《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 40: Johno Visk


“Finally, we discovered a survivor.” Lexar sighs out of relief.

The trio has already traveled to some human villages on the way here. Unfortunately, what they discovered were nothing but corpses filled villages. Even with the cat’s scouting ability, they did not manage to find anyone alive, except for some scattering goblins. After catching one of them and extracting the memory, they finally understood what happened.

The goblin raid on these villages occurred 3 days ago. No, rather than calling it a raid, it was an invasion, a strategic attack on the human from the goblin army.

The goblin army was divided into two waves: one formal army of goblins advancing to specialized classes like goblin riders, goblin shaman, goblin warriors; and one scavenging army full of fodders, low-level wild goblins. The first attack at these villages came from the former, a coordinated army full of battle proficient units. They destroyed most of the village’s means of defense, be it soldiers, adventurers, or adult male villagers. After that, they proceeded immediately to the next village, utilizing the surprise element as much as possible.

With the defense collapsed, the slow and weak second army came. Their objective was simple: gathered all the food, valuables and females for breeding, then transported back to their nest. Without any restraint, the goblins became ruthless with their instinct. They searched every place, looted any valuable, kidnapped and killed any remaining human in the villages.

This set up of army is something impossible to think of from the goblin. With their selfish desires, it is incomprehensible how the elite army of high level goblins had to do all the hard works, while the weak ones could enjoy freely the harvest of the former’s effort. If it was a human army, one could argue that the first attack was for the elite army to train itself, while the scavenging process gave the reason for the new comers to join their army. Even so, that is a very forced reason for such setup. Yet, this is exactly the reason so, according to these goblins’ memory.

With so many absurdities, Lexar can feel that there is something wrong behind all of this. Makoto and Yuuko are also very surprised by how the situation developed out of the norm.

Returning back to the present, at the fourth village, the trio finally manages to find a survivor, a young blond boy fighting a single goblin. In fact, they have found him before the boy started fighting with the goblin. However, Yuuko stops them from interfering, and watches the battle. Even when he was injured, Yuuko does not have any intention to let her friend get in the fight.

Seeing how confused her friend’s face, Yuuko opens her mouth “That kid, he has a strong fighting spirit right now and needs a chance to forge this spirit in his body. He needs a first fight to know where he is, and also vents out his anger. He suffered too much from the goblin, and this is when he can pay his debt back.”

Makoto ponders for a moment before nodding. Lexar also agrees with Yuuko’s thinking. He cannot feel the sorrow of the boy, right now. However, being a male, one must be furious after losing everything important, and swear to pay back at the enemy. The current situation is suitable for him to do so. Although there are many goblins nearby, the current fight is still 1 on 1, and for an unknown reason, Lexar has confidence that the boy will win. The same also applies to Yuuko and Makoto.


As predicted, the boy emerges victorious against the goblin after having his shoulder dislocated.

When the other goblins gather and surround him, Yuuko finally moves by calling out “That’s the spirit, boy.”

With everyone’s attention on her, Yuuko lets out a congratulatory smile “You have done enough already. Let us handle the rest.” She speaks a language that is not Japanese.

With a blink of eye, Yuuko disappears from where she is standing, and appears right next to the nearest goblin. Without anyone understanding what is going on, Yuuko throws an uppercut on the monster’s chin.

After several encounters with monsters, the trio leveled up slowly but gained a strength that is much stronger than any average warrior in this world. Yuuko’s punch now contains a strength that no goblin can withstand.

Yuuko Kurosawa


Human, (error cannot process)


(error cannot process)


4 (1)


120 (84)


200 (130)


146 (120)


220 (140)


????? (error cannot process)

Magic resistance

80 (60)


Language Comprehension, Archery (Lv 7), Enhanced Strength (Lv 4), Precision (Lv 5), Penetration (Lv 4), Sword Master (Lv 2), Close combat master (Lv 4), Assassination (Lv 5), Mana enchantment (Lv 4)


Blood flows out profusely from the neck of a headless corpse, and the goblin head flies a whole arc before dropping at the center of the goblins’ formation, near the boy’s feet.

Stimulated by the smell of blood, the goblins become frenzy and charge at Yuuko immediately, forgetting how she simply killed off one of them. They even ignore the young boy whom they are encircling around.

The boy is stunned a while, watching the girl being surrounded by the goblins in his stead, then shouts out “Be careful, big sis.” He is reminded of the scene where his sister was surrounded. But his worry is unfounded.

Yuuko draws out a bunch of knives from the armor. These knives are not hidden inside before, but created out of thin air instantly when Yuuko puts her hand in the armor. This is a trick to hide her ability to create weapons using the positive energy. Without knowing the power of this world’s human, it is better not to stand out by using strange techniques.

With extreme precision, the knives are thrown and embed right at the center of each goblin’s forehead, ending 10 of them. However, that is not the end of her attack. Before the corpses in front of her fall down, Yuuko draws out a chain of fast kicks, kicking all ten bodies back at their comrades from behind.

The remaining goblins all fall on the ground, with the corpses on their bodies. Some goblins lift up their heads and try to push away the troublesome weight on the body. Their eyes, however, meet a shining white blade coming. Yuuko finally uses her sword and cuts down the monster one by one, while they are still lying on the ground.

The one side massacre ends abruptly in just 1 minute, leaving the boy speechless. Everything happened too fast, and before he comes to his mind, the goblins all lose their lives.

“Too strong….” The boy mutters.

After swinging the sword to clean out the blood, Yuuko approaches the boy and puts on his head “You have done well, boy. Be glad that you finally survive and see the end of your enemy .”

The boy’s expression remains still, but tears start flowing from his eyes. After 10 seconds of processing the information, the boy’s face relaxes and starts crying out loud. With the whole place devoid of sound, his cry seems to echo the whole village, representing the sorrow of everyone who used to live here.


