《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 44: The Brendhill town battle (2)


“Ge ke ke ke” The commanding goblin shouted out to the formation, after throwing all of the stones they had. The surviving goblins all turned back from the wall and started retreating.

“Don’t let those fucking things escape. Shoot down all of them!” Tyson shouted out.

The arrows flew again, aiming at the back of the retreating troops. They hit the goblins and the wolves at different places, making the pairs fall and roll on the ground. However, some of them still had the endurance to stand up and kept running to the darkness outside the illuminated area.

Seeing how the troops at the rear suffered, the commanding goblin told something the two riding next to it. Different from the whole army, these two goblins stood out with their full plate armors along with their partners. On their heads, the red metal helmets with a pair goat horns on each side gave a menace look. While the other riders held the slings to perform the explosion attack, these two had been keeping the spears in hands all the time.

The two armored goblins turned back and ran to the rear of their army, shielding the last riders running away from the arrows. With their flashy appearance, a lot of archers had eyes on them and shot the arrows.


With two spear swings, the arrows were all deflected and dropped to the ground. The archers were stumbled for a moment, but then took out the arrows and continued firing. This time, the attack was more concentrated and the wolves were included in the aim as well.


The spears spun in the mid-air again and broke down the arrows into halves. The arrows aiming at their mounts too were taken care of. With the second attack finished, the rider army successfully retreated away from the effective range of archers. The two armored goblins turned away and started retreating.

“Those armored ones must be the goblin knights. As expected of the name knight, their skill is quite good.” Brian looked at the scene in disbelief.

“This isn’t time to admire. Those fucking green shorties dared to make a fool of us. Are you going to let them get away just like that?” Tyson slammed his hand on the wall stand.

“You are right. These monsters are too dangerous to leave alone. I don’t know if those guys are mutant or not. But the fact that they used such a fancy strategy cannot be taken lightly. We need to prepare the cavalry unit and hunt them as soon as possible.” Brian turned to the mage solder next to him “How is the repair of the wall?”

“Sir, the mages with earth magic have finished fortifying the weaken parts and fixing the cracks. However, the slid off parts and the holes still need some hours to finish.”



The important reason why the goblin riders managed to escape was due to the wall being damaged severely. There were many places on the verge of collapsing. At that moment, Brian had to order the troops to reposition themselves again and made the mages focus on repairing the damages to the wall. The reorganization reduced the arrow attack effectiveness greatly, thus allowing more goblins to escape than expected.

Near the wall stairway, Tyson commanded the subordinates to prepare horses for the cavalry unit. It was decided the best to pursue them immediately. Otherwise, the goblin riders would raid another village and resupply there.

Brian also prepared to sortie out. He did not feel easy about those two goblin knights. In his memory, it was mentioned that the goblin knight’s average level was about 20 to 30, with few above 30. Tyson was enough to take care of them, but there was not a thing called “too careful”. The goblins they fought already brought too much surprise to them.

As Brian and Tyson descended, a long sound of a blowing horn echoed in their ears. They both looked at each other in surprise, then hurried climbed to the watch tower again.

Emerging from the shadow of darkness on the horizon, vehicles with wheels were being pulled by dozens of wolves. On those vehicles, there were familiar mechanical devices used for one purpose.

“Catapults? How do those monsters manage to get them?” A soldier muttered everyone’s thought at this moment.

“Does it matter where do they get those weapons from? Cavalry! Prepare the horses asap. We need to destroy those things before they arrive in front of us.” Tyson shouted out to the solders.

“I will stay here and observe the situation. Be careful out there, Tyson.” Brian said.

Hitting his chest, Tyson quickly ran down the stair while shouting out the solders to hurry up. He was always noisy and fired up when he had a chance to go directly into the battlefield.

Turning back to the green field in front of him, Brian started wracking his brain figuring out what was going on.

(The goblin riders also came back and acted as the guards for the catapults. However, why did they not use them from the beginning? Why did they have to try destroying the wall with only the goblin riders at first? What is their purpose? Is it to gather intelligence from our force or is it to test the new strategy?)

Brian no longer considered them as only a normal goblin army. He figured that there must be a mastermind controlling these goblins from behind, an intelligent beings. Otherwise, the goblins could not have a large amount of dynamis stones, and conduct such an elaborate strategy. One reason why he needed to stand here to command instead of following Tyson to the battlefield was that he thought there could be a different army waiting from afar, a true army aiming for a chance to capture the town.


