brute force man will not use hidden weapons. What a simple bunch.”

The knives stroke the goblins’ neck. Although the armor at the neck was thin for ease of movement, the defense was still better than having no armor. A sharp pain hit their throats, but did not kill them. But that was not yet the end, as attached to the ends of the knives were two ropes. The sharp edges of the knives held firmly on their armors.

“Come over here!” Tyson pulled his arms back, taking back his weapons as well as dragging two goblins closer to him. The two arms thick as logs caught the two enemies by their necks, holding them tightly.

“You think you are the only one who know how to make muscle bigger? SO DO I. BERSERK!” Tysons arms immediately expanded, expanding his armor in the process. The strength inside those arms increased, gripping the necks with a stronger force.

“HA!” The necks were squished, and two heads on them fell on the ground and rolled several times before stopping. Tyson could feel the power from leveling up inside his body.

“ROAR” Seeing its masters dead, the drugged bear ran at its nemesis without caring for anything else. Its only purpose was to avenge its riders with the worst death possible. It would tear his limbs apart and eat all of his flesh.

When the bear claws were risen high and ready to strike, a black shadow covered on the bear’s head. The owner of that shadow prevented the bear from swinging its weapon down to the hammer commander, by dragging it into the air.

“Fleeeh” A wyvern ascended to the dark sky, dragging the bear under its claws. On its back, a man with elegant features held the reins and sat there. It was Brian Londo, the commander of the army and town mayor of the Brendhill town.

“Drop it over there.” He ordered his mount to drop the heavy bear on a bunch of green skin goblins. The bear was dropped down at the height of 80 meters, squashing a few goblins to mincemeat under its weight. Of course, the bear was sturdy enough to survive that fall.

“Burn them all.”

“Greeeh” A screech came from the wyvern as it descended down and opened its mouth. A hot big flame shot out and engulfed everything underneath. The grassland was turned into a big sea of flame in only a few seconds, except a few spots where the survivors of the human army gathered in formation. At those places, water barriers were formed, protecting those inside from the heat from the surrounding.

Finishing its job, the wyvern ascended to the high sky again, declaring its positions as the ruler of the battlefield by observing everything from above.

Brian surveyed the surrounding again. On 4 sides of the towns, there were seas of flame and traces of destroyed catapults. The Brendhill town’s wall was damaged but repairs were ongoing without any obstruction.

The 2000 goblins army was eliminated without any survivor, while the human army only lost more than a hundred soldiers. It was a complete victory for the human.

“Let’s go back.” Brian moved the rein and guided the wyvern to return to the town.

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