Seeing the boy crying, Makoto’s heart aches and decides to embrace him. From the tears dripping on her clothes, she realizes how much suffering this kid holds in him. His family, his home, his friends, his town were all stolen away from him. She wonders what she can do to console the sadness.

On the other hand, Lexar goes around the village, searching for any potential survivor left. Unfortunately, except the boy, all the other villagers have died. He detects that there are some houses with underground basements, the same type that allowed the boy to hide. However, due to various reasons, a lot of them were discovered and destroyed by the goblins, with the hiders being dragged out. Some managed to stay concealed, but ended up dead because the upper houses were burnt, filling the underground with smoke. The boy was very lucky that he managed to escape those two outcomes.

Sighing out of dejection, Lexar returns back at where the girls are. Next to them, the boy is enthusiastically eating the rabbit jerky the girls offered, while chugging water at intervals. His unsightly eating manner makes the girls feel uneasy, but they decide to forgive him. He is probably too hungry after all.

“Thank you very much, big sisters.” The boy bows deeply to express his gratitude “And sorry for eating so much of your food.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to think much about it. By the way, how is your injury?” Yuuko says.

The boy looks at his shoulder, which is now covered in cloth with some leaves sticking outside and a herbal smell. “Thank you. It stings at first, but the pain lessens a lot now.”

The leaves on his wound have medicinal properties, and are used for treating the wound. Some plants in this world also exist on earth and even have the same property. With these plants discovered, Lexar taught the girls on how to apply first aids without medicine on the field, as they do not have the healing skill same as Lexar.

“By the way, I forgot to ask. What is your name?” Yuuko asks.

“Johno, Johno Visk.” The boy answers.

Name: Johno Visk

















Magic resistance



Farming (Lv 3), Production magic (lv 2)

Makoto stealthily analyzes the boy’s stat. The status is weaker than both girls’ a large margin. However, looking at his status can give her a glimpse of the strength of human in this world.

“What are we going to do next, Makoto? There is nothing else to do here.” Lexar asks.

“From the number of villages that are destroyed so far, I assume there is nothing we can do if we go to any other village. Our destination will be the nearest town. Based on our speed today, we can arrive at that place tonight.” Makoto then looks at Johno “However, we still need to bring him along so I suppose we will arrive there by tomorrow.”

“I agree. We cannot let this kid stay here. We need to let him get shelter at somewhere safe.” Yuuko agrees.

“I am afraid that the town is not same either. Judging from the speed of the goblin destroying the villages, their army is quite powerful.”

“Even so, we still need to go. It’s the only place left where we can hope to gather the information.”

Thus, Johno, who has no idea what these sisters are talking about, has his fate decided.


The group is resting in one of the abandoned house in another raided village. This is the 8th village they come across. Due to the distance between each village only about 2-3 km away and the assist of the speed boost spell from Makoto, they are able to travel through many villages in just one day. Even their journey is without much trouble, everyone’s mood is heavy.

They only scanned the villages lightly without much searching carefully, however, the fact that no other survivor appeared except the goblins tell the gravity of the situation. As they reach nearer and nearer to the town, the number of goblin starts rising, and the biggest group they have met had more than 60 of them. Luckily, they were all wild goblins so it was nothing but easy exp for Makoto, Yuuko, and Lexar.

Seeing how the trio displayed the strength that could eliminate the horde of goblin in a few minutes, little Johno is mesmerized and regards his saviors with deeper admiration.

He has seen and heard the story of adventurers subjugating very dangerous monsters and overcoming difficult obstacles. In his village, there were also adventurers staying there and doing the quests. However, they were nothing like in those stories. Their strength was more powerful than him, and he respected them. But that’s all there is. They did not leave him a strong impact like those depicted in the story.

These two girls are a different story, though. He has never witnessed anyone dealing with a large number of monsters so easily. Beside Makoto being a strong mage with many powerful spells, Yuuko’s skill with the swords and bare hand fighting left him a deep impression. Her attacks were quite brutal, yet they connected smoothly together without stopping. Right after she just finished one enemy, she already attacked the other one. The scene to him was as if she was dancing on the battlefield.

“Yuuko sis, you are so amazing.” Johno compliments.

“It’s really nothing, though. They are just too weak, after all.” Yuuko says while eating the fried crow’s leg.

“…” The boy looks down sadly upon her words. She is right. If he had not been so weak, he could have protected his family.

Makoto does not understand the language they are using, but she can grasp the content of the conversation. She hits Yuuko right at the hip for saying insensitive stuff.

“Don’t keep getting depressed like that. Knowing your weakness gives you the motivation to become stronger. Treasure your life and use that to train to the utmost. That way, you can avenge everyone in your village.” Yuuko says to him.

“But how can I be as strong as you? I heard that getting to level 20 requires more than 5 years of training and fighting in average, and reaching the next ten level even takes more time and is more difficult. I also doubt whether those level 30 warriors can be as strong as you. Yuuko-sis’s level must be more than 30, right?”

“Can you tell me more about the training the normal people usually use?” Yuuko asks with curiosity.

The identity Makoto and Yuuko are using now disciples of an old master who lives in the mountain, isolated from the rest of the society. Because they are orphans and have only lived on the mountain before, they have not much knowledge about the common sense of this world. So they were granted permission to climb down and traveled to study the human society.

This is the cover story in order to hide away any lead telling that they are people from another world. They do not know how this world’s people will treat illegal immigrants so it’s the best to hide away such identity. Although this background sounds very suspicious in many ways, this can be used to explain how they are unfamiliar with everything, or not having any identification record, or how they are so absurdly strong and have strange techniques.

After explaining their background, the boy makes an understanding nod and tells them everything they need to know.

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