《Magical Girl Selector》Side story 1: Hinami's side (2)


Finishing memorizing the whole instruction manual, Hinami made a plan to utilize this drone.

(I need to eliminate those bat like creatures. If Lexar is not able to detect them, they must have a special mechanism to hide from his sight.) Hinami thinks.

Little did she know, the bat like creature that the other Hinami shot down accidentally exposed itself by emitting killing intent behind her.

This creature, which is called Spybat by its creature, has many functions suitable for spying activities, including: X ray vision, night vision, thermo vision, invisible cloak. Not only that, its big one eye that is basically the body are capable of hypnotizing, stunning the target for one to two second. Its claws have paralyzing poisons, if one is careless to be hit, a normal person will stay motionless for a whole one hour.

Suspecting of Lexar having ability to see hidden objects, the commander of the operation ordered the Spybats not to get into the cat’s line of sight. This bat which recorded Lexar’s battle with Jerome hid at the corner of the window behind the cat, thus it presence was not detected so far. Even if Lexar used Clairvoyance, he would not be able to detect it either. Its invisible cloak is impossible to see through with Clairvoyance, which uses normal vision.

Seeing Hinami leave the group, the Spybat silently followed her. Seeing her defendless state, it closely followed her, finding an opening to assassinate. When Hinami was submerging her head in the sink, the opportunity came and the bat flew straight at her neck. However, unluckily for it, the other Hinami had been paying attention to it all the time. Influenced by the sudden intimidation air, its attack halted in mid air, and as a result, got shot down.

Opening the door, Hinami slowly step out, with the drone flying behind. Leaning hand on the door, she kept the door open wide for the drone to move out without touching anything. Her trying to make movement look as natural as possible is to prevent the other Spybat from noticing anything coming from behind her. And her carefulness is correct, in a far corner of the T section, with the drone’s thermo vision, there is a flying bat.

Seeing Hinami’s strange headset, it quickly hides behind the wall but does not flee away, because Hinami is facing another direction. However, not knowing that, Hinami stiffens a little bit, worried that the drone is detected.

(It has not detected the drone yet, The colloid mirage system is not such an easy thing to be seen through so easily. Have confidence in my ability.) The other Hinami says.

Calmed down, Hinami makes a deep breath and analyzes the situation. She touches her head, realizing how dump she was, not hiding this strange headset. Because the headset is too comfortable while wearing and she is too focused in reading and thinking, she forgets about it.


(I am only lending you the drone and shooting skill. This time, you have to train your strategic view and thinking. I will only give you a hint when things turn to a bad situation.) The other Hinami’s words echo in her mind.

Now that the enemy thinks that she can see those things with her headset, she will make them think so.

Looking around, Hinami walks toward the corridor, opposite of where the Spybat ran to. The Spybat peeked its eye from the wall, confirming Hinami’s position. Seeing her unaware of its presence, the bat ascends and flies toward her. It is being careful, moving from behind one cover to another like a real professional spy. Sadly, such skillful movement is useless as it does not notice the drone that has been flying above it. Through the headset, even Hinami pities it while praising at the same time.

When the bat flies out behind a door, Hinami abruptly turns around and shoots at it with handgun equipped with silencer. Black liquid splashes around as the flying creature falls on the ground. The second Spybat is terminated.

(There should be no more observers following me. For my next step,…) Hinami looks at the emergency door stairs then the elevator after checking there is no more bat around the area.

She controls the drone to move next to the elevator control. As a tool for infiltration, it has some basic hacking abilities. Just by scanning the control with a blue light, the drone can hack into the system and control the elevator just by sending wireless information, despite no receiver on the system.

(This feels totally like magic in the form of science. If I have time, I should figure out how it works.) Hinami thinks as she observes the elevator door open. Inside is a pitch black area with two ropes hanging in the middle. She sends the drone to go inside and investigate.

As expected, the elevator cabin is below on the ground floor, while there is no bat detected inside. Perhaps, they cannot even get inside or do not even bother checking this place.

When the drone flies outside the elevator, Hinami jumps in and grabs on the rope. Having been set the instruction, the drone makes the elevator door shut then flies along the stair to go up. While climbing up, Hinami watches the drone’s journey through the headset.

