《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 35: Encounter with the goblin riders


After the first fight in another world, the trio continue their journey to the human settlement. Luckily, with the ice magic available, cool icy water is now available for free to the whole group. Even so, Makoto was not satisfied with it and performed another experiment.

In order to get the water magic skill, Makoto manipulated the blood mixed lake, using a large amount of energy, but the result was not so satisfying. It seems that there is a rule for her manipulation ability to be recognized as a skill in the program, and that is to use it in combat and kill the enemy. Makoto did use the water as a medium to create ice binding the enemy, however she did not kill the goblins with waater. This hypothesis was later confirmed by drowning a separated goblin not faraway.

Makoto assumes that part of information to recognize the skill is only transferred to the body when there is bit from the killed enemy. Using the ability in daily activity does not trigger this situation.

That’s why the group do not hurry to human settlement, but find a group of monsters first. It is unknown when they can find any human so the first priority now is to strengthen themselves. Now, learning the way to become stronger permanently, both Lexar and Yuuko are excited to have this level up feeling and obtain the new skills belonging to this world. Makoto, in her mind, also has many other ideas and experiments she’d like to try too.

"It's strange." Lexar says.

"What is strange?" Yuuko asks.

"I don't know whether it's the goblin's habit in this world or not. It's strange for such a large amount of goblins to gather together like that." Lexar says.

"Now that you think about it? The number is too big for a random group of wild monsters." Yuuko nods.

"Judging from how they set camp, they certainly have some intelligence. They know how to put up simple tents, have weapons, rusted though, organize simple formation, and have guards on look out. That shows they are not simply a bunch of goblins." Lexar analyzes "I am afraid of the possibility that they are part of a very large organization."

Hearing that, Makoto stops her current line of thinking, shifts to a new idea "Lexar, can you locate any goblin nearby?"

"Let me try for a moment ..... Wait! I think that we have a problem." Through clairvoyance, Lexar sees a group of 5 goblins approaching the camp they have destroyed. However, different from the shabby equipments of the ones they defeated, this group have more decent equipments, with iron helmets, leather armors, and iron swords and spears. Each of them is riding a wolf, travelling with high speed. More importantly, the one leading is holding a flag with strange insigna on it.

"Goblin riders! And they appears to belong to an army." Lexar says.

"That's even better. Let's head back to the lake. You and Yuuko also need to gather some exp. Remember to spare one alive for me." Makoto immediately suggests.

Agreeing , two girls and one cat turn back and return to where the goblin riders are heading. Though their speed is not fast as the wolves, they can still travel quickly in the forest if they want to. Using wind magic, Makoto gives a speed boost on everyone while flying above the ground.

In less than 5 minutes, they travel back the same distance as they take 30 minute to work, facing the goblin riders who just arrive at the lake.


"######? ######? (Human!? All troops, prepare to engage.)" The goblin holding the flag says some incomprehensible language to everyone, except Yuuko.

"Careful! They are five time stronger than the normal goblins and the level is much higher too, especially the one with the flag." Makoto warns as she analyzes them.

"That's more like it. I am not interested in bullying too weak small fries. Lexar, you take the other four. I will take the one with flag." Yuuko says with excitement.

"Don't get too excited." Lexar reminds as he also charges forward.

Different from the wild goblins, the goblin riders are well trained and show composed manner. They do not charge on carelessly, but stick in formation with some distance appart. They are probably wary of the magic caster, Makoto who can perform area attack, based on the traces of the damage.

Holding the spear that is five time his height, the leading goblin spins it around while pushing his wolf to run forward. When Yuuko is in the range, he uses the inerta from the spin and swings the spear downward. In his hands, mana is channeled to enhance his muscle strength. This is one of his strongest techniques. With his riding partner, this attack had successfully killed a few orcs which were much stronger than him.


Weapons clash as Yuuko parries the spear with her sword. The force is nothing for her, but Yuuko is quite surprised with the technique the goblin showed. Failing the first attack, the goblin does not flatter but continue to attack.The thrusts and swings come rapidly, with the charge speed of the wolf, manage to display the speed and power impossible for a goblin, pushing Yuuko to continue defending.

On the other side, Lexar seems to take it easy. With a small build and extreme speed, the cat jumps on from one wolf head to the other nimbly while tearings the goblin's neck with his elongated sharp claws. In a few second, the four riders fall off the wolf one after another, leaving only the wolves to deal with.

The leading goblin, however, does not pay any heed to his subordinates, and continues to attack Yuuko. Charging pass Yuuko, the wolf suddenly makes a 180 degree sudden turn, and aims its jaw at Yuuko's leg, while the goblin attacks with the spear.

Yuuko dodges sideway, evading the wolf, then strikes its rider with a slash. But the goblin does something unexpected.

Feinting blocking with the spear for a split second, he slides down while still hugging on the wolf stomach with two legs, dodging Yuuko's sword while getting close to her at the same time. The goblin unsheathes the dagger in his armor quickly, then stabs Yuuko from low angle.

But his opponent is not a simple girl. While retracting the sword, she shifts the handle at the dagger and hits it hard, dragging the goblin along. The goblin falls down from the wolf after losing his balance. The wolf tries to turn back to rescue the rider, but a katana instantly flashes and the head separates the body.

"### (NO!)" The goblin shouts frustratedly at his partner death. The wolf is the pride of his standing in society, the proof of his power in the army. Losing it means losing half of his life.

He glares angrily at Yuuko and tries to stand up, but ends up getting stomp on the back and pinned on the ground. No matter how much he struggles, he cannot lift himself up.