“Send some mages to the other walls. Light up every place surrounding this town.”

“Yes, sir”


Several white flares shone the night, wiping away the darkness surrounding the Brendhill town.

“There is nothing on the other sides, sir.” The soldier reported.

“Keep the light on all the time. Do not miss any sign of movement over there.”

Spells consumed mana and mage had to be at the site to fire it at intervals to light up the battle field. A basic mage could only keep the light available for 30 minutes to an hour. After that, they needed to be replaced by the other. It was not economical to keep the light on all sides all the time, as there were many uses for the mages. They needed to keep the mana reverse available for the other tasks instead of spending needlessly on shining the battlefield. However, in this current situation, Brian thought this was necessary to do so.

The gate below him opened and the sound of the horse hooves vibrated the air. Tyson and his unit had already departed to destroy the siege weapons from the goblin army. He brought along 200 warrior solders, and 20 adventurers.

What was the role of the adventurers in defense battle? It depended on the situation. However, most of the time they would stand by behind the wall, serving as a line of defense when the enemy broke through. When situation arose, there would be emergency quests, a special type of quest that only appeared during a battle. They ranged from supporting the army with various tasks such as healing the solders, performing specific spells, scouting, gathering resources, tasks that required specific skills or classes that army did not usually have; to extremely dangerous missions with low probability of success: assassinating the enemy leader, breaking through a specific point. The latter only appeared when the situation already became very dangerous and the army was unable to solve it by itself. However, higher risk meant higher reward. The prize was often enough for normal people to live comfortably for several years.

These adventurers had a good relationship with Tyson, and had cooperated before in the past. Their specialties were diverse and skillful. Perhaps Tyson brought them along for insurance against unexpected situations.

“Be careful, young lads. There were some troublesome ones among those filthy green,” Tyson warned the adventurers riding near him.

“Don’t worry. We had experience subjugating high level orcs before. Goblins are nothing we can’t deal with.” The leader of the adventurer replied. He was a warrior with level 28.

“If you are worried about those stones, we have a countermeasure for it. The dynamis stone cannot detonate if the air around is moist. I will cast a water mist spell around us, so that the stones thrown at us will be ineffective.” An adventurer female mage said.

“How did you know that? Ah, I forgot that you guys are experts in excavating ruins in cave.”

“Well, it will be dangerous if we accidentally detonate them in a cave after all.”

“If that’s the case, our safety relies on you mages.”

The cavalry unit moved in an arrow formation with Tyson being the top. His war hammer was held on the side, ready to blow away any enemy nearby.

“Formation fortification, ready!” Tyson shouted out.

“Formation fortification, ready!” x 200

A bright light formed around Tyson and 200 soldiers’ bodies. Not only it enveloped their bodies, the light also extended out and connected together everyone in the formation. From afar, the 200 men unit became a bright arrow piercing toward the darkness.

Formation fortification was a special skill, privileged to the solders of Vahallad only. Why was it so? Because this skill was one of the cultivator inheritances that this country had. A skill enhanced the stat of every solder’s in the formation and increased effect of the current formation. If it was a defensive information against arrows, it amplified the shields’ thickness and soldiers’ endurance. If it was an anti-cavalry formation, attack toward the cavalry would double the damage. Due to this skill, the army of Vahallad was the most organized army in the world and the only army that could boast the ability to slay any S rank monster without the help of saint and champions.


“CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” x200. The roar of the human army echoed the whole battlefield, enough to shake the goblins’ eardrums to the point of breaking them.

“Gi hi ….” The goblin riders were stumbled by the sudden cry of the humans and all closed their ears painfully. That action spelt their death.


Tyson swung the hammer. An outburst of meat came as the goblins and their mounts were smashed into pieces in a second. The power of a hammer commander with the power-up from formation fortification skill was too much for any ordinary goblin to handle. If the field was described as a paper, the human army was a pen, what the pen doing now was tearing across the paper while splashing red ink on both sides.

Soon, the first catapult was in front of Tyson. With another swing, he shattered the machine into wreckage and headed to the next one. However, it would not be so easy as the real obstacle began to show up.

The two goblin knights now stood in front of him.

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