There are two flying bats moving up and down in the stairs area. Their eyes are spinning around, scrutinizing every place for any trace of movement. Despite so, the drone just floats and moves right next to them without trouble. Even having discovered the bats, Hinami just directs the drone to go up without doing anything. She judges that there are many bats in the hospital. Eliminating one or two of them will not solve anything.


When the drone reaches the highest floor, it moves toward the elevator where Hinami’s place is connected to. There is one bat patrolling the area. Right when Hinami is thinking how to deal with it, a sudden explosion occurs in the hospital.

The rope Hinami hangs on sways a few time. She tightly grips it while worrying (Has fighting finally occurred? Makoto, Yuuko, Lexar) .

With the explosion occurred, the bat that is hanging around in front of the elevator moves away. Seeing the chance, the drone opens the door and Hinami swiftly jumps out and hides in nearby room.

The top floor is a staff dormitory. It is built for doctors and nurses who stay overnight at the hospital. At this moment, the whole floor is empty without any person except Hinami. It is also due to this reason, the whole floor only has one bat patrolling around. The one in charge of this layout expected the survivors would escape by going down to the ground floor, not going up. Even if the girls try to escape through airway, the bats outside the hospital can detect it. As Hinami uses the drone to scan the surrounding through the window, she finds more than 20 bats flying around.

(Good thing, no one is here. I can concentrate on operating this thing with ease now) Hinami hides in a wardrobe then changes the view of the drone to full screen.

Using an already open window, the drone flies out then turns to have a good overall look on the hospital. There is a hole that is big enough to see interior structure of three floors. Next to the hole, she can see her two friends with a cat being surrounded by a bunch of people. Judging from how ferocious their faces are, something must be wrong with them. However, if it is only to this extend, they should not pose a threat to Makoto group.

Hinami continues to survey the whole hospital. What worries her is the cause of the explosion. Out of the four people with special power, Hinami is the only one who can cause such a destructive explosion. However, she was not the one who caused it, which means the explosion was caused by the enemy. Finding the monsters capable of that is one of her top priority.

Using the thermo vision, Hinami surveys the whole hospital again. Except the heat source generated people and some machines, there are intense heat at multiple locations. From the shape, they have one big glowing bag on two legs, which are enough for Hinami to judge them as monsters. They are spread out at different places on different floors. However, the places where they are all concentrated are the lower floors. Luckily, her friends are heading upstairs, where there seems to be no such monster, or else they are going toward a bomber lair.

That is not only her discovery. At a different place, Hinami detects two groups of people are fighting each other. A group of two, one fighting and one hiding, are facing against a group of armed people. Switching back to normal vision, Hinami realizes that it is Meiya Sugihara who is hiding, and the one covering her is a strange looking robot like from a mecha anime. Though unsure, she highly suspects that it is Takagi Sugihara. Meanwhile, on the opposing side are a bunch of men dressed like tactical squad with black mask covering their faces and bulletproof vests. Both sides are exchanging fire rapidly while taking covers. Using a laser rifle and a large shield, Takagi seems to have an upper hand, but is still struggling against the torrent of bullets. The shield is punctured with numerous holes that is enough to scare anyone with Tyrophobia.

Witnessing the battle, beside Hinami, are two Spybats, one on each side. One is calmly observing the battlefield, while the other one is slowly approaching Meiya. At that time, Hinami knows she cannot stay silent anymore. If Meiya is attacked, Takagi will be distracted and get in danger immediately.

Still being invisible, the drone crashes through the glass window behind the armed men. While everyone is shocked at the sudden development, the two rifles lock on the two bats, while the miniguns and flamethrower aim at the men. There are some crystal shards on the drones, but one second is not enough for everyone to process what it means, and that costs one fatal second to make a good decision.

As the miniguns spin its deadly tune, the two rifle bullets pierce through the two bats at the middle of the eyes. At the same time, a ray of red fire sweeps through the corridor, swallowing anyone in its range. The fire is so intense that the concrete shows sign of melting. The bodies are immediately incinerated into ash immediately in a matter of second. The intense gunfight finally ends with the complete annihilation of armed men.

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