With Yuuko's strength, she can even squash him with a stomp like a cockroach, but she did not do so. Because she figures that Makoto needs one alive as source of information, thus the leading one is sure to be the most knowledgeable. That's also why Lexar killed the other four goblins without hesitation. Yuuko's exp source can be replaced with the wolves.


While standing on the goblin, Yuuko materializes a bow in her hand. It is a bow with slight intricate design with red color and fire as a theme. As the string is stretched with a pointed iron head arrow, Yuuko channels the arrow with positive energy and shoots it.

The arrow makes a soft boom sound as it travels in the air. A hole with the size of ping pong ball appears on the targeted wolf, and through the hole, one can see the tail of an arrow sticking on the ground.

New skill obtained. Archery (Lv 3)

New skill obtained. Enhanced strength (Lv 4)

New skill obtained. Precision (Lv 5)

New skill obtained. Penetration (Lv 4)

Seeing the situation, the wolves do not have any courage or desire to revenge left, and turn to flee to the woods. Yuuko, this time, takes out 3 arrows and loads them on the bow at the same time. In place of the pointed iron head last time, these three arrows have four razor edged blade heads. When the arrows leave the bow, they make three different curves, moving in different directions, each aiming at a different wolf. And the result is three junks of scattered meat.

Compared to the previous attack, these arrows are much more violent, moving like three cyclones on the way. When they contact the wolf bodes, the arrows turn into blender machines, splatter the meat all over the place. The only intact parts are the heads and the foots.

Skill level up. Archery (Lv 7)

“Not so bad.” Yuuko mutters.

Seeing how terrifying the girl stepping on him is, the goblin is now dead silent. The only thing he is hopping for is not to upset these girls and make them kill him.

“Good work, you two. How’s the harvest?” Makoto comes over.

“One level and three skills.” Lexar says.

“I also level up once and get three skills.” Yuuko adds more force on her foot “Makoto, are you going to extract information from this thing?”

“Yeah, I have an idea how to do so, but I am not sure it will work. I should have asked to leave all of them alive, so that we could experiment all ideas.” Makoto is troubled.

“If that’s the case, may I try it first?” Yuuko then turns to the goblin underneath “#######? (Can you understand me?)” She speaks in an incomprehensible language.

Everyone, including the goblin, is shocked at Yuuko’s voice. They cannot believe that such strange voice is possible for a human.

“#########? (Impossible, how can a human know how to speak the Demonica Language?)” The goblin trembles as he speaks “##### (Don’t tell me you are the legendary cultivator?)”

“Cultivator? Do you have any idea what it is?” Yuuko turns to Lexar and Makoto.

“Cultivator is a term for the people who train martial art or mystical art, in order to achieve immortality and ascend to become a god. They often appear in Chinese fantasy novels.” Lexar explains.

“I am not familiar with Chinese novels. Are they strong?” Makoto questions.

“To be exact, it depends.” Lexar shows a worried expression “But I can say that they are very strong. In extreme case, a cultivator may have the ability to destroy the whole world, and there can be endless number of them. A lot of worlds in Chinese novels are very dangerous. If there are cultivators in this world, I think that we are going to have a difficult time just to survive.”

“That serious?” Makoto senses the gravity of the situation.

“The world of cultivators is very harsh. It’s purely the world where the strong rule over the weak. A fight until death is not simply as the losers only end up dead. Their souls will also be destroyed, without even having a chance for reincarnation or revival.” Lexar explains “Yuuko, get more information about the cultivator. We need to know about the strength of people in this world so that we can adjust our plan.”

“###### (If you don’t want to die, tell me more information about these cultivators.)” Yuuko presses the blade against the goblin’s neck.

After ten minutes of interrogation, the trio learn about the story of the previous war between the summoned hero and the demon, and how she destroyed the human countries she fought for.

“What do you think about it?” Yuuko asks.

“One good thing is that cultivation is not the mainstream of this world. However, that does not mean we can let our guard down. The power of top tier in this world can be very crazy. Let’s hope that we will not encounter any of these cultivator on our journey to find the way home.” Lexar says “However, to think that an RPG world did manage to summon a cultivator as a hero. I feel bad for the countries which summoned her.”

“Unfortunately, the Heaven Sect is highly to possess the technique to summon the people from another world. The summoned hero did destroy the countries which summoned her after all. The same technique does not pass down to the current human countries anymore.” Makoto says.

“Yeah, you are right. It is very likely that meeting them is the key to solve our problem. And if they are exactly what I imagine, they are probably still alive until now. Depending on our stance toward the human countries in this world, it will affect our position with the cultivators.” Lexar says.

“Why did that goblin think you are cultivator, Yuuko?” Makoto asks.

“Because I can speak and understand this Demonica language. This is possible due to my max Lv Language Comprehension skill. However, this goblin does not think like that. The human of this world, no matter what, cannot learn this Demonica language. If they try to learn it, the knowledge will corrupt their minds, slowly turning them into demons as their understanding increases. Learning Demonica is a taboo for the human. Only the cultivators who surpass human can learn this language without problem.” Yuuko answers.

“Now that I think about it. Why is it that only you have the Language Comprehension skill, but we do not? Is it because of the katana?” Makoto asks. The image of the Yuuko’s katana flashing before the explosion and transporting them to this world is still vivid in her mind.

“Un” Yuuko nods “I am not sure what happens, but I can sense a nostalgic feeling from the katana. It seems to tell me that it had already been here before.”

“Does that mean the other you had also been here before?” A thought comes to Lexar’s mind. After sharing with the girls, he came to know that the way he awoke their power is to have them converse with their other selves